Chapter 5

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Winnie's Pov
I saw Liam looking at his lap and notice that he sniffled. I walked over and sat in his lap.
"Liam, look at me." I said as he looked up.
"I'm sorry." he said as his eyes teared up.
"It's not your fault, Nick is just protective over me." I said. "I love you Liam, I love all you boys. Even Harry."
"We all love you too." Liam said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"I'm gonna go lay myself." I said looking at Nick. I ran upstairs and passed Harry's room and heard sniffling. I knocked on his door.
"Come in." he said. "Angel." he stood up looking worried.
"Harry!" I whispered shouted and got to his face. I hugged him, he was shocked but hugged me back.
"I love you angel, I'm sorry for everything." he said sobbing again.
"Harry, I just have a hard time trusting men and Nick knows that. That's why he's so protective over me." I told him as tears started to form. "I love you too Harry, I know you didn't mean it."
"You have a hard punch too." he said laughing.
"I learned since the boys at th-" I stopped with wide eyes.
"What angel?" he asked confused.
"Don't tell Nick please." I begged him.
"I won't but we'll protect you." he said as he sat down and hugged me and rubbed circles on my back.
"Harry, do you w-" Liam stopped midsentence.
"What the bloody hell Harry?" Zayn yelled pinning Harry against the wall.
"No! Stop!" I screamed but Liam grabbed me.
"Winnie st-" I cut him off by elbowing him and tripping him and straddled him. Then, he flipped and then straddled me but I straddled him again.
"Had enough?" I asked smirking.
"Nope." he said as he smirked back a put his feet on my chest and flipped me. Then, punched my side.
"LIAM!" Louis screamed.
"Back up Louis!" I screamed and he put his hands in surrender and backed away. "Come on." Liam swung but I dodged it, then he swung again but I grabbed his fist and flipped him on his stomach. Then, pulled his arm back. "Say mercy!"
"NO!" he screamed and I moved his arm. "Mercy!"
"Winnie, you just won against the strongest one of us all." Zayn said shocked.
"Close your mouth boys you might get flies." I said laughing.
"GET HER!" Louis yelled.

