Chapter 49

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Winnie's Pov
~4:00 in the morning~
I was sleeping peacefully till I felt myself being dragged out of bed and onto the floor.
"What the hell?!" I screamed and struggled.
"Put your hands behind your head!" I heard a cop yell. I put them behind my head and was so confused.
"What'd I do?" I asked and they started putting handcuffs on me.
"What's going on in here?!" I heard Liam's voice.
"What is she getting arrested for?" I heard Dad's voice.
"For the jumping and accessory of Brandon Handson." He said.
"What?!" I yelled. They pulled me up and walked me downstairs and I wasn't going to cry. They put me in the police car and I looked out the window. We drove for about 30 mins till he yanked me out of the car. They walked me in and sat me in a freezing cold interrogation room.
"Hello, I'm Detective Benson." he said. "what's your name?"
"Winnie Makayla Tomlinson." I answered.
"Why did you jump Brandon Handson?" he asked.
"I don't even know who that is." I said. "wait, what's his middle name?"
"Cody." he answered.
"I didn't touch Cody Handson." I said. "i didn't know he got jumped until I heard people talking about it and that they thought I did it."
"Where were you that night?" he asked.
"What night did he get jumped?" I asked.
"Saturday." he said.
"I was sleeping because I was still hurt from us fighting." I said.
"Who did?" he asked.
"I'm not a snitch." I said.
"Well, Brandon's on life support and if they pull the plug, your going to jail for murder." he said.
"Fine! It was Cody and Hudson Handson." I said. "We fought behind the alley the day before I heard Cody got jumped. I didn't touch the little boy, it's been 11 years since I've seen him. I saw him again after his brother Kyle got arrested."
"Do you want to press charges?" he asked.
"No." I said.
"We need a alibi." he said.
"I have 10." I said.
"Give me half." he said. "Tell me the names."
"Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Harry Styles." I named them.
"That's One Direction." he said.
"Yeah, Louis is my dad and the rest are my brothers." I said in a 'duh' tone. "Can you just call them and use them for alibis already? If you haven't notice I have no pants on or shoes and it's cold as a tree in here." He dialed the numbers.
"Your clear to go home but you have to wait for your ride." he said and took off the handcuffs. He threw me a huge shirt and jogging pants.
"Put them on. Prisoners come through here and if they see you like that, your gonna get a lot of 'looks' from them." he warned and I nodded and put them on.
"Wait right there." he said pointing to the bench.
"Winnie." I heard Dad's voice. "let's go." I got on Dad's back and we went to his car.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"I can't believe I almost just went ,to jail for murder." I said looking out window. We finally got home and I ran upstairs to change. I just took of the jogging pants and put on sweats and put on a sweatshirt. Some knocked on my door.
"Come in." I said. It was Zayn.
"Hey Winnie." he said quietly.
"Hey Zayn." I said quietly.
"Come here." He said and he grabbed my wrists and I winced.
"Winnie Makayla Tomlinson! Why the hell did you do it?!" he yelled.
"Because I wanted to!" I yelled. He threw me over his shoulder and was walking downstairs. "Zayn put me down!" I was punching his back and he threw me on the couch. Everyone was eating.
"What the hell Zayn?!" I yelled.
"We told you to stop!" he yelled.
"Your not my dad and your not Liam! Your just my brother, I don't have to listen to you Bradford!" I yelled.
"Liam's your brother too Winnie!" Niall yelled.
"But he's like a second dad to me. You used to be but you betrayed me Zayn!" I yelled.
"It don't matter if he's not your dad or Liam, you still have to listen to him!" Harry snapped.
"Hazzy! Shutup because I'm getting sick and tired of your bullcrap too!" I yelled. Harry got up and walked over got in my face. Bailey got up and sat beside me.
"And I'm getting tired of yours!" he yelled.
"Your just a manwhore who likes to party, bring home random girls, and make them a one night stand!" Me and Bailey yelled and my cheek stung. I slapped him a lunged for him and punched him. And Zayn pulled me off.
"That boy was right you two do need a someone to teach you how to act a lady." he said. I punched Zayn and I pounced and so did Bailey and Harry punched my nose and I punched him, then kneed and they kept trying to pull us off. Dad, Liam, and Ethan had to pull me off. Niall, Zayn, and Nick had to pull off Bailey. I still struggling in their grip.
