•i love you•

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Raegan's pov:

Justin and I lay on my bed peacefully. My arm around him and his head on my chest. He's holding my other hand that's not around him and rubbing my palm with his thumb. Our breathing is slow and gentle. I can't believe that happened, but I'm glad it did.

Justin let's go of my hand and sits up. I move my arm from around him and watch his every move. He sits criss cross, slouched over a bit.

"Justin?" I ask. He slowly turns his head to look at me. "What is it?"

"I want to tell you something." He whispers. "B-but-" ,his lips quiver and he looks back down.

"But what baby?" I ask. He seems a bit shocked from my name for him just then. But he shakes it off.

"I'm afraid." He says quietly.

"Afraid of what?"

"Losing you." He says quickly, following my question.

"You will never lose me Justin." I rub his back but he flinches. I quickly snap my hand back.

"Yes I will." He says quickly and louder getting off my bed and standing on my carpet floor away from the bed. He has his back to me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask swinging my feet over the side of my bed. I don't want to get near him, I know he's been through a lot and he needs space sometimes.

"Come on Raegan." He laughs in a frustrated way. He turns around and our eyes lock with each other's. "One day I'm going to have to leave and never see you again. I-I'm going to be back with those assholes who treat me like shit and try to kill me. I can't stay here forever but I wish I could but we both know I can't." His she's fill with tears. (me too hA!)

"Justin don't think like that." I say now standing up.

"Well how can't I?" He asks swinging his arms in the air from major frustration. "I'm attached to you and I want to say it b-but it'll just make me attach to you more. I don't want that. I don't want the pain of having this feeling for you and then losing you one day." He speaks loud, but not too loud. My eyes fill with tears while his come down his face. He's never had this type of outburst before.

"I'm attached to you Justin." I say licking my lips. "Please tell me. You won't lose me ever, I promise." Can I promise that? I want to. Well, I just did.

"No don't promise something you can't keep." He yells out of no where. Thank god my mom is out with her friends tonight.


"You don't know these people who are looking for me Raegan. I've tried to escape before but no one else cared. No one but you gives a single shit about me. You are all I have but that's going to change one day. Don't promise me I won't lose you, because I am one day." His body starts to shake slightly and now I can tell he's crying. He makes sniffing sounds and covers his mouth with his hand.

"Please don't think that." I say quickly. "You mean so much to me, I would never just let you lose me. And I can't lose you and I won't." I get a little closer to him and he backs away.

"No." He shakes his head. "I'm not yours forever. You aren't mine forever."

"God Justin, just stop." I say upset. I don't like what he's saying.

"I mine as well just leave now before I say anything. Before we become anything." He quickly goes and puts his hand on the doorknob to my room. My eyes widen and I quickly run to stop him.

"Justin no stop." I say pushing him away from the door. "What are you doing?" I ask tears running down my face just like him. His body trembles and he closes his eyes, breathing heavy. I grab his waist and lean down kissing him. I'm hoping it would calm him. He kisses back but pulls away after a few seconds.

"I don't want this." He says.

"You don't want me?" I ask getting close so our bodies are touching. He looks up into my eyes.

"Of course I do-"

"Then take my promise and tell me what you wanted to say. I'll alway have you Justin. You'll always be with me." I say putting my hand on his cheek. He takes it away and backs away from me.

"I love you Raegan." He says, starting to cry again. Oh my god! What!?

"But I know I'm going to lose you-"

"I love you Justin." I say cutting him off. He wipes his tears but cries harder. "You are everything to me Justin."

He comes close to me again and hugs me around my chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry with him. He loves me?

"You'll always be mine?" He asks pulling his head away to look at me.

"I'm always yours baby boy." I lean my forehead.

"You're home with me Justin. This is your home now." I kiss his lips quick and he smiles.

"Oh my god. I thought you were going to be mad."

"I could never get at you." I say as go back to my bed. "You're way too cute." I smile.

"I love you." He mumbles sticking his head in my chest.

"I love you too."

Awww cutiesss! Wow, I miss Jaegan. <ok that's a mood 😭 Hope you enjoyed! Drama next chapter???

&quot;Home&quot; -Jaegan Where stories live. Discover now