Chapter 14

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Winnie's Pov
"I have my memory back." I said shocked. "I slapped dad, fought Hazzy, whooped Liam's bum in fighting and got in a lame argument, Eric and the gym." I looked straight at Jake. "Jake, come here." he had a fear look on his face. Probably, from seeing me fight. He got in front of me.
"Yes?" he asked me. I softened my face and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was shocked but hugged me back.
"Thank you for what you did in the gym. We've fought and argued and you still protected me." I whispered in his ear.
"Your welcome, I knew I didn't want him to hurt you. And I'm sorry about the gym." he whispered back. We pulled apart and he had a shy smile on his face.
"Forgive and forget?" I asked him with a slight smile.
"Yes, thank you." he said looking happy. I turned towards the boys and Nick looked mad.
"Nick, cool your tits!" I yelled with a smile. "you know I hate grudges!" I ran and hugged him. He tensed but hugged me back. I turned towards Ethan and all I saw was hurt and jealousy. My smile disappeared and had a hurt expression on my face.
"Save it." he snapped and walked outside.
"Win-" I heard Liam start.
"Shut up!" I yelled and ran upstairs. I ran to my room, locked the door, and changed into pajama pants and a big shirt. I crawled into the corner, curled in a ball, and just cried. I didn't notice someone came in. I felt two arms snake around me. And I started shaking.
"Angel, calm down." I heard Harry's voice coo. I missed Harry's hugs.
"How can I calm down?" I asked through sobs. "Ethan's mad me."
"No, I'm not." I heard Ethan's voice. "I got it from here Harry." Harry nodded. "Come here, Lollie." Ethan pulled me into his lap, he took both my hands in his and I laid my head on his chest.
"Your hand fits in mine
Like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind
It was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes
When you smile
You've never loved
Your stomach or your thighs,
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do
It's you
Oh, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things
You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me
I know you've never loved
The sound of your voice on tape
You never want
To know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you,
It's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things
You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you
And you'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to.
If I let you know I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh.
And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you,
Oh, it's you,
It's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you,
It's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all your little things"
"Let's go to bed." he said and picked me up bridal style. He laid me down on my bed and took off his shirt. He had jogging pants on, I got comfortable and he put his arm around my waist and drifted into a deep sleep.
I woke up and ran to the bathroom and got sick. I felt someone pull my hair back. Ethan. I stood up and brushed my teeth really good.
"Where are you going?" Ethan asked.
"I'm going to get something to drink to get this taste out of my mouth." I answered and nodded and laid back down. I hope I'm not pregnant, I can't be pregnant! I walked downstairs and saw someone sitting in the kitchen. I saw curls. Harry, he sniffled but didn't notice me. "Hazzy?" I called his name in a soft voice.
"Yes angel?" he answered back.
"Hazzy, I need a Hazzy Harry hug. I need someone to talk to." I admitted and sat in his lap and started crying.
"What's wrong, angel?" he asked hugging me.
"Can we go walking? I need to talk to someone and I don't want anyone to know yet." I asked.
"Yes angel. Let me get a shirt." he said and I waited by the door. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah." I answered and shut the door. This is gonna be a long walk, we walked out and started walking down the sidewalk.
"So, what do you wanna talk about?" he asked and I swear I'm scared.
"I'm scared if tell you, you might not want me anymore." I admitted and Harry stopped dead in his tracks.
"Angel, no matter what it is, I'm always gonna want you." he said in all seriousness.
"IthinkImightbepregnant." I said really fast.
"Why?" he asked looking concerned.
"You remember when Ethan, Nick, and I got kidnapped?" I asked and Harry had tears in his eyes.
"No, angel, no. He raped you, didn't he?" he asked looked sorry. I nodded. "angel, I'm so sorry. I should have been there for my angel." he hugged me tightly and was crying.
"Why are you crying?" I asked with a grin.
"Because, you got hurt." he replied.
"I'm scared Hazzy, out of all seriousness. I wanted to have kids but I'm 14 for god sakes. I'm gonna be 15 in two days." I said.
"I know your scared and trust me your birthday is going to be special." he said smiling his goofy smile.
"Please, can I plan it? Because, your gonna say that's not gonna happen, and then it happens and everything is gonna go wrong. I just want Bailey, Ethan, Nick, and maybe Jake? And no alcohol!" I said with pleading eyes.
"Okay, fine!" he pouts.
"And this..." I started pointing to my stomach. "stays between me and you. Got it?"
"Got it!" he said smiling. "Let's get back before they notice were gone." we walked back. We finally got to the house and opened the door quietly. We sneaking upstairs and then a lamp came on. Liam, was sitting, and with a mad face. Oh shit, were in trouble.
"Hey, Liam." I said nervously.
"Don't hey Liam me. Where have you two been?" he asked trying to stay calm.
"Outside." I answered calmly.
"Well, duh!" He said in a 'duh' tone. "why were you outside?"
