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Raegan's pov:

Sadly, I actually have to go to school today. My mom would never let me stay home from school two days in a row just because of Justin.

I slowly get out of bed making sure not to wake Justin. He had his arms around me but I somehow untangled myself. I get some clothes and go into my bathroom to take a shower. After ten minutes I walk out of the bathroom fully dressed and I see Justin sitting up on my bed.

"Hey, good morning." I say fixing my hair in the mirror on the back of my door.

"Morning." He says, his voice raspy. I turn to face him and he's looking down at his lap.

"You okay?" I ask. He doesn't move.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He says more quiet.

"No you're not." I kneel down next to my bed and put my hand on his cheek. I turn his head to me. "What's wrong?"

"I just don't feel the safest when you aren't around me." He says.

"Oh you'll be fine love. I'll lock my door and my mom would never come up here and do anything to you anyway. I promise." I say sliding my hand off his face. He nods.

"Okay." Is all he said. I stand up and lean down to kiss his forehead.

"I'll be back later. I love you." I say to him. He smiles up at me.

"I love you too." I take my bag and walk out of my bedroom shutting it and locking it.
As I'm putting all my books away in my locker, just like everyday Kale comes up to me.

"Heyyy man." He smiles.

"What's up Kale?" I smile back shutting my locker.

"So I know I haven't asked in a while but you want to hang out?" He asks.

"Uhh well I still have Justin." I say and his face forms into shock.

"You what?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. "Is there a problem?"

"No I just thought he'd be out by now." He says.

"Oh no. But my my mom knows now. So I need to be extra careful because she's talking about him not being with me for much longer."

"Oh god." He says.

"And I'm honestly scared. I don't want to lose him." I say. He looks at me like he feels bad as he hugs me tight. I hug back because it was something I really needed at this point in time.

"He'll be okay Rae." He says.

"I hope." I say.

"Would you mind if I came over? Justin likes me right?" He asks.

"Oh yeah he does. You can come over." I nod and he agrees. We walk out of school together getting into our cars and driving to my house.

We get to my house and go inside. My aunt is sitting on the couch watching tv. She smiles at me and gets up quick.

"Uh Rae?" She stops me before I get up the stairs with Kale behind me.


"I didn't mean to intrude or anything but I went upstairs before and I heard crying from inside your room. I know with what happened yesterday you probably aren't liking me right now. But make sure he's okay." She says. Why was he crying?

"Ok thanks." I say and quickly go up the stairs. Kale follows and I stop him before we go into my room.

"Don't be loud please." I whisper. He nods.

"Of course not." I turn back around and slowly open my bedroom door. Justin's head shoots up and his eyes catch mine. He's sitting in he corner of my bed with his knees to his chest. He's not crying anymore but his face is a bit red.

"Justin? Are you alright?" I ask going over to him. He watches me sit down on my bed. Kale comes and sits at the end of my bed looking at us.

"Hey Justin." Kale smiles at him. Justin looks from me to him and doesn't make any facial expression.

"Hi." He says quietly. He really isn't good with new people. Justin looks back at me and gives me the slightest smile.

"My aunt told me she came upstairs before and heard you crying." I say.

"Oh um y-yeah." I want him to talk to me like he normally does. But Kale is here and he doesn't want to talk.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "I know when something is bothering you."

"I just- I don't know." He says quietly putting his head down. I look at Kale and he shrugs his shoulders a bit.

"Justin, Kale is my best friend. If you say anything, Kale won't say a word and he won't judge you. Right kale?" I look over as well as Justin.

"Oh no of course not. I already know what stays in this room, stays in this room." He says.

"See." I say to Justin. "Now what's bothering you?" I ask him.

"My mind has just been spinning all day." He says. "I've been thinking about being forced to leave here. To have to go back to that place. Having to be treated like an animal again." His eyes already fill with tears from that.

"I guess I just got too carried away before and started crying. I didn't even really realize it." He puts his head down again, shaking it. I look at Kale and he just looks like he feels bad.

"I'm so sorry." My head shoots back to Justin as he picks up his head, now tears running down his face.

"You don't have to be sorry." I say gently placing my hand on his jaw. "Please don't cry baby, we'll get through this." I wipe his tears with my thumb.

"I just don't know what to do. If I leave you, nothing will ever be the same again." He says.

"Nothing will ever be the same without you either." I say taking my hand off his face.

"The way they have taken me away from other people and places before, I was thinking about that with you and It's painful to see." He says randomly after a few seconds of silence.

"You have no idea how much I'd fight for you if they tried to take you away."

"I know I know but-"

"No listen to me." I cut him off.

"If they ever try and take you away in front of me, just know I will give them everything I have. Okay? I promise." I say softly to him. He nods, his lips quivering and his eyes looking like they were about to explode with tears again.

I quickly lift my arms up and he catches me by surprise as he wraps his arms around my neck tightly embracing me. I wrap my arms secretly around his body, telling him he's okay and I've got him for as long as he's here with me. I can hear the sound of his quiet sobs behind my ear. I hate when he cries. There is nothing worse.

I glance over to Kale and he genially looks upset. He knows how much Justin means to me and he knows how much I mean to Justin. He pretty much just found out today how much we mean to each other. I don't know what id do without him. And honestly I don't want to imagine what he'd do without me.

I want to get to the part where it gets really intense in this story because I do have ideas, but it's already sad. I want to have a genuinely nice chapter but how do I make 1000 words of them having a nice time in the house because they can't go anywhere 😂?? Idk you guys tell me if you want a nice, no drama chapter of if I should keep the drama going? :)))

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