Chapter 4

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Winnie's Pov
"Winnie,wake up." Nick said shaking me awake. "We gotta go to school."
"Ugh, why?" I groaned. I've always hated school, I always end up getting bullied and in trouble.
"Just get ready." he said walking out of my room. I took a shower and done my business. I put on undergarments. I had on white skinny jeans with rips, pink shirt that says 'Aéropostale', and black sandals. I let my long dirty blonde curly hair let loose. It's 8:00, I grabbed a apple and ate it and grabbed my bag along with Nick.
"The driver is going to take you to school, and we will pick you up." The note on the refrigerator said.
"Nick, I'm scared." I said looking at my feet.
"It's going to be fine." he said hugging me. Yeah, he can say that because he's not getting bullied.
"Bye driver." me and Nick said in unison.
"Nick, I'll meet you after school." I said side hugging him.
"Bye sis." he said walking to his locker.
"Hey, I'm Bailey." The girl said from next to me.
"I'm Winnie." I said smiling at her, her smile drops.
"Oh no, there's Jake." she said looking into her locker.
"Who's Jake?" I asked pulling her from the locker. (Picture of Jake on the side, it's the same Jake from the orphanage)
"He's my bully." she said trying to hide her face.
"Hey munch." he said lifting up her chin. "When I talk to you, you look at me." He clenched his fist and was about to hit her. He swung but it never hit her.
"Not today." I said smirking and holding his fist.
"Who are you?" he said pulling away from me.
"None of your business." I snapped as I grabbed Bailey. "c'mon, let's go."
"You'll regret you did that!" Jake yelled down the hallway and his two goonies following him.
"Why'd you do that? Are you crazy?" she yelled/whispered.
"I stuck up for you, I've been bullied and I know it's not fun." I said.
"Let's go to first period." she said grabbing my wrist and pulling me to math.
~final bell~
"I'm ready to get home." I said as me and Bailey started walking.
"Hey Winnie, nice to see you here." Jake said coming around the corner.

