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Raegan's pov:

"Raegan! School!" I hear my mom yell from outside my door. I groan and get out of bed almost forgetting.

I got changed into something decent and walk out of my room. I go downstairs and see my mom ready leave the house. Thank god she leaves before me.

"I made breakfast. Have a good day." She gives me a quick hug and rushes out the door. I close the door and walk over to open the basement door. I open it and go down the stairs. The first I see is Justin looking at me like deer in headlights.

"It's just me." I smile.

"I got scared." He says. I sit down on the couch next to him.

"Did you sleep good?" I ask but just now noticing the bags under his eyes.

"Not much." He shakes his head.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Too nervous."

"About what?" He looks at me and watch his eyes travel around my face. I gulp.

"Nothing." He seems to shake it off and looks away from me. I look down and gently put my hand on top of his. He immediately looks at our hands but doesn't do anything.

"I need to get to school." I say.

"How long?"

"A few hours. I'll be back right after. No one will be home before me okay?" He nods slowly.

"There is food upstairs, you don't have to be trapped down here all day." I smile gripping his hand now. "Don't be scared. I would never put you in danger."

"I know." He whispers. I stand up and take a deep breath.

"I'll be back. Later you go in my room and hang out." I say to him. He plays with his fingers anxiously and nods.

"Thanks Raegan." He smiles at me.

"No need to thank me. Bye Justin." I smile at him and go upstairs. I put my shoes on and grab my bag, swinging it across my shoulders.

I shut my car door, thankful the school day is over. I unlock my front door and go inside. I take off my shoes and decide to go upstairs first. I open my bedroom door and my eyes widen when I see Justin sobbing while sitting on my carpet floor. I throw my bag down and kneel in front of him.

"Justin?" I ask. He hears me and picks his head up to look at me.


"Yes it's me, what happened?" I ask. He wipes his tears but continues to shake in his own skin. He points up to my window.

"They're looking." He whispers.

"What? Who's looking?" I ask confused and scared.

"The men Raegan. They are going to take me back. I saw the van." I have no idea where "back" is or who these men are. Where did he come from?

"No they won't take you back, I'll protect you." I say, my eyes filling with tears. I hate seeing him scared like this.

He looks down and his eyes stare at my right hand. His soft hand touches mine and after a few seconds, he intertwine's our fingers. Does this help clam him down? My touch?

"Please don't let them get me Raegan."He starts crying again and squeezes my hand harder then last time. He's terrified.

"No one's going to take you. You are safe here with me I promise, I promise." I try my best to calm him down. His teary eyes look into my teary eyes.

"They always find me." He whispers.

"But you are in shelter now they don't know where you are." I say. He's still holding my hand like it's the last thing he has.

"I can't leave your house Raegan. They will find me and take me back, I-i can't do that." He whimpers.

"Justin you need to tell me what's going on. Who's looking for you? Where will they take you?" I ask.

"I-i can't. Please Raegan." He buries his face in my hoodie and sniffs his nose.

"Will you ever tell me?" I ask.

"Soon I promise."

"You promise?"

"Yes, promise."

"I just don't want you to get hurt." I say looking down at our hands. He unlocks his hand from mine and his hand comes up to touch my chin. He tips my head up and our eyes meet. His beautiful green eyes.

"Me either."

His hand moves up and brushes against my cheek. This feeling made me happy and warm inside. He's getting more comfortable with me. He's starting to trust me. That's all I want and all I need to keep him safe.

Who are the people? Where will they take Justin if they ever find him? 🤔
Comment and vote if this was a good waste of your time 💖 I published this in Spanish class there is a sub 😄

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