Chapter 117

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Winnie's Pov

"What's up Winnie?" Ethan gritted through his teeth and pushed me on the floor, I didn't see Jake, I saw crystal blues eyes, it was Ethan. He crawled on top of me and pinned my arms down above my head, He kissed my neck.

"Please." I begged and he looked at me.

"Please? Please what?" He snapped and I flinched.

"Ethan, I thought you'd never hurt me, I'd rather have Jake do it because won't make me feel like you don't love me." I said and tears formed in my eyes and his face softened.

"Winnie." He said.

"Just please get off me." I said softly and he did, I scooted away but he crawled towards me and I hit the wall. "Don't hurt me please Ethan please."

"Winnie, please. I'm sorry, I just got mad about the things you said." he said looking into my eyes the whole time, I shook my head.

"Get out." I said.

"No." he said softly.

"Get out, you're my best friend, not-" I interrupted by his lips mine, they move in sync, I pulled away and shook my head. "I'm done."

"No Winnie, we've came this far and we're not quitting now." he gritted through his teeth.

"Ethan you're right, I'm scared of you, you don't take that into account when you get angry." I said.

"Winnie, you can get angry but I can't? You get violent too." he defended himself.

"My hits aren't harder than yours are Ethan," I said. "I swear, sometimes do you even really care about how I feel? Oh wait, no you don't because you can just leave and don't think." My jaw hurt, he punched me and I flew into the floor holding my jaw.

"That doesn't matter, it's still the same! It's your fault I always get mad, so why can't I get mad with you?" he yelled and his face softened, those words may not seem like much but they stung, bad, and I started crying. The hit didn't hurt but it did inside. "Wait, no Winnie, I didn't mean it," He set me on his lap where both of my feet were on one side and I had my head on his chest, crying. He stroked my hair and I could hear him forcing back tears, he rocked back and forth. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Winnie. I didn't mean too. I didn't mean it Winnie, I swear. It's not your fault. It's not your fault, it's not."

"Ethan, you punched me on purpose." I sobbed out.

"Winnie, I just got really mad, I'm sorry, I didn't mean too," He said and I got up. "We have kids and I never want to lose you, I want to marry you and die with you. I love Winnie and I can't imagine my life without you, I can't take that punch back and I don't blame you if you don't take me back."

"I love you, Ethan Jake," I said. "I have to pack for my game if you don't mind. I also have a gift for you."


"It isn't a regular gift," I said and got the box and put it in front of him. "Before you open box, anything you find, you can't get mad." he nodded and opened it.

"Can I open the book." he asked.

"Um, yeah but there is one thing that is weird in there so don't look at it," I said and he nodded. I grabbed my football bag and put in my jersey, cleats, toiletries, etc. I finished and looked at Ethan and he closed the box. "Happy?" I smiled and sat in his lap. "Did I ever tell you I love you?" He looked like he was thinking.

"Yeah, lots of times because I love you too. By the way, how much do you love me?" he asked and I smiled.

"More than you'll ever know, Ethan." I said and kissed him.

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