"Why are you asking so many questions?" I shot back and knew I made a mistake.
"Winnie Makayla Tomlinson." He whispered yelled and got my face.
"Liam James Payne." I whisper yelled.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" he asked.
"Because, I am." I shot back and felt my face sting. I looked back and slapped him. I got to remember I can't fight.
"You really wanna do this again?!" he asked with a red face.
"Ye-No." I said and shook my head and ran upstairs. I ran and looking down and ran into someone. Zayn.
"Woah, slow down." he said and saw I was trying not to crying. "what's wrong?" he looked concerned.
"Nothing, just leave me alone." I said and wiggling from his gripped and I ran into my room and locked the door.
"Winnie, open the door!" I heard Zayn yell. I looked in the bed and Ethan wasn't there.
"Lollie, open the door!" I heard Ethan yell this time.
"GO AWAY!" I screamed back.
"What's going on?!" I heard Dad scream.
"Winnie, won't open the door." Zayn said.
"Carrot Princess!" I heard dad yell.
"Dad, not now!" I screamed. They kept banging on the door but I had to calm down. I'll just sing.
Shut the door
Turn the light off
I wanna be with you
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this
Even though I try
Heart beats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands
Touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face
If we could only have this life
For one more day
If we could only turn back time
You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today
Close the door
Throw the key
Don't wanna be reminded
Don't wanna be seen
Don't wanna be without you
My judgment's clouded
Like tonight's sky
Hands are silent
Voice is numb
Try to scream out my lungs
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face
If we could only have this life
For one more day
If we could only turn back time
You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today
Flashing lights in my mind
Going back to the time
Playing games in the street
Kicking balls with my feet
There's a numb in my toes
Standing close to the edge
There's a pile of my clothes
At the end of your bed
As I feel myself fall
Make a joke of it all
You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today
You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today"
By the time I finished singing they weren't there anymore. I got hungry, I just put some concealer over the handprint, I got dressed in baggy sweatpants, white tank top, purple crop top, Harry's black beanie, and socks. I walked into the kitchen and saw all of them eating pancakes. I just grabbed one pancake and got my bottle and headed up to my room. I could feel their stares but I'm ignoring them for right now. Except Harry. I shut my door and grabbed my iPhone and went on Wattpad, I was reading a fanfiction about one direction. I just put one headphone in and was listening to love more by Chris brown, I started humming along. I like this, peace and quiet.
"I see you like fanfictions." I heard a voice say. I spoke to soon. It belonged to Harry. I made sure the door was locked.
"Hazzy, what am I going to do?" I whispered.
"Angel, I promise it's gonna be fine." he assured me and hugged me. "just tell the boys when your ready." He poked my nose and I chuckled. "There's my Winnie winning smile I missed." my smile grew. He touch my face and I winced. "What's wrong?" he licked his thumb and wiped off some of the concealer. "Liam, slapped you didn't he?"
"Yeah, but slapped him back and we were about to fight again...again. But, I remembered I couldn't." I told him laughing.
"Is that why you were about to cry?" he asked getting mad.
"Hazzy, how many times have I got hit in this house and I haven't cried. I was trying not to cry because this stress isn't good." I admitted.
"Oh, I got you something." he said and pulled out two pregnancy test.
"Thanks, I'll be right back." I said and he nodded his head.
~5 minutes later~
My nightmare was revealed, I was pregnant. I tied the pregnancy tests in a plastic bag and threw them in the trash. I walked out and saw Harry with my sketch book.
"Hazzy!" I yelled as I snatched it away.
"There really good!" he said and saw one of me and him.
"Yeah, right." I said. "Hazzy, I am." he was shocked.
"What if the others become ashamed of me?" I asked as I fell on my bum.
"They won't." he said and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm gonna make you guys look bad." I said still shocked.
"Your not, and trust me. I am going to love you either way." he said and pulled away.
"HARRY!" I heard Liam from downstairs. We went out of the room and stood at the top of the steps.
"What?" he asked looking at him.
"We have a interview in 2 hours." Liam said.
"Haha!" I picked on him.
"You and Nick have to go." he said and walked to the lounge room.
"Ugh!" I groaned and went to my room to get dressed. I just put on grey skinny jeans, a black tank top, a hot pink crop top that said 'don't let the halo fool you', and black converses with hot pink shoelaces. I just made sure the handprint was covered up and let my hair down with loose waves. Thank god I don't have a baby bump.
"Everyone ready?" Dad yelled.
"Yeah!" everyone said in unison.
"Let's go boys and girl!" Dad yelled. Ethan stayed at home. So, I sat on Harry's lap. I just was on my phone playing temple run 2.
"We're here." Liam announced.
"Nice for stating the obvious." I muttered under my breath. Harry heard me.
"Hey, everyone! We have 5 special guests today!" the interviewer said. "One direction!" the audience started cheering. "Hey, how you doing today?" I think her name is Diane.
