Chapter forty eight

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When they arrived back home, Lucas went to take a shower first. After he got out he changed into his usual clothes. It felt weird being alive again. When he was dead he remembered being in a sunny place along with others that were dead like him. It was like a supernatural heaven. He vaguely remembered what it was like before he got swept up in a white light and ended up back here.

Lucas went downstairs to the living room. They walked downstairs to the cellar. Lucas took a big inhale. He was nervous but also excited to see the love of his life again. That's all he thought about while he was in the inbetween.

Lucas looked in the rectangular shaped window that the door had. When he saw her he was in a trance. Despite maya looking like a mess he was the most beautiful girl in his eyes.

The siblings watched with smiles on their faces as they watched how deeply Lucas was in love with Maya. Cole opened the door to let him inside. Maya watched as the boy she thought was dead was in front of her.

"You think this trick will work? There's no way in hell Lucas is here. He's fucking dead I watched him die myself!" Maya screamed.

"Baby it's me. It's not a trick I'm back." Lucas went to touch her hand but Maya flinched stepping out of his reach.

"No you're dead. This is not real." Maya shoved Lucas against the wall. "It is real. Riley brought me back with a spell." Lucas told her.

"No! Stay the fuck away from me. Whoever the hell you are. You are not him." Maya ran to the corner. She broke the jar against the wall holding it up in front of her ready to slash at him if he came closer.

Lucas knew that he would have to do the element of surprise. "If I'm not him why are you afraid?" Lucas asked. Maya scoffed throwing the glass against the ground. "I'm not afraid of anything. Most of all pathetic people like you." She walked up to him getting close to his face.

Lucas held the sides of her head and invaded her mind with memories. Maya tried to fight him off but he was stronger. "Get. Out. Of. My. Head." She yelled out.

"Maya I know you're in there. Remember the night you told me you liked me and we kiss for the first time." Lucas took them to the memory where Lucas had just gotten back from the school. Maya was waiting on the porch in front of Lucas's house.

She was deep in thought when she caught his gaze. Lucas stood there not knowing what to do.

Maya stood up and ran to him. She wrapped her arms around Lucas's torso. Lucas was taken aback before returning the embrace.

"Thank you." Maya whispered. "You're welcome."

"Not just for this. For everything you do for me." Maya confessed. "I'm not afraid of you Lucas."

"Why aren't you afraid? I'm a monster. I killed people Maya." He pulled away from her embrace and turned his back to her.

"I don't deserve you." Lucas declared. "Lucas." Maya stood in front of him again. She placed her small hands on the sides of Lucas's neck.

"Look at me." Maya demanded. Lucas turned his gaze from the ground and back towards her.

"That person that you were back then was in the past. The person that I'm looking at right now saved my life twice already now. The person that I see right now is not a monster. You're everything that I could ever want. I like you Lucas."

Lucas's eyes brightened in happiness and disbelief for finding an amazing girl like her. He leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was indescribable.

"Remember the night you told me you loved me? Feel any emotion. Feel something." Lucas transferred her to another memory of them.

When Maya had giggled at the funny parts he couldn't help but smile fondly at her.

After the movie was over, they decided to play twenty questions to know a bit more about each other. Maya was cuddled against him playing with his fingers.

"What was your life like before you became a vampire?" Maya inquired. "Well I didn't really have one. I was put foster home to foster home. Got kicked out at 18, got a job, died and that was it."

"I'm sorry about that." Maya said. "It's okay it was a long time ago. I'm over it already." He told her.

"I can't believe they would do that to you. You were all alone." Tears streamed down Maya's face. "Baby don't cry. I have James, Cole, Vanessa and you now. You guys are all I need." He wiped her tears away with his thumbs.

Maya's blue eyes swirled with warmth and love. "I love you Lucas." She confessed to him never taking her eyes off of him.

Lucas smiled and caressed her cheek. "I love you too." He leaned over and kissed her lips. They pecked a few more times after that.

Maya got on top of him and Lucas snaked his arms around her. He kissed her forehead hearing her soft snores.

The last memory broke Maya and crept her way into her heart. It was the night of homecoming. One of the most memorable nights of her life. Lucas took her hand and led her to the dance floor. Maya laughed when he spun her and pulled her back against him.

They enjoyed themselves as they danced and jumped around to the music.

Then the music went from fast and crazy to slow and romantic. Maya looped her arms around his neck while Lucas placed his hands firmly on her waist.

Green eyes met blue. Their eyes focused only on each other. Lucas pressed a soft kiss against her lips. Maya sighed into the sweet kiss.

"I love you." Lucas declared. "I love you too." Maya placed her head against his chest hearing his slow heartbeat.

Maya felt every emotion crash into her like a freight train. Maya suddenly remembered all the things that she said and did and she cried out in guilt. "All those people I killed. All the things I told to my best friend and to Cole, Vanessa, and James. I can't do this." Maya felt so overwhelmed. She broke down kneeling down on the floor. Lucas wrapped his arm around her in comfort as Maya continued to clutch his shirt as she sobbed against his chest. She kept on repeatedly saying sorry against his chest.

Lucas hated watching Maya in pain. He knew exactly what she was feeling but over time he learned to accept all the terrible things that he did and he can't take back but to move forward and learn from your mistakes.

"Maya look at me." He spoke softly. Maya turned her tear filled eyes towards him giving him her undivided attention. Lucas caressed the sides of her face softly.

"All those things you said you didn't mean. All those people you didn't mean to kill either. You can't get those lives back. All you can do is accept that what you did is wrong and move on with your life okay? It may be hard right now but I will help you through this. I don't love you any less and neither do they." Lucas told her brushing the tears away from her face.

Maya leaned in pressing her lips softly against his. Lucas returned the kiss sliding his hands down to her waist. The kiss felt like the world was falling back to place and the universe was aligned once again.

Maya pulled away wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Lucas rubbed her back with his hand, closing his eyes with a soft smile reserved only for her.

"I love you. I missed you so much." She said. "I love and missed you too. I'm glad to be back with you in my arms." He told her. They stayed there in that cellar holding each other tightly reveling in the moment of being together again.

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