"Bailey leave." I said.
"I don't want to leave you." she said.
"Just go." I said and she nodded and left.
"What do yo-" I was cut off by a slapped in the face. Then, a kick to my stomach.
"That's what you get for getting into my business." He said crouching at my level. "Now get out of my sight."
"Hey, win-" Nick stopped midsentence. "what happened?"
"Nothing don't worry about it." I said as I climbed into the backseat. I just looked out the window and waited till I got home, my stomach hurt.
"Hey, guys!" the boys said in unison. Louis ran up and hugged me.
"Ow, I just wanna sleep." I groaned as louis let go. I felt dizzy and fell on the floor.
~Nicks Pov~
"Winnie, wake up." I yelled.
"She's weak, go get a cold rag!" Liam ordered Louis.
"I got her." I said picking me up bridal style.
"Be careful." Niall said as I carried her to my room.
"Winnie is it ok if I change you?" I asked her.
"Yeah, but lock the door. I don't want them getting in." She said weakly.
"They can't hurt you anymore." I said as I locked the door and put sweat pants on her, I took off her shirt and saw a huge bruise. I quickly put on her shirt lifted her head. "Winnie where did you get that bruise?"
"W-what b-bruise?" she stuttered and wouldn't look at me, so I knew she was lying.
"Winnie, don't lie to me. You have one on your face and on your stomach." I said as I clenched my jaw.
"Nothing happened, Nick. It was just a little fight." she said hoarsely.
"Winnie, a little fight that doesn't look like a little hit. I thought you trusted me?!" I said as I got up and put my hands in my hair.
"I do, but I'm scared you'll go after him and fight him." she said and got wide eyes and put her hand over her mouth.
"Did you say 'him'? As in a boy? A boy hit you?" I snapped as my blood boiled and I got angry. "what the hell?!" I punched the wall putting a hole in it.
"Nick, your hand." she screamed and the five boys banged on the door.
"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" I heard Harry yell. Next thing I know, Zayn busted the door down.
"Winnie, Nick?!" Louis screamed.
~Louis's Pov~
"Did you guys see the bruise on her face?" I asked while sitting on the couch.
"Yeah." the all said in unison.
"I hear yelling. Do you wanna go check on them?" I asked as I started to get up.
"No, let them work i-" Liam stopped mid-sentence as we heard a bang.
"Let's go!" Niall yelled. As we walked up I heard sobbing from Winnie.
"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Harry yelled. Then, Zayn busted down the door. I just saw Nick on the floor with knees to his chest with his knuckles bloody and a hole in the wall. Winnie had knees buried in her chest on the bed sobbing. "Angel, c'mere, angel" He was going towards Winnie. she shook her head and scooted farther away.
"Leave her alone!" Nick screamed as he stepped in front of Harry. And Nick was madder than fire. His face was red and he was heavy breathing.
"What if I don't want to?!" Harry screamed back.
"I'll make you! Don't touch my sister!" Nick hissed getting into Harry's face.
"Harry, get out." Zayn said as he dragged Harry out. Nick went over to Winnie and put her in his lap.
"Winnie, it's ok no ones going to hurt you." Nick said stroking her hair. She was clinging to his shirt.
"Nick, go downstairs eat, and cool off." Liam said as he walked towards the bed.
"No, none of you touch my sister either!" he said giving Liam a death glare. Liam looked shocked and hurt.
"How are we suppose to get her to trust us if you always have her?!" screamed Liam as his face got red.
"Because, I'm her brother! I'm suppose to protect her!" he screamed as Winnie flinched. "its ok. Just go to sleep."
"Now get out, I'll calm her down." he said giving us a glare that could kill.
~Nicks Pov~
"Winnie, look at me. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." I said as tears welled in my eyes.
"It's fine. You didn't know." she said looking at me with tears In her eyes. I just wiped them away, and kissed her forehead. "I'm hungry, can we get carrots?"
"Yeah, let's go." I chuckled. "meet me down there, you have blood on your shirt."
"Ok, bossy pants." she said chuckling.
"You do know I love you right?" I asked as I hugged her and kissed her cheek.
"Yes, and I love you too." she said as she hugged me back. "now, I'll get changed and you get my carrots ready."
"Yes, m'am." I said as I wrapped my hand in gauze and walked downstairs.
"Hey Nick." all the boys said except Harry. When I went to the fridge I got the carrots Harry moved away from me.
"What's your problem?" I grumbled.
"You're my problem." He said standing up straight.
"What'd I do to you?" I asked sternly.
"It's your fault she don't trust us. Your always babying her and can't none of us help." he said in all seriousness. I opened my mouth to say something but I heard a girl voice beat me to it.
"Harry, it's not his fault I don't trust you! He wasn't the one who called me a slut and hit me!" she screamed and got in his face.
"I told you I was s-"
"Well, maybe sometimes sorry doesn't cut it." she interrupted him.
"You deserved it!" he screamed at her.
"Hold that thought." she said as she turned towards me, oh no. I knew what she was about to ask. "Nick, should I give him my look?"
"Winnie, I don't think you should." I said shaking my head no.
"What's the look?" Louis said looking confused.
"Why did you ask that, Louis?!" I groaned.
"This is my look." Winnie said as she got in his face and gave him a glare.
"Leave or I'll beat your ass." She said and tilted her head.
"What if I don't want to?" he said with a mischievous grin.
"This is your last warning." she said balling her hands into fist.
"I'm not sc-" Harry got interrupted by Winnie's fist connecting to Harry's face.
"Now, leave or you'll get another one." she said as Harry walked upstairs. All the other boys were looking at her scared.
"Ok, now can I have my carrots?" she asked as she smiled.
"Yeah, here." I said as I handed her the carrots.
~authors note~
If you didn't understand, Jake in this chapter is the one from the orphanage, his pick is above. Read, vote, and comment! 😝

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