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Let's say they are all 17 now! I know I said 15 in he beginning but now they are 17. thx 😘
Reagan's pov:

Kale and I eat in silence in the kitchen. We aren't even looking at each other. Why did I let her kiss me? I could have stopped it. I could have told her to leave as soon as I saw her.

"Raegan?" I look up at Kale and see he's looking at me concerned.

"Justin looks really weak. Has that ever happened?" He asks.

"I've only seen him use his powers three times and no it's never happened. But then again he's never used them twice in a matter of like two minutes." I say shaking my head. "Fuck this is all my fault."

"No it's not Rae. You tried to calm him down."

"But it wasn't enough. I wasn't enough. I hope he doesn't think I kissed her back."

"Of course he won't. He was just angry that she kissed you." He says standing up and putting his plate in the sink. Then he comes over and takes my plate. I barely ate.

"I hope he's okay." I say.

"I'm sure he will be, it was just a lot for him." He sits back down and smiles at me. Then it's quiet.

"...You really want to run away with him and not come back to school? Will I ever see you again?" He asks.

"I don't know Kale. I do want to buy something for us to live in but I don't know if i'll be going back to school."

"But your mom?" He asks. I shrug.

"I don't know what to do right now. But I was thinking of going back home and talking to her, maybe saying goodbye in a way where she doesn't think i'm actually leaving. Because I know she'd try and stop me."

"I don't know Rae." He says unsure. "You might want to reconsider running away. I know your feelings for Justin but you can't just throw your whole life away because of him." He says standing up.


"Think about it. Get an apartment close by and still come to school. You can still visit your mom, it'll be like moving out. But don't run away." He says walking out of the kitchen.

Dammit, he's right. I can't just run away. I'd be throwing away the rest of my life. Justin is literally everything to me but us getting an apartment would be enough for me. I'd still go to school and come home to him everyday. I can still visit my mom and tell her i'm living alone, at least for now. she'd freak out if she knew I took Justin back.

I slowly get up and walk out of the kitchen, going into the sitting room. I see Justin still asleep and still pale as ever. I go over and sit next to him. I feel his hands and they are ice cold.

"Raegan?" I look up and see he's awake, looking at me. His eyes are half open.

"Baby are you okay?" I ask concerned. I put my hand on his forhead to feel it's also cold.

"I don't know." He says loud enough for me to hear. "This has never happened before." His eyes fill with fears.

"Aww no please don't cry." I say putting my hand under his chin. He makes direct eye contact with me, his eyes twinkling.

"I hurt you, again." He says sounding upset. "I can't control my powers. I'm so sorry Raegan."

"No I understand Justin, It's okay." I say. He shakes his head.

"It's not okay. How could you still be comfortable around me?" He says as tears roll down his face.

"Because I know you don't mean to do it. D-don't cry please, I forgive you. I always-"

"You always forgive me." He cries cutting me off. "When are you going to accept the fact that i'm a freak and i'm dangerous? I can seriously hurt you one day and you don't care?" He asks taking my hand off his chin and looking the other way. His body and face is still pale.

"I'm going to help you control your powers." I say. He still doesn't look at me.

"And you are not a freak or dangerous. You just lose it sometimes and that's normal, i'd probably do the same thing if I had what you have. I would take a bullet for you Justin." I say slowly and he looks at me after the last sentence. I smile at him.

"That, in the kitchen, was nothing compared to a bullet." He smile also and wraps his arms around my torso, embracing me. I wrap my arms around his neck and his body is against mine. His body is shaking and he's still really cold.

"Are you feelings better?" I ask.

"A little." He whispers.

"Let me get you a blanket." I say trying to get up but he squeezes my body tighter.

"Don't move. You're warm." He says digging his head in my chest.

"Baby you need a blanket-"

"I got it!" Kale comes into the sitting room with two blankets and drops them on us. I put my feet on the coffee table and Justin stays leaning against me with his arms around me.

"Thanks Kale." I smile and cover us with the two blankets. Kale sits on the couch with us and we watch tv.

After a little, I look over and down to see Justin sound asleep again. Yet he still manages to keep a firm grip on my torso. I don't want him to be afraid anymore, or angry. I don't want him to be afraid that anyone will take him again. We are safe here and we will be safe when we get that apartment I want to get.

"Is he okay?" I hear Kale ask beside me.

"Yeah he's doing better. He's not shivering anymore." I say running my fingers through his hair gently.

"He's been sleeping a lot."

"I know, he must need rest after all that happened." Kale nods and relaxes on the couch. I lean my head back also wanting to get some sleep. Today has been a lot for all of us.

It's been a few days but i'm alive, don't worry 😂 I really hope you all enjoyed that chapter even though it was kind of boring🤷‍♀️ Comment and vote plzzzz!

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