"Great." they all said. She asked a few more questions then she had to bring us up.
"Well, we've noticed that you've adopted two children. What are their names?" She asked.
"Nick and Winnie." Harry answered.
"Aw, I wish we could meet them." she said smiling.
"Well, their actually backstage right now." Liam said. Of course Liam.
"Well, let's bring them out." Diane said. We walked out and I sat on Harry's lap and Nick sat next to dad. "So, how are you two today?" she asked smiling.
"Good." we said smiling.
"That's excellent." she said. "how is it living with these five guys?"
"Well, they can be a handful but their great around when you need to laugh." I answered.
"Well, last question." she said and the audience groaned. "Well, Winnie and Nick do you argue a lot?"
"We have our moments but mostly little ones." Nick answered.
"Well, that's all the time we have!" she announced. "see you next time." she closed out. I jumped on Harry's back and he carried me through the paps and to the limo.
"I'm tired." Harry said.
"Me too." I said sitting on Harry's lap again and I saw no Niall. "Where's Niall?"
"He went to go pick up his girlfriend." Dad replied. I nodded and I cuddled into Harry's chest and fell asleep.
"Angel, wake up. Were home." I heard Harry's voice.
"Ok." I groaned and got out. I walked inside and he Niall and girl voice in lounge room. Wow, even more people.
"Hey, Niall. Who's this?" I asked.
"This is Carmen, my girlfriend. Carmen, this is Winnie." he introduced us. And saw she was eating something, It's my carrots.
"What are you eating, Carmen?" I asked calmly but I was really mad.
"Carrots." she replied nicely.
"Oh, are they my carrots?" I asked.
"Yeah, I didn't think you would mind." he said and I nodded and sat in the chair and playing temple run 2. "I'll be right back Carmen." I heard Niall say but I didn't look up. Suddenly someone yanked me up by my shirt. What the hell?
"Listen here bitch! If I wanna eat your carrots then I will. And it doesn't matter I got Niall wrapped around my finger." she spat.
"No, you listen here! You touch me one more time and your little fake self gonna get a personal buttkick." I spat back.
"What's going on in here?!" I heard Niall yell. And Carmen fell to the ground crying.
"She called me a bitch and told me she was gonna beat me up for eating her carrots!" she said through sobs.
"No, I didn't! She's lying!" I screeched.
"Winnie, why would you threaten her for eating carrots?!" he yelled and got in my face.
"I didn't! Your gonna believe her over your own sister?!" I screamed.
"The first day that we got you, you said that if someone touched your carrots then bad things would happen." he screamed. "your not even my sister anymore! I don't want a sister that would threaten someone over carrots!"
"I can't believe you Niall!" I screamed.
"What's going on in here?!" I heard Liam yell.
"Winnie, threatened Carmen for eating her carrots!" Niall yelled.
"Winnie, I can't believe you did that!" Dad yelled.
"That's because I didn't!" I screamed tearing threatening to leave my eyes. "Nick, Zayn?" they shook their heads. "Hazzy?" I had tears forming in my eyes.
"Go to your room Winnie!" Zayn yelled and Harry shook his head. I got a sharp pain in my side.
"Ah!" I groaned clutching my side and bending over.
"Angel are you okay?" Harry asked coming beside me.
"Get off me, go believe that fake bimbo over me!" I screeched and ran upstairs and locked door and cried.
"What happened?!" I heard Ethan yell.
"Winnie, threatened Carmen." I heard Liam say.
"Hey, El!" I heard Dad say.
"What happened?" she asked and dad explained. "Hey, Louis. I forgot something in your room, can I go get it?"
"Sure." Dad said and I heard footsteps. I heard a knock on the door.
"Winnie, open the door. I believe you." El whispered. I went and opened the door and she came in.
"You do?" I asked with hopeful eyes. "and I'm sorry for fighting you."
"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said the things I did." she said and hugged me. "I just get jealous." We laughed.
"Why do you believe me?" I asked.
"Because, when I first met Carmen, Louis and Niall left the room, she told me to stay away from Niall. I just never told anyone because, I know they would do me the same way their doing you." she admitted, El sweeter than I thought.
"Even Hazzy didn't believe me." I said softly. "It just pains me that they believe that fake bimbo downstairs over their own sister and daughter. Even Nick didn't believe me."
"It's gonna be okay." she assured me and pulled me in for another hug. "how about you clean up and we go to the mall and get away from these losers?"
"Yeah, sure." I answered and went and washed my face. "let's go." I smiled.
"Where are you two going?" Dad asked.
"Somewhere your not!" El snapped at him. They all had shocked faces. "Don't listen to them." El started the car. I nodded, I hoped she's right. "Were here." she parked the car. "It's gonna be ok." I gave her a genuine smile. "let's shop til we drop!" she was excited and finally glad I had a girl friend not all boys.

~authors note~

Niall must not be all good and Eleanor has a different side! Read, vote, and comment!

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