"Get off." I snapped shaking them off and walking towards the stairs.
"At least I'm not the delusional one about my brother." Harry spat. I got in Liam's face.
"You told him?!" I yelled.
"No, I swear I didn't!" he said and I looked at Harry. I shook my head and ran out door. Tears flowing down my cheeks. Until someone stopped me.
"Woah, slow down there." Marcus said. I kept looking at the ground.
"I'm sorry Marcus. I have to show weakness right now." I said. Blood fell on the ground.
"Winnie, look at me." Marcus demanded.
"You have to swear to me you won't do anything but talk to me and not hurt anyone." I said.
"I swear, now look at me." he said. I looked up.
"Marcus, you know when you get mad you scare me, don't scare me because you get violent." I said choked out. "I got in a fight but you should see his face. Me and Bailey kinda pounced on him."
"Come with me, let's clean it up." he said and smile. "I heard you got arrested."
"Yeah, they just had to drag me out of bed and throw me on the floor at 4:00 in the morning and I only had on short shorts and a tank top and I was cold." I said.
"How'd they let you go?" he asked.
"I had alibis." I said. "where's Chase? Usually he's glued to you."
"Right here." He said and my phone started ringing. Ethan. We walked in and to the bathroom and he sat me on the counter.
"Can I take this?" I asked and he nodded.
"Winnie, where are you?" Ethan asked.
"I was running and ran into Marcus. I'm fine Ethan." I said and he let out a breath of relief.
"Be careful. Bailey kinda already went crazy again." he said.
"Why? On Hazzy?" I asked.
"Yeah, because of what he said and because he punched you." he said.
"Well, he actually was going to punch Bailey but I jumped in front of it. Harry got his ass beat by us for a reason. He knows not to talk about my mom again." I said.
"Makayla you have to stay still or it's going to burn." Marcus said.
"Ethan I have to go, I'll see you at home." I said. "bye."
"Bye." he said and hung up.
"He really cares for you." Marcus said.
"He always has. It's just the same with you, when he gets mad I get scared. Ethan would never hurt me intentionally. Even though I thought he was the other night." I said but mumbled the last part.
"What do you mean you thought he was?" Marcus asked.
"I had another run in with Hudson but he didn't hurt me, I got home and Harry kept screaming at me trying to get me to tell him where I was and I ended up having a asthma attack. I wasn't thinking and I done this." I started and rolled up my sleeves to show my cuts. "When we went to school the after school was over me and Ethan ran upstairs and Ethan grabbed my wrists and I could tell he was mad. He blew up and when he was about to walk out I screamed something and he came towards me but ended up punching the wall instead of me. Ethan's scary when he gets mad, he got mad one I cut, and two I promised I would never do it again."
"Winnie, what did you say that made him mad?" he asked.
"One, is I kept thinking it was my fault and blamed myself for everything that's happened. Two, I kinda yelled why did he care so much a broken girl like me." I said. "I've fought all them five boys multiple times, people that aren't even in that house. I've been a complete bitch to him and I've slapped him twice and he's never hit me, nothing. I don't deserve Ethan." I put head in my hands.
"Makayla, you have two kids by him." he said and I looked at him.
"The reason me and him have been kinda arguing is because of the magazines." I said. "when I was in the hospital in a coma it h-"
"You were in a coma?" He asked.
"Yeah, my stress level went up when I had the argument about me cutting and then had a asthma made my body shut down. I had to have a heart in 24 hours or I would have, you know." I said. "But on the magazine it showed a picture of my best friend and sister Bailey, and Ethan hugging." I said.
"Here, how about we get you home and tomorrow me and you can talk again?" he asked.
"Yeah, thanks Marcus." I said and hugged him. We walked and talked some more and finally reached my house. "Be careful Marcus."
"I should be the one saying that but try and work it out with him." he said and hugged me.
"Bye big bro." I said.
"Bye lil Kay." he said and left. I walked inside and walked straight upstairs to my room and locked the door.
"Hey Lollie. Are you ok?" Ethan asked. I went to my closet to change.