AH!" I screamed running. Louis came first, I flipped him. Niall came second, I tripped him. Harry came third, I punched him. Liam came fourth, I just flipped him like Louis. "Wait, that's only fo-" I got interrupted by getting grabbed from behind. I just instantly remembered my dad. I just started crying and kicking and screaming, but I don't think Zayn noticed until Harry said something.
"ZAYN STOP! YOUR SCARING HER!" Harry screamed and Zayn dropped me. I just ran to Harry and he picked me up and I had my legs on each side and had my head in the crook of his neck and just cried.
~Harry's Pov~
"Winnie are you ok?" Louis asked and touched her back and she flinched. His face just went to hurt expression.
"Let's watch a movie." Liam said.
"Can we watch toy story?" Winnie asked calming down.
"Ok!" Niall said putting the movie in. Winnie looked around.
"I'll be right back." she said hopping out of my lap.
~Winnie's Pov~
"Louis?" I said as I opened his bedroom door.
"Why Winnie? What did I do?" he said his eyes were red and puffy.
"Louis, sit up." I said as he sat up and I sat on his knee.
"Now explain to me why you flinched when I touched you?" he said looking at me. I just looked at my lap.
"Well, I use to get u-um got used and abused by Owen." I said holding back tears. "Owen would sell me to other men and they would use me and give me back. And at the orphanage the boys would do the same until Nick showed up they done it less but they said if I told Nick they would hurt him." I explained and Louis had tears in his eyes. "Please, don't tell Nick." I begged. "you and Harry are the only ones who knows."
"Thanks for telling me. But why did you freak out when Zayn grabbed you?" he asked putting a stranded of hair behind my ear.
"It reminded me of Owen when he would grab me and hurt me." I explained. I perked up and jumped up. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Shoot." he said.
"Would you mind it if I called you dad?" I asked and he looked shocked but then smiled.
"Now, let's go watch toy story and eat carrots." I said pulling him up.
"Ok, let's go!" he yelled and we ran downstairs.
"Hey guys! whatcha doing?" I asked walking in the lounge room.
"Are you feeling better?" Niall asked putting a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
"What are you talking about?" I asked and Niall looked confused but then caught on. Dad came back with carrots and tea. We sat on the floor and I put my head on Dad's shoulder.
~30 minutes later~
"I'm gonna go get more tea." I whispered to Dad.
"I can get it." he said as he started to stand up but I pushed him back down.
"I got it, I'm not helpless." I said back. I started pouring tea till I felt someone turn me around towards them.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Nick asked sternly.
"W-what are talking about?" I asked him.
"You know what I'm talking about!" he whisper shouted. "the boys at the orphanage."
"I couldn't tell you!" I yelled at him getting angry.
"Why couldn't you?!" he yelled and clenched his fists.
"Because they would have hurt you!" I yelled back.
"But you could have fought them, you were stronger!" he yelled.
"They told me if I fought back or if I told anyone they would hurt me and you!" I yelled and tears formed in my eyes.
"I wouldn't have let them!" he yelled.
"And I was scared that if I told you would be disgusted and wouldn't ever talk to me again." I yelled and hit his chest. He grabbed my hands to stop me from hitting him. "Nick, what have I ever done to deserve this done to me? Why do people keep hurting me?" I fell to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest.
"I don't know why things happened to you." he said as he grabbed me and pulled me into his lap. I heard a sob and when I looked up I saw 5 boys standing there about to cry.
"You two should get to bed, you have school tomorrow." Liam said wiping his eyes.
"Ok, goodnight." Nick and I said.
"Goodnight." they all said.
"Ow!" Nick said holding his stomach.
"What's wrong?" I asked as we walked into my room.
"My stomach, it's fine." he said smiling.
What was that? I heard someone puking. I got up and ran to the bathroom seeing Nick puking.
"Nick, it's gonna be ok." I said rubbing his back.
"What's go-" Dad started but stopped. "oh lord, LIAM!" he yelled causing me to cover my ears. Harry smacked the back of his head.
"What Louis?" he asked. Dad pointed to Nick that now had a pale face.
"He probably just has a virus." Liam said checking out Nick. "I'll take him to his room. Winnie you go to yours so you won't get sick."
"Harry, will you carry me?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah, come on, angel." he said bending down. He walked into my room and as soon as I laid down my alarm went off.
"Ugh!" I groaned.
"Louis and I are taking you to school." Harry told me while yawning.
"Ok." I said going towards my closet. "I don't know what to wear." I said to myself. Zayn!
"Zayn, Zayn." I whispered in Zayns ear.
"What?" he asked turning towards me.
"I need help." I said and Zayn sat up.
"What's wrong, Princess?" he asked looking concerned. I just stared at him and feeling like I wanted to cry. "Winnie, why are you crying?"
"I just love how you care so much. Even after how I acted when you grabbed me." I said looking down.
"It don't matter what you do. I'll always love you sis." he said and wiped my tear away and kissed my forehead.
