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Raegan's pov:

The next day, I get home from school and see my mother and aunt on the couch. I smile at them before walking to the staircase.

"How was school Raegan?" My mom asks. I nod.

"It was fine, just like every other day." I say and actually make it up the stairs this time. I walk and noticed my bedroom door is open a crack. I go to it and open my door. I see Gabby sitting on my bed talking to Justin.

"Yeah, so I had a really nice childhood." Gabby says to Justin as he smiles. Then he looks up at me.

"Hey." I say a little confused. I walk over and Justin pulls me down next to him.

"Hi. Gabby decided to come in and we've been talking." He says.

"That's great." I say grabbing his hand. "I'm glad you two are getting along."

"Yeah we are." Gabby smiles. "Well who knows if anyone will come up here. So I'll see you guys later." She says and stands up.

"Ok Gabby have a good night." She gives me a hug and I watch her smile at Justin.

"Goodnight Gabby." He says to her.

"Night!" She laughs before walking out, shutting my door. I turn to Justin and see him smiling.

"She's the cutest." He says.

"Yeah she really is. She's always been a happy kid." I say. He leans his body against mine gently.

"That's good." He says not looking up at me. He keeps his hand with mine, making circles with his thumb. We sit in silence for a few minutes. No talking or moving at all. I just feel his soft touch on my hand.

*knock knock*

"Come in." I say. My door opens and my mom stands there. She doesn't come in, she just stands at the doorway.

"Hey mom." I say to her.

"Raegan can you please come downstairs to spend some time with your aunt and cousin. They aren't staying long." She says. She seems irritated.

"Ok yeah. Can Justin-"

"Alone. Now." She cuts me off sounding very serious. What's her problem?

"Mom I would like to keep Justin company at night. I don't see him during the day when I have school."

"I don't really care about that Raegan. I want you downstairs alone and I want you to socialize with your family." She says quickly. I let go of Justin's hand and stand up.

"I'm not leaving Justin tonight, mom." I say. I look to my left and Justin's standing too now.

"It's okay, you can go." He whispers to me. I take a deep breath.

"Let's go." My mom says strictly. I shake my head, not wanting to do this.

"You know I never asked for auntie and Gabby to come and stay. You did, so why do I have to talk to them?" I ask annoyed.

"They are your family, Raegan. You can't spend your whole life staying in your room just because of him!" She raises her voice at me. Then I can't help but feel angry when I see her give Justin a dirty look.

"Get out!" I yell. I don't know what got into me that made me yell. But all I know is my mom should not be treating Justin the way she is right now!

"You better come downstairs in less than five minutes or-" she stops and looks at Justin dead in the eyes. I keep my eyes on her.

"Don't test me Raegan. I have more power than you think." She says looking from Justin to me. I know what she is referring to and it makes me feel sick. She slams the door and Justin jumps beside me.

"Raegan." He sits on my bed and puts his hands over his face. I sit down in front of him.

"Hey it's okay." I say to him. I gently take his hands off his face and he has tears in his eyes. "Justin-"

"Please just go downstairs and have a good time with your family." He says, his voice shaky. Dammit mom.

"Well now you are upset, I don't want to leave you." I say. He shakes his head at me.

"I won't be upset if you just go downstairs Raegan. We both know what your mom was referring to."

"Justin I'm not leaving-"

"God dammit Raegan." He says cutting me off. He wipes his tears and looks into my eyes. "You always talk about keeping me safe. So if you want to keep me safe you will go downstairs. I'm fine." He says slowly. I was hoping he wouldn't catch on to what my mom was saying. She will get him out of here in a heartbeat.

"Ok, ok." I say. "I'll go downstairs, but just to keep you safe."

"Thank you." He nods and kisses me softly. I stand up and open my door.

"I love you." I say to him. He smiles.

"You know I love you too." He says back and I close my door softly.

I walk downstairs just to see Gabby on the couch watching tv. I walk the opposite way but stop when I hear my mom and aunt talking.

"That damn kid is keeping Raegan from socializing with everyone. Rae hasn't been been inviting Kale over as much as he used to. I'm not letting this happen any longer." My mom says actually louder than you would think.

"The kid seems like he's been through a lot." My aunt says softly.

"I get that Lori, but think about this again. We are keeping him here illegally. We could get in serious trouble and he can get punished worse than if we just found out sooner and got him out of here." She says. "It's been weeks."

"I know...well what do you want to do?" My aunt asks.

"I want to call the police and tell him that he's a lost boy and we just found him. They will take him and put him in a home and someone can adopt him." She says. My eyes widen as I quickly step into the kitchen.

"Raegan." My mom sees me. "You heard all of that?" She asks.

"Yes, and I totally disagree with your decision." I say.

"Of course you do, you are obsessed with the damn kid!" My mom says loudly to me. My aunt stands up and stands in front of her whispering something.

"Mom please. Justin won't make it anywhere else. He's too sensitive and he only trusts me." I say trying to think of something. My aunt moves out of the way and my mom looks at me again.

"I'm sorry Raegan, but I'm done with this. We are in danger."

"So is Justin!" I yell at her. "Do you really not give a shit about him at all? Do you not see that he's scared now because you know he's here. He's terrified!"

"I understand that Raegan but it's been eating at me. I can't sleep, I can't do anything know that he's here when he shouldn't be!" She yells. I pause feeling a lump in my throat.

"Please m-mom." I stutter looking down.

"Again honey, I'm sorry. I'm calling tomorrow." I look up when she says that about to start crying. She leaves the kitchen without another word and I look at my aunt, desperate.


"I can't do anything." She says cutting me off. "It's time." She nods.

No it's not time. It's never time. I need to do something. But how am I going to tell Justin what she said?

We are getting to the drama parts! You'll see next few chapters ;)) Hehe hope you enjoyed!

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