"Yeah, I told Marcus everything." I said and looked down.
"You tryna get me killed Lollie." he said flailing his arms. I sat down and so did he.
"No, no. He wasn't mad at all." I said. "I have to calm him down before he saw my nose." I jumped up and wrapped my legs and hugged him.
"I'm sorry Ethan." I said.
"For what?" he asked and pulled away.
"Everything, I never noticed how good you are to me and I don't deserve you." I said and a few tears fell.
"Winnie, don't think like that." he said and wiped my tears.
"You see that hole in the wall?" I asked and jumped down.
"Yeah, sorry about that." he said sounding guilty.
"Ethan, that was meant for me, but you never touched me." I said.
"Winnie, I wouldn't ever bring myself to do it." he said.
"I ruined this family." I said.
"No Winnie, you didn't." he said and kissed my forehead.
"Let's get to bed, I'm tired." I said yawning.
"Yeah, me too." he said and climbed into bed. He snaked his arm around my waist. I smiled and fell asleep.
"Winnie, wakeup." I heard Bailey's voice.
"What's wrong?" I asked sitting up.
"Nothing, but it's only just me and you here today. The boys had a interview and just left and the two boys went with them and knew you wouldn't want to go." she said.
"Then they were right." I said. I got up and took a shower and put on my undergarments. I put on black short shorts and a white tank top.
"Let's go downstairs." she said and I followed.
"Want to watch a movie or their interview?" I asked.
"Interview." she answered and she turned on the TV. There was a knocked at the door and I got up to answer the door.
"Hel-" I got interrupted by three men standing there.
"Bailey, run!" I yelled and went to run but someone caught me. I bit their hand and ran a but another dude blocked me and pushed me on the couch.
"Don't say a word." he said. He tied me up and covered up my mouth with a blue bandana. I just kept a death glare on him the whole time.
"Keep quiet or you'll regret it." he said. The other one had Bailey. They ran and put us in the white van and I soon got sleepy and was covered in darkness.
I woke up with a throbbing headache and was really cold. I saw I was sitting in a room with a dim light a concrete floor and just a mattress. I saw me, Hudson, Bailey, and Brent.
"Winnie." Bailey whispered.
"Where are we?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulder. Me, then Hudson, then Bailey, then Brent. Hudson looked at me and had worried written all over his face, I knew I had the same look. The door flew opened and revealed three guys, they had black mask on, and all black clothes.
"Nice too see you." the dude said, his voice was disguised. "Definitely you Tomlinson." I looked up at him.
"Don't remember me do ya, slut?" he asked. I glared at him.
"Bring it in." he said staring at me and Hudson. They brung in a computer and pulled up Skype. They made me login and I sat back down. They took of the bandanas over our mouths and then called the boys. All five boys were there, Marcus, Chase, Nick, Ethan, Perrie, Sophia, and Eleanor.
"What do you want man?" Liam asked.
"Tomlinson and Horan." he answered.
"So how does those boys fit in." Dad asked.
"Because, this is revenge." he said. "Alex and Christina did things we didn't like. So, Tomlinson is the next sibling."
"Why Bailey?" Nick asked.
"Tomlinson filled Alex's spot but needed someone to fill Chris's." he answered.
"Plus she's hot." the other dude said and Bailey shot him a death glare.
"We have to find Tomlinson's weakness." He answered and game towards me and I slid closer to Hudson. He touched my face and I moved and he slapped me."then, we use it against her." He was looking at me.
"What's that boss?" the other dude pointed out.
"Is that an engagement ring?" he asked. He took it off my finger and smiled. "I think I found her weakness."
"Horan over there is engaged too." the other dude said.
"Kiss Hudson, Tomlinson." he said smiling.
"What?!" me and Hudson yelled at the same time.
"Let me put it this way. Me or him." he said. I gulped.
"Hudson." I answered.
"Smart choice Tomlinson." he said. "Five seconds, do it." I leaned over and kissed him. We both looked down.
"Horans turn." he said. She leaned in and done it to Brent.
"I'm sorry Tomlinson." he whispered.
"We had no choice." I whispered.
"I'm proud Tomlinson." he said and I looked up.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you haven't shed a tear." he said. "now cry."
