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Raegan's pov:

I walk slowly into my room. The first thing that catches my eye is Justin. He's sitting at the edge of my bed, breathing a bit heavy. I'm still crying and he must have heard. He looks up at me and stands up.

"I'm sorry." I say walking over to him. He comes to me before I get all the way to him. He wipes my tears.

"Shh just please stop crying." He says softly. "You are scaring me." He whispers. I try my best to stop my heavy flow of tears.

"I can't imagine losing you. I can't do this anymore." I say. He brings me to sit at the edge of my bed and puts his hand on my cheek. He looks carefully into my eyes.

"Let it out Raegan. Talk to me." He says quietly. I've calmed down by now just listening to his voice.

"It's just-....I'm afraid my mom is right. I'm afraid you won't be with me forever and I can't think of that. I don't want to scare you Justin, but you might not be with me much longer-"

"Ok ok stop talking." He says and grins. "We all know I'm not going to be when you forever. We went over this."

"No no." I take his hand off my cheek and look away from him. "I love you and I'm not listening to my mom."

"I love you too Raegan." I hear him say. "You need to stop worrying."

"How can I not?" I ask looking back at him. "My mom is gonna get you out of this house if it's the last thing she does."

"Raegan." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Do me a favor and just stop worrying about this for a few days. We'll be fine." He smiles. I sigh and nod.

"Ok, you're right." I put my hand on his hip and kiss his lips. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I understand."

*knock knock*

"What?" I ask annoyed. I don't want to talk my mom or aunt. My door slowly opens and my little cousin comes into view.

"Gabby?" I ask and stand up. She shuts the door and comes to hug me tight.

"Are you okay Rae?" She asks me. I pout at her cuteness and pick her up. Yeah, she's that small I can actually pick her up into my arms.

"I'm fine Gab, thank you." I smile and hugs me again around my neck.

"I know what your mom said but-"

"Can I meet Justin?" She cuts me off exited. I let her down and we both look over at Justin.

"Gabby this is Justin. Justin this is my little cousin Gabby, who I might add will not talk like my mom and aunt did." I giggle. Gabby gets closer to him.

"Hi Justin." She smiles. Justin smiles back.

"Hello Gabby."

She puts out her hand for him to shake. He looks down at her hand and nods a little to himself. He puts his hand out and touches hers. His face turns from confused to joyful.

"You are really cute Gabby." Justin says to her. I can't see her face because I'm behind her but I can tell she's smiling by the look on Justin's face.

"You are a lot nicer then I thought you be. Just the way my mom and aunt talk about you." She says.

"Well they don't know Justin." I butt into their conversation taking a seat next to Justin. "He's the nicest person you will ever meet. I'm glad you two like each other." I say.

"Well I'm going to go to sleep now. I'll see you guys in the morning." She smiles and walks over to my bedroom door.

"Goodnight Gab." I say.

"Night." She walks over and shuts my door. Justin looks at me and kisses my cheek.

"She reminds me of you." He says.

"How so?" I ask.

"She's adorable and sweet. And she actually likes me." I laugh and hug him around his waist, digging my head in his neck. He wraps his arms me.

"Want to finish watching our videos?" I ask.

"Yes please."

I realize he's right. I shouldn't worry because it just makes our time together sad. I want us, especially him as happy as ever. Maybe I'm over thinking. Maybe my mom realizes how much I care about him and won't say anything yet. I hope.
That night, there was a bad thunderstorm going on. Justin and I were watching videos as the crack of thunder and lightening hit the sky every ten seconds. And as the heavy rain hit the roof sounding like bullets.

I could tell Justin was a little scared. He cuddled up his head into my chest and had the blanket up to his neck. I wrapped my arms around his body just to feel him shivering.

"Are you cold?" I ask him, slowly running my fingers through his hair.

"A little. And I hate the sound of thunder." He says. A big boom hit the sky as he said that. He dug his head in my chest and continued to shake.

I lean and grab another blanket I had on my bed. I cover us with another one and rub his shoulder softly.

"It's okay baby. Think of thunder as a way of the people in heaven bowling. Every time the thunder hits hard, they made a strike." I say. He looks up at me still keeping his head on me.

"I never thought of that." He said.

"My mother would always tell me that when I was little. And it worked, I'm not scared anymore." I smile. He takes his head off my chest and moves body up to he's face to face with me. He kisses my cheek.

"I love you." He says now keeping his head on my shoulder.

"I love you more." I say back.

I feel like I mean every word I say to this boy. The every single "I love you" to the simplest thing as saying "it's okay" to him. I would literally do anything to make sure he's happy at all costs. Also to make sure he's safe, which I promised him I would keep him safe.

I hate cliffhangers as much as you guys so here is another chapter in the same day wooo!!😁 Hope you liked this chapter, comment and vote!

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