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Brandon POV

I walked the streets between our apartment and the hospital, searching for Callie. I had called her dozens of times but she wasn't answering. I went to our apartment, wondering if she couldn't make it to the hospital at all and was still at home. When I got to the apartment building the lobby was filled with people, neighbors had flooded down stairs and police officers were standing around.

Officer- excuse me sir.. we arn't letting anyone in the building right now.

Brandon- why? what happened.

Officer- we have some residents that got stuck in the elevator.

Brandon- I'm looking for my wife.. she called me and said she was in labor.

Officer- your wife is Callie Foster?

Brandon- yes, do you know where she is?

Officer- shes in the elevator.

Brandon- she.. the elevator!

Callie POV

The contractions were only seconds apart now. I gripped the rail on the wall of the elevator. I was not prepared for the pain I was feeling and was scared to deliver this baby any where other than a hospital but I knew that I couldn't hold on much longer. 

Callie- I can't.. I can't do this..

Karen- just hang in there.. they'll have the elevator fixed any minute.

Callie- no Karen.. this baby won't wait.

Karen- what are you saying?

Callie- I'm having this baby now.. and you have to help me.

Karen- okay.. okay, just tell me what to do.

Callie- take off your jacket so we have something to wrap the baby in..

Karen- okay.

Callie- oh..

Karen- what? what is it?

Callie- I have to push now.. 

Brandon POV

Brandon- I don't understand! why can't they get in the elevator?

Officer- they're trying to fix it but the elevator is stuck between floors.

Brandon- can't you at least get a doctor to climb in there and check on Callie?

Officer- we have medics on hand but they can't do anything until we get the elevator shaft open, I'm sorry we are doing everything we can..

Brandon- It has been hours since Callie called me, what if she..

We all suddenly heard the loud sound of a baby crying coming from inside the elvator. Everyone remained silent as the sound of the cry continued. 

Callie POV

An ambulance took us to the hospital after they got us out of the elevator. Just a little while ago I was trapped in an elevator giving birth. Now Brandon, the baby, and I all sat in a hospital room. I held the baby in my arms.

Callie- this is exactly how I imagined it..

Brandon- really?

Callie- well.. not the giving birth in an elevator part but.. us all being together like this.

Brandon- I can't believe you got stuck in the elevator.

Callie- just my luck.. I couldn't believe what I was going through in that elevator.

Brandon- it was driving me crazy, not being able to be there with you.

Callie- I'm just glad it all worked out.. shes perfect.

Brandon- what are we going to name her?

Callie- I don't know.. I feel kind bad I've been calling her a he all these months..

Brandon- I don't think she'll hold it against you.

Callie- well.. if it was a boy I wanted to name him after you..

Brandon- really?

Callie- yeah but, since its a girl.. I was thinking.. Brooke.

Brandon- Brooke?

Callie- Brooke Colleen Foster.

Brandon- Colleen? after your mom..

Callie- yeah, what do you think?

Brandon- its perfect..

Callie- you want to hold her?

Brandon- absolutely.

I handed Brandon the baby, sat back and watched him. She reached up and clamped her small hand around his finger. Seeing my baby born now I had finally come to a realization that I had a voided for the past nine months. I knew now that this was my family, I could no longer torture myself by looking back to San Diego. I would always love each of them but I knew now that I could never go back. I was a mother now and I knew my baby needed me more than I needed them.

Stef POV

Stef- what took you so long? you were supposed to meet me hours ago!

Karen- I got held up.. Callie had the baby.

Stef- she did! is she okay?

Karen- yeah, she and the baby are fine.

Stef- what is it? boy? girl..

Karen- its a girl, look.. I came here to tell you I can't continue this anymore.

Stef- you have to, I'm paying you to do a job.

Karen- I know but.. I already located them for you, now its up to you. You need to make up your mind about what you plan to do.

Stef- I hired you as a private investigator to gain information on them, now if its more money you need then..

Karen- its not about the money, I can't follow them for you anymore. Stef they are happy here, their doing good. Isn't that the reason you wanted to find them in the first place? to make sure they were okay..

Stef- yes.

Karen- then I suggest you go back to San Diego and let them go.. if you show yourself to them they will just run again, at least this way you can know where they are and know they are safe and happy.

Stef- I don't know if I can just walk away.

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