"No." I snapped.
"Cry!" He yelled.
"No!" I yelled.
"Now, or punishments happen." he said. "You one second to cry." I tried my hardest but I couldn't. "One!"
"Grab Tomlinson." He said.
"No, leave her alone!" Hudson gritted through his teeth.
"Don't make it worse for you and her." he spat.
"Wait, what?" He asked.
"I'm not going to touch her unless she wants me too." he said with a smirk. we looked at each other and our eyes got wide.
"Come on children, play time is just beginning." he said and laughed.
"But I'll give you privacy. Nobodies going to watch, because Horan and Brent will be having fun. But we'll have someone guarding the door." he said. "Here we are, we'll know whether you done it or not so don't act." he pushed us into the room. At least it has a bed but no light but a dim lamp and no windows.
"You do know I'm going to pretend your Ethan right?" I asked.
"Yeah, I won't hurt you, I promise." He said and hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Just one thing before we do this."
"What's that?" I asked and he came closer and bit his lip.
"Can I please get one kiss?" he asked with pleading eyes.
"What? Hudson-" he touched my face.
"I know we're rivals, but it's not like I can have you, it'll be our secret." he said and I nodded. he kissed me and our lips moved in sync, we finally pulled away. "Thanks Winnie, I don't know why I ever did the stuff that I did."
"It's fine, it's the past. Let's just get this over with." I said and walked to the bed and pulled the blanket over us. I took off his shirt and he took off mine. You know what happened next. We got dressed and I so shocked what I just done.
"I feel like I betrayed Ethan." I said and Hudson hugged me.
"He'll understand that you had no choice." he said into my ear.
"Anything that happened stays between me and you." I said and he nodded. "Let's go." I knocked on the door.
"Can we come out now?" I asked and they unlocked the door. We started walking down the hall and the dude smacked my bum and Hudson got behind me.
"Boss!" the dude said. He opened the door and let us in. They were still on Skype. I couldn't look at them, I was to ashamed. me and Hudson both had tears in our eyes.
"Look at the camera Tomlinson." he said and I looked up slowly. "Hudson you too." he looked up and he had tears too.
"Tell the truth Tomlinson." one dude said. I looked at him crazy.
"About what?" I asked confused.
"About you and Hudson." he said. Me and Hudson looked at each other.
"What?" we asked.
"Not about the room." he said. "About your feelings. You lie about you don't like him." I looked at the boys and Ethan looked hurt and angry.

"Winnie, he better be lying." Ethan gritted through his teeth and even through a computer screen I was scared.
"What're you talking about?" I asked.
"You know you like him." he said.
"Yeah, when I was a kid but that was 11 years ago." I said and could feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. "The only person I like is Ethan." I gritted through my teeth.
"You can change that." another one said.
"Change what?" Hudson asked.
"Your feelings." he said.
"What?" I asked.
"We can make you like Hudson." he said.
"No." I snapped.
"Why do you care so much?!" Hudson snapped. He came and picked me up and whispered in my ear.
"Your not having your next baby by Ethan." he whispered so only I could hear.
"No." I said and he put on me back Hudson's lap.
"We'll see about that. Say bye to them." He said and I mouthed 'I'm sorry'. The screen went black.
"Poor Tomlinson." he said and wiped my tears and turned away. Hudson was giving him a death glare.
"Bring the clothes." he said and brung in pajama pants and a shirts for each of us. We all got changed and they threw us a duvet.
"Now this is how your going to sleep. Brent, then Horan, then Tomlinson, and then Hudson against the wall.
"It's going to be pitch dark so I hope your not scared of the dark." he said and locked the door.
"Tomlinson, what did he whisper to you?" Hudson whispered.
"He told me that I wasn't going to have my next baby by Ethan. I know what that means." I whispered and sniffled.
"What?" he whispered.
"He's going to make me have a baby by you Hudson." I whispered and cried silently.
"No, Winnie listen to me. Were going to get out of here, the boys are going find us, don't cry." he whispered and hugged me.
"Thanks." I said and he kissed my forehead.
"It'll be ok." he said. I hope he's right. I turned towards Bailey and Hudson started playing with my hair. I soon drifted off to sleep.

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