Chapter forty four

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"You guys they should have been back already." Vanessa told her siblings. "Maybe it's traffic." Cole suggested. "I just have a feeling something is wrong." Vanessa said worriedly.

"I'll call them. I'm sure they're fine." James dialed Lucas's phone number. It went straight to voice mail. Cole tried to call Maya's phone and it also went straight to voicemail.

They all looked at each other in worry. "Wait if they're in trouble then we might need Riley's help to locate them." Vanessa said.

"Let's go over there I'll drive." James picked up his car keys. They quickly hopped in James's car. When they arrived at Riley's they knocked on her door. Riley opened the door. "Hey guys." Riley smiled but then frowned when she seen the serious looks on their faces.

"What's wrong? Is Maya okay?" Riley asked in concern. "Look it may not be a big deal but we don't want to take any chances. Can you find them using a locator spell?" Vanessa questioned.

"Of course follow me." Riley took them upstairs to her bedroom. She took out her grimoire. She placed a map in the center of the floor. Cole, Vanessa, and James day on the other side.

"I need one of you to cut your palm open." Riley said while looking through her spell book to find the locator spell. Cole cut his palm open. Droplets of his blood landed on the map. When Riley found the spell she lit the candles before chanting the incantation.

The siblings watched as cole's blood moved across the map. It landed on an abandoned land called rockfall. "Thank you Riley." They told her. "I'm coming with you guys. That's my best friend." Riley said following after them.

They arrived at the place in about an hour and a half. There was a talk red brick building with a metal door. The area surrounding it was dry land. With their vamp hearing they heard two voices. One male and one female.

They vamp sped to the door. Cole busted it down. James and Vanessa attacked the two people that were standing in front of them. The male was harder to take down so Cole and James fought him together. Vanessa and James ripped the man and woman's hearts out of their chests.

Riley held her mouth open in shock. She saw Lucas's desiccated body sitting on a chair with a stake to his chest. Riley ran over to Maya. She melted the chains with a fire spell. Maya ran over to Lucas. "Lucas look at me. Baby look at me please. You can't be dead!" Maya sobbed pulling the stake out of Lucas's chest.

The siblings turned their focus to the heart wrenching scene. They felt tears pool down their faces at the sight of their dead brother. Vanessa cried in cole's chest. James went to comfort Riley who was crying also. Maya shook her head in denial stroking his hair softly with her fingers. Tears rolled down Lucas's gray face as she continued to cry out in agony.

Maya begged that this was all a joke. That Lucas would open his eyes and gave her his usual smirk telling her that he was just kidding. She couldn't fathom that he was truly and completely gone. They all sat there for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes.

"L-lets get out of here. I don't want to stay here any longer." Maya finally spoke up. Her voice was raw and scratchy from crying for what felt like forever. She felt like her whole was falling apart piece by piece. Riley hugged her side as they walked out.

James and Cole carried their brother out with Vanessa behind them. Before they left Maya lit a match and burned the house down to a crisp. She never wanted to look at this place again.

The whole car ride back was silent. No one could find the words to say. The atmosphere was sullen and depressing. They all felt Lucas's absence but Maya felt his the hardest. She clutched to her boyfriend's leather jacket like a lifeline.

When they arrived back home they placed Lucas's body on the couch. Vanessa grabbed a sheet from the closet placing it over Lucas's corpse.

Maya went straight to what used to be their shared bedroom. Every inch of this bedroom reminded her of him. The smell of his pine scented cologne along with the bourbon he drank. The pictures on the wall were full of them.

The closet was full of Lucas's and her clothes. The bed was messy from where they left for the trip. She cried as she touched every photo. She stopped at the one that was one of her favorite memories. They both had cake all over themselves. They had a cake fight in the kitchen. Lucas was smiling down at her with Maya laughing in the photo.

Now she would never see him smile again and it made her eyes well up again. She took off the clothes wanting them off her body. She lit a match and threw the raggedy clothes in the fireplace. She climbed in the shower where she cried again.

She put on a black shirt with pajama shorts. She grabbed one of his shirts bringing it up to her nose to smell him. She was never going to be happy again. She lost her soulmate. Her one true love. There was a pain like no other when you lose one of the people you thought you were going to have forever with.

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