"I kinda need help picking out what I want to wear today." I said embarrassed. "nothing girly."
"Ok, you go take a shower and I'll pick it out." he said pushing me towards the bathroom. I got in done my business and got out. I got my undergarments and put on a robe. I saw the outfit Zayn had out and it was cute. It was a gray Aéropostale shirt, a purple hoodie that said 'Vas Happenin', light brown ugg boots, blue skinny jeans, and nerdy glasses. I just put my hair into a messy bun, and went to brush my teeth. I'll grab a granola bar.
"Let's go!" I yelled and Zayn and Harry came out of the kitchen."Where's Dad?"
"He's sick too." Harry said. "and how the heck did you get Zayn out of bed?"
"Well, I needed help and he was there." I said smiling.
"Here we are. Be careful." Zayn said and gave me a hug and so did Harry.
~Harry's Pov~
"You know we're gonna watch her right?" I asked turning towards Zayn.
"You know it." he said smiling. We heard the bell ring.
"Hey Bailey!" I heard Winnie say hugging a girl who I guess is Bailey. Just then I saw the smile fall from Baileys face. "Bailey run." I heard Winnie say.
"I don't wanna leave you." Bailey said.
"It's fine, I can handle him. It's not the first time." Winnie said as her face got red. Bailey nodded and ran down the hall passing the boy. But another boy grabbed Bailey.
"Bailey, don't cry be strong!" I whispered in her ear.
"Hey Winnie." the boy said smirking getting in her face.
"Jake, just one day can you not be a pain in the ass?" she snapped and smirked.
"I heard you got adopted. We can't have fun." he said poking out his lip. He looked down the hall to check for teachers. "But, you know sweet Nick, it would be sad if he got hurt." Her face just went from mad to worried. He was the one who hurt her. My blood boiled and Zayn noticed. I went to get out but Zayn stopped me.
"Jake leave me alone." she said trying to get out of his grip.
"Sorry, I can't do that, it wouldn't be fun." he said as he started kissing her neck. He whispered something in her ear.
"Leave me alone, I'm not at that orphanage anymore. You can't hurt me." she said as she pushed him. His face got red and he balled his fists.
"You made a huge mistake." he said as he punched her.
"You punch like a girl." she said laughing. That's my girl! And she punched his jaw. She looked over and saw Bailey on the ground and another boy kicked her. "Bailey, punch him!" Bailey pushed the dude off her and punched him.
"Ok, fine." he said and smirked and grabbed her and kicked her and made her fall. He punched her and she waited for another punch but it didn't hit her it hit another boy. He had brown hair, blue eyes like Niall's, and he was tall.
"What the hell, Ethan?!" Jake yelled.
"What are you doing beating up a girl? Are you that weak?" he asked with anger and chuckled. "Lollie get Bailey." Then boy who I guess is Ethan said. "Jake, get out of my face and leave them alone!"
"Let's go Lollie. Where's your ride?" Ethan asked Winnie and she pointed towards the car but the windows are tinted so they can't see we was watching.
"Zayn, act like you weren't looking." I whispered as I laid across the seat. "Hey Ang-" I started so it looks like I wasn't looking. "what happened?!"
"Listen, I'll explain later. But can I come with these two?" Ethan asked with a begging voice.
"Ok, come on." I said and saw that Winnie was clinging onto Ethan's shirt. Winnie had blood all over the hoodie. Ethan took off the hoodie and handed it to me. Winnie had holes and blood on the Aéropostale shirt too. Ethan noticed he took off his shirt but had on a white tank top. He put the shirt on Winnie. Winnie's pants had holes in them too. Ethan took off his sweatpants but had basketball shorts underneath. We dropped Bailey off at her house and left to go home.
~Winnie's Pov~
"Ethan..." I said barely in a whisper.
"Yeah Lollie?" he asked stroking her hair.
"Why did you come back?" I asked again barely above a whisper.
"For you...I ran away, my adoptive dad abuses me." Ethan said "he hurts me because you left and couldn't hurt you."
"I'm sorry, he hurt me way worst than you..." I start and trailed off.
"What do you mean?" Ethan asked sternly.
"I never told you but heusetorapemewhenyouwerenthomeandto ldmeifitoldhewouldkillyou. I said in one breath.
"What?" Ethan asked with anger. "I could have helped you." he hugged me.
"I was 10, I was to scared that you would get hurt." I said trying not to cry. I always try not to cry in front of people, it shows weakness. Except those 6 boys in the house.
"Were here!" the driver yelled.
"Now I have to hear the music." I mumbled and Ethan walked in.
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!" Liam shouted. I flinched at him yelling.
"Who are you?" Dad asked looking at Ethan. Nick ran downstairs.
"What happened?!" Nick yelled as he ran over to me.
"Ok, I went to school right and I met up with Bailey and a huge dragon came grabbed us, he flew to a waterfall where it had gold, but we had to find the way and we went searching for Dora and Boots, we we had to fight the cave man and he beat up with his bat but we stole his stone car and then h-"
"Winnie!" Liam yelled. "stop playing!"
"Fine, let me start from when I walked into school." I said.

~authors note~

Hey ninjas, pic of Bailey above! Read, vote, and comment.

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