Letting Go

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Brandon POV

I lay in bed that night. I kept thinking back to earlier, telling moms. They're reaction was bad, not that I expected it to be good but it was really bad. It was the hardest seeing Callie fall apart, the tears falling from her eyes as mom yelled and Lena tried to calm her down. They finally sent us both to bed, saying they needed the night to think about things. I turned over in bed again, not being able to sleep. The clock said two in the morning, I heard my bedroom door open. I saw Callie come in and close the door behind her, I sat up in my bed.

Brandon- Callie, whats wrong?

She didn't answer she just stood there, then I saw a tear drop from her eye.

Brandon- oh.. Callie, come here.

She came over and wrapped her arms around me. She let loose and cried into my shoulder as I hugged her.

Brandon- its okay..

Callie- I'm sorry for just coming in here I.. I just felt so scared.

Brandon- I don't mind but.. I don't want you to get in any more trouble.

Callie- I don't care anymore.

Callie POV

We laid in Brandon's bed cuddled up together.  knew I couldn't stay long or Stef and Lena would catch us but I needed this right now, I needed to feel safe.

Callie- they said they would tell me what they decided in the morning, but I already know.. they're going to send me away.

Brandon- you don't know that.

Callie- If they send me away whats gonna happen to us? 

I snuck back into my room at 4 AM. When I got back into my own bed I still couldn't sleep, I got up early and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Stef and Lena were already there drinking there cups of coffee.

Stef- come in here Callie.

I came in the kitchen carefully studying their body language, trying to figure out what there decision would be.

Lena- have a seat.

I sat down as they stood across the table from me.

Stef- we have been talking about this all night and have come to a decision.

Callie- are you going to send me away?

Lena- Callie we don't want to do that but..

Callie- but you are..

Stef- Callie we want you to have an abortion.

Lena- we postponed the adoption date for a few weeks so we could have time to deal with this.

Stef- we don't want this to change things, if you have the abortion we can move forward as planned. Otherwise you will have a very tough road ahead of you.

Brandon POV

I woke up and went to search out Callie right away. The house seemed strangely empty this morning, I finally found her sitting in the backyard. I walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Callie- hey

Brandon- hey, where is everyone?

Callie- um, they all went out for breakfast.

Brandon- oh.. okay.

Callie- I asked if they could give us some time alone to talk.

Brandon- did they tell you what they decided this morning?

Callie- yeah.. they did.

Brandon- they arn't really gonna send you away, are they?

Callie- no.

Brandon- whats wrong then?

Callie- I'm getting an abortion.

Brandon- what? I don't understand.

Callie- I'm getting the abortion and  Stef and Lena are adopting me.

Brandon- they can't.. they can't force you to get an abortion!

Callie- they arn't forcing me, I decided this is the best thing.

Brandon- the best thing for who!

Callie- for everyone, I would have already had the abortion if you hadn't stopped me.

Brandon- Callie please don't do this.

Callie- I'm sorry, but if I don't do this then Stef and Lena won't adopt me and I'll get sent away somewhere. Whats gonna happen to our baby then?

Brandon- exactly! its our baby.. its a part of you and me.

Callie- the abortions scheduled for Friday morning.

Callie got up and started walking towards the house.

Brandon- Callie..

I watched her disappear into the house, I sat there feeling so hurt. Last night Callie was laying in my arms and this morning she tells me shes getting an abortion. What could I do to get through to her. I don't know if I'm ready to be a father, but I'm not ready to let this baby go.

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