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Raegan's pov:

I stand at the entrance of the woods. I'm not coming back to my house until I find him. I don't care how long it takes.

I told my mom I'm not feeling well again today. I can't go to school knowing he's out there. Somewhere out there alone and not with me.

"I got this." I whisper to myself. I step into the woods and start walking. I keep walking straight, looking around every second.

"Justin?" I ask, somewhat loud. I hear nothing in return.

I keep walking deeper before I say his name again. I'm getting way deeper into the thick trees now. It's hard to see but I don't care. He's all that's on my mind right now. Justin. Justin. Justin?

"Justin?" I ask once again. "Please Justin. Please I'm begging you."

After maybe ten minutes on non stop walking and continuously calling his name, I start to hear voices. I quietly keep walking and I see two people talking. I hide behind a tree as close as I can get to them and listen.

"Do it!" The man says to a boy sitting on the ground, a hood over his head. Wait. That's Justin. That's my hoodie. Oh my god. He's okay.

"Please no." Justin cries and looks up at the man.

"Do it and I'll kill you right now." He says in his face. I see the fear on Justin's face. What does he want him to do?

"Fine!" Justin yells and the man stands back. I keep watching. Is Justin different? Can he do something the rest of us can't?

Justin closes his eyes and looks down at his lap. His body starts to shake. He looks up at the man again and I see his eyes are pitch black. What the fuck?

"Wait." The man says. Justin shakes his head.

"You made the wrong decision." Justin says and I freeze. The next thing makes me shake in my skin.

The man standing in front of Justin flies back and hits a tree. He falls down and doesn't move. Did he kill him? Or did he just knock him out? Wait Justin has fucking super powers?

I come out of from behind the tree and see Justin put his head down. He pulls he hood back off his head and looks up again. He's fine now, his eyes are back to the beautiful green. He takes a deep breath and stands up.

"Justin?" His head shoots to look at me and his jaw drops.

"Raegan?" He asks.

"It's me Justin." Tears fill my eyes. He starts instantly crying and runs to me. His arms fly open and then so do mine. He literally runs into my arms hugging me. I pick him up and he wraps his legs around my waist. I start crying and hold him tight.

We've never hugged before. But I have him back. He's back with me. The boy I love, he's okay. I didn't seem to think about what I just saw. What he did to that man.

"R-Raegan you came to look for me?" He pulls away from my face and looks into my eyes. I wipe his tears with my thumb and nod.

"Of course I did. I thought I lost you." I say. He all of a sudden gets off of me and backs away. He looks terrified. He looks over at the man he, well, I don't really know.

"Did you see that?" He asks. He looks back at me and his lips quiver.

"Yes, but I.." He starts breathing heavy and back away more away from me. "It's okay." I say.

"You saw what I did to him. You must think I'm a monster." His voice slowly getting softer.

"No no I don't think you're a monster Justin." I say. "But how do you do that?"

"I'm not crazy I swear. I would never hurt you." He says.

"I know I know. But-"

"Raegan I don't want to tell you. I can't do this anymore." He cuts me off.

"Do what?" I walk closer to we don't have to much distance.

"You protecting me. I'm meant to be out here fighting for my life, that's how it's always been."

"But that can stop." I finally get to I'm standing right in front of him. "Please come back. I promise I can help you, but please don't run away again. Trust me." I reach for his hand and intertwine our fingers.

"Do you really want me back?" He asks.

"Of course I do. I've been worried sick, I didn't go to school yesterday or today and I haven't been eating." He looks at me like he feel bad.

"I'll take you back, you can get comfortable again and then we can talk. Okay?"

"I trust you more then anyone Raegan. So yes let's go." I smile and lean down to hug him. I'm so happy he's okay and he's not scared of me. Are we going to talk about the kiss? About him running away? About his superpowers or whatever?

We hold hands as we walk back to my house. I always felt lost but we made it. We quickly go into the house and I lock the back door. It's only about one in the afternoon so we have time until my mom gets back. We walk up to my room and both sit on my bed.

"So." I say. He looks at me.

"I missed you. I don't know why I ran away, I just got scared when..-"

"When I kissed you." I pretty much finish his sentence for him. "I'm sorry for that."

"No you don't need to be sorry." He says. "I shouldn't of ran away from you. Only you care about me Raegan and I care so much about you too." He smiles.

"Yeah, I really do." I smile back. He looks down and twirls his thumbs.

"I'm guessing you want to talk about what happened in the woods." He says still looking down.

"Well before that, why don't you shower." I say. He looks up at me. "Maybe it'll clear your head a little and you can think, you know?"

"Yeah." He nods. I set him up in the bathroom to take a shower and I leave the bathroom shutting the door.

I really love him. I need to know more about him. Most important I need to tell him how I feel. Kales right, I can't hide it forever.

Justin's back. Raegan found out his secret. Will he know more by the end of the day? Comment and vote ❣️😉

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