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Raegan's pov:

Justin and I have been watching YouTube videos ever since we came back into my room. It's been maybe an hour since we talked to my mom. I thought watching some funny videos would make Justin relax a little and we can both calm down.

*Knock knock*

"Come in mom!" My door opens and my mom comes in with something beige color in her hand. She comes in, closing the door behind her. Justin and I look at each other and sit up on my bed.

"I thought I'd bring something to wrap your ankle with, Justin." She says. Justin's mouth forms a little smile.

"He's probably not comfortable with me yet, but here Rae." She hands it to me.

"Thank you." Justin says.

"Sure." She smiles. "I'll be back later, I'm making dinner soon." We both nod and she walks out.

I start to unwrap the material and look up at Justin.

"Tell me if I hurt you, I'll go easy." I say. He nods. I take the wrap and start from a little higher then his ankle. I slowly start to wrap it around.

"She calls you Rae?" My head shots up to Justin with a questioning face on.

"Oh, yeah. A lot of my friends call me that." I laugh a little continuing to wrap his ankle.

"How come you never asked me to call you that?" He asks. I shrug.

"I don't know. I find it cute that you call me Raegan." He blushes and looks down. I look back down at his ankle.

"Do you have a nickname?" I ask.

"My mom called me Jay sometimes." He frowns at himself. "But i'd rather not have you call me that."

"Oh yeah. Of course, I won't." I finish wrapping his leg and put a piece of tape at the end. I put the rest on my side table.

"Thanks Raegan." He smiles while looking at the wrapping on him.

"Sure. As long as you stay off of it as much as possible, it'll heal. I don't think you broke it." I shake my head.

"Ok." He says.

"I'm sorry I made you go out in the woods like that. I should have had a better plan." I put my hand on my forehead and look down at my lap. I feel the bed shift a little and then a hand go around my wrist. He pulls my hand off my forehead and I look up at him.

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm fine, really." He smiles. I know what a real smile looks like, that's it.

"I have a question though." He says.


"Do you trust your mom? Like about her not calling the police?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah I do. I'm just worried because I know she's going to do something."

"What do you mean?" He asks. He stares at me waiting for an answer. I shouldn't of said that.

"She's going to make sure you don't stay here long and that you go somewhere else." Tears fill my eyes as I lean back against my headboard.

"Why?" He asks sadly.

"She knows you're not 'supposed' to be here. I don't want to say it but I know she's going to end up calling someone. I don't know." I sigh and look up, closing my eyes. I could just start crying right now. I really don't want to lose him. I won't be the same.

"I can't get taken back there Raegan." I hear him say.

I open my eyes. "I know, I know but what can we do now? My mom isn't going to just let you stay here I know it."

"Will she call those men over again? W-will she find my parents?" I look to see him cover his mouth with my hands and close his eyes shut tight. He shakes his head. "No I can't go back to any of them." His body starts trembling and he's breathing heavy.

"No no shh don't freak out." I say quickly. I lean up and take his hand but he yanks it away. He backs away from me and closes his eyes.

"No no no." He repeats as he jumps off my bed literally gasping for air now. I quickly get up and get closer to him.

"Justin please calm down, I didn't mean to say it like that." I say frantic.

"I-I can't b-b-breathe." He holds his chest and wheezes. Omg he's ever had a panic attack in front of me.

"Ok ok shh." He lets me near him and I engulf him in a hug. He's still not breathing right.

"Please think about something happy. Something that makes you happy!" He pulls away from my face and stares at me in the eyes. Quickly, he grabs the back of my neck and brings my face down to kiss him. He parts his lips so he can breathe.

"I love you, you know I do." I say. He nods as he swallows to keep his breathe.

"I will protect you no matter what. I'll make sure my mom doesn't do anything but if she does, I won't let anyone take you away from me." I stumble quickly. Anything right now to keep him calm.

"You're home with me Justin. This is your home now." I cup his chin. His body shakes as he starts crying. He hugs me again and squeezes my body tighter then any other time.

"Im always home as long as y-you are with me." He says into my chest. "Home is where the heart is, right?" He pulls his head out of my chest to look into my eyes.

"Yeah." I say.

"My heart is with you. You are my home." I smile and kiss his lips gently. He laughs a little and leans his forehead against mine.

"That was corny." I laugh.

"Shut up, I know." He pouts at me. But he can't help but smile afterwords.

Woah! That was exactly 1000 words 😂 i didn't even try, wow😭 Hope you enjoyed reading this sadish chapter.

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Cute.....or......more drama?😋 Comment!

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