Chapter Six

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Maya had picked up Riley from her classroom which was right across from hers and the duo made their way to the locker room.

Riley was rambling to her about how much of a bore her English teacher Mrs. Rolland was. Maya picked up a plastic container full of salad and placed it on her plate.

She was about to put an apple on her tray but it slipped through her fingers. Two pale hands had quickly caught it before it collided with the floor.

She looked up and met with a pair of familiar green eyes. "Thanks Lucas."
"No problem." He gave the fruit back to her.

"Hey Maya thanks for saving a spot for me." Josh stated getting between the two.

"No problem Josh." She smiled weakly. Lucas had sighed. He took his tray and walked away with his sister.

"Hey are you okay?" Vanessa asked as they plopped down at a table. "Yeah I'm fine." Lucas lied. His eyes shifted to the table a couple rows away from them.

Maya was laughing at something Riley had said. Josh smiled lovingly down at her.

Vanessa watched her brother closely. Interesting. Vanessa thought eating her apple.

"I'm gonna get a drink real quick. I'll be right back." Lucas informed his sister getting up from the table.

He walked out the cafeteria doors. He opened his locker door grabbing the paper bag that had his blood bag in it.

He went into the bathroom. He heard no heartbeats so he was alone. He opened the pack and drained the blood bag in seconds. 

He threw the bag away and walked out. He was suddenly shoved against the wall. Lucas pushed back with more force making him almost fall.

It was wolf boy. "What the fuck is your problem?" Lucas snapped. "You need to stay away from Maya." Josh growled.

"Last time I checked. You don't get to talk for her." Lucas hissed.

"I damn will if it keeps her out of danger." Josh retorted. "There's no danger Josh. I'll never hurt her."

He gave Josh a threatening glare and pushed by Josh and stormed down the hallway.

Josh seethed and walked away. He needed to get rid of him. He was gonna take Maya away from him and he'll do everything in his power to not make that happen.

Lucas had walked into his sixth period. He had cooled down from the exchange earlier. He sat down next to his sister.

"Are you okay?" Vanessa asked her brother who looked pissed off. "Nothing I can't handle Nessa." He flashed her a small smile.

"Lucas." She persisted. "I swear. It's nothing to worry about."

"Fine." She let the issue drop. She trusted her brother to tell her if something was wrong.

Lucas and Vanessa had arrived home. They heard Cole who was watching TV in his room upstairs. James was on the recliner couch, nursing a cup of bourbon and reading a book.

Lucas walked upstairs to his room. He changed out of his school clothes and took a warm shower. He changed into pajamas and walked downstairs to eat dinner with his family.

"I overheard a conversation from the hospital about the vampire council starting up again." James said.

"What? Why are they starting up again?" Vanessa asked. "There's been a trail of dead bodies from a nearby town and they're afraid they are heading this way."

"Well should we move?" Cole asked. "No we don't need to move. I'm going to go to a council meeting that's being held in the Hunter's house." James told them.

"Wait how are you going to get in?" Lucas asked. "I compelled the wife of the council leader to let me inside." James replied.

"This plan does seem risky but it's the only way to get them off our backs." Lucas said.

"You guys don't think it's Charlie right?" Cole asked. Lucas had shifted uncomfortably. Vanessa and James also became more tense.

"Let's hope not." Lucas told Cole. If it was Charlie they were going to be in for some serious trouble.

Maya's POV

Maya was sitting in her bay window admiring the view outside her window. She loved sitting out and watching the stars. It was crazy how big the universe was.

"Maya, dinner's ready." Her father declared. "I'm coming Dad." Maya said. She hopped off her bay window and followed her Dad downstairs.

"How was school?" Her mother asked. "It was good. I met a new friend named Lucas."

"That's great babygirl. Is he cute?" Katy questioned. "Mom!" She replied her cheeks turning red.

"He is cute then." Katy said teasingly. "Can we please focus on anything else please?" Maya asked, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"There's a meeting at the house this Friday so you have to leave the house." Shawn informed.

Her father often held meetings with the adults of the neighborhood but she was never allowed to come.

Maya was curious but ultimately decided she didn't care all that much.

"Okay I'll spend the night at Riles." She told her parents.

After she finished dinner she said goodnight to her parents. She fell asleep dreaming of mesmerizing green eyes.

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