Chapter forty seven

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Riley felt herself trying to catch her breath as she let out choked out sobs. Farkle stood up and gathered his girlfriend into his arms. Farkle softly rubbed her back in circles. "Babe you have to remember that it's not her. Her humanity is off." Farkle told her.

"I know that but it's difficult seeing her like this. Seeing our best friend like this. I feel like we lost her and it's all my fault." Riley sobbed even harder.

The siblings watched the scene with sad looks on their faces. They were all worn out trying to make Maya turn her emotions back on but it was emotionally draining and taxing. But despite how hard it was they were never gonna give up on her.

Each day everyone tried to make her turn it back on but to no avail. Maya would only snap at them or laugh at them as they tried to make her feel any type of emotion. When the talking part didn't work they had to resort to other methods. Riley couldn't stay and watch as they tortured her. Instead she looked through hours and hours of resurrection spells in her grimoires. She hadn't slept at all in the past few weeks because of her research. She knew that the only way for Maya to turn her humanity back on was if Lucas was back from the dead.

Riley finally found a spell after her long search. It was in the book of dark spells she was never supposed to use but she didn't care. Desperate times called for desperate measures. She hugged Farkle with an excited grin. Farkle smiled too as they finally found a way to bring Lucas back.

Riley texted Vanessa to bring her brothers over her house. Vanessa said they would be there in a few minutes. Riley waited for them in her living room with Farkle holding her hand in comfort. The siblings knocked on the door. Riley went up to open it.

"What was the vague text about?" Vanessa asked as they walked in to Riley's house with her brothers following after her. "I will tell you guys once you sit down." Riley remarked.

The siblings sat down on the other couch. "Okay over the past few months I've been looking for resurrection spells to bring Lucas back." She confessed. The siblings all had shocked look on their faces.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier but I didn't want to get your hopes up if I didn't find anything but I finally found something that could bring him back." She spoke out. "You found a way to bring him our brother back. This is amazing!" Cole exclaimed pulling Riley into a bone crushing hug. James and Vanessa also had wide smiles on their faces. This was the first good news that they ever had in months.

"I just need a few ingredients first and then we can go." Riley told them. After Riley gathered the materials they drove to the graveyard. James and Vanessa got to work on digging Lucas's casket up from the ground. Riley needed blood for the spell so Cole went out to hunt some animals. Cole came back in a few minutes with two dead rabbits in his hand.

"Is this enough?" Cole asked. "Yeah squeeze it into the bowl." She told him. Cole nodded getting to work. Vanessa and James pulled Lucas's casket out of the ground placing it in front of Riley. They were doing the spell inside of the crypt since they couldn't exactly bring the casket out in the open.

James opened the casket to reveal his little brother's gray corpse. Lucas's arms were crossed in front of his chest with flowers in his gray and withered hands. He was wearing a black suit. His hair was up in its usual quiff.

Vanessa grabbed her brother's hands squeezing them tight. This was the first time they actually saw their little brother in months. It was still hard to see their brother dead in front of them even though they saw him months ago.

Riley lit up the candles. She then placed her hands in the blood rubbing her hands in it. She closed her eyes and started to chant the spell in latin. The fire in the candles rose higher and a heavy wind swirled around them.

The siblings watched in anticipation as Riley chanted the spell. The siblings then watched in shock as Lucas's skin turned from gray back to his normal skin color. Then his eyes started to flutter before opening wide revealing his forest green eyes. He then took a deep breath before sitting up. "What the hell is going on-," but then he got interrupted by Vanessa hugging him with tears streaming down her face. Lucas smelt his sister's familiar perfume that she wore before hugging her back just as tight. Vanessa kissed Lucas's forehead telling him how much she missed him.

When Vanessa pulled away Cole went next to hug him then James. After his siblings hugged him they explained how Riley found the spell and that he's been dead for months. They gave him a blood bag since he was starving. After he finished his blood bag he climbed out of the casket.

"Thank you so much for bringing me back. I could never thank you enough." Lucas smiled pulling Riley in for a hug. "It was no problem." She told him.

Lucas then looked around trying to find Maya. "Do you guys know where Maya is? I need to see her." Lucas told them all. Suddenly they atmosphere changed from happy to sad.

Lucas noticed the sad looks on everyone's faces. Lucas furrowed his eