Chapter 57

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Winnie's Pov

I woke up and Ethan wasn't in the bed. I took a shower and done my business. I put a red tank top, grey skinny jeans with rips, red and white supras, fishtail braid my hair with a headband with a red bow, and jewelry. I grabbed my phone, varsity jacket, snap back, and walked downstairs to the lounge room, I saw Harry. I walked over to him and he looked up at me.

"C'mon." I said.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm not going to kill you. C'mon." I said and he got up. "we'll be back later." he went to grab his keys. "you don't need those." We walked out the door.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Walking." I said. "were going to talk without people sitting on us." we laughed.

"I'm sorry what said to you Angel. It was out of line and I was just mad. I've been jealous because all your time is with Ethan now and I our close brother sister relationship." he admitted not looking down. We went and sat on a bench.

"I know, but I've changed a lot. And not the good kind. I don't like the Winnie I am now, I like the old carefree Winnie." I admitted. "Liam made me admit to freaking Ethan why I get scared when he gets mad."

"Why are scared? You aren't afraid of us? We hit you Angel and he doesn't, why are you so scared?" he asked.

"Ethan, has never laid a finger on me, not even whack me in the back of the head. He was like that when we weren't dating. I just get so scared because I have the feeling he's going to do it." I admitted.

"I saw the hole in the wall Angel, it punched the wall instead of you but you thought he was gonna hit you." he said.

"The punch was for me and he didn't do it. And plus he is really scary when he gets mad, I've never stood up to Ethan when he's mad except yesterday. I always stutter and get tears in my eyes, he knows when I stutter I'm scared. I know he pissed when clenches his fists, even if he's mad at someone else. Like this morning. The time I got the most scared was when I cut. I couldn't calm him down. Have you ever seen Ethan mad?" I asked.

"No, what does he look like when he gets mad?" he asked.

"He's like you and Liam mixed mad. He really mad because I promised I would never do it again, Hazzy I hurt him and I had the feeling he was going to leave. When I got kidnapped I literally had to have Hudson wrap his arm around my waist just so I could sleep. I couldn't live without him in my life, I've never seen Ethan mad until now. He didn't mean to slap me, it just hurt me that he did." I admitted.

"Ethan hit you?" he asked.

"Oh your weren't there. This dude slapped me after I punched him and he wouldn't let me go. Him and Ethan started fighting and when I went to tried to stop Ethan he hit me but he didn't know it was me, he came at Ethan again but I punched him and ran to Bailey." I said.

"Ethan loves you angel. He wouldn't hurt you ever on purpose." he said. "why'd you say you aren't the same angel?"

"I got to be Makayla yesterday and I loved it. I had to take a break from Winnie, I had fun and no drama. Their my east side family, they care about me, I'm their little sis. They taught me most of the things I know. How to fight, play football, crying is weakness, when you fight don't let people help unless it's necessary, never let your guard down, don't let haters get to you, be strong never show fear, be brave and confident, struggle but never give up. When I was growing up I was a boy with them. I was seven, They told me if I was going to hang out with them and play sports, they weren't going to treat me different. I don't like being treated different, they made me who I am. I don't let size, shape, age, it doesn't matter because I won't give up what I believe in." I said and I saw him with a smirk. "oh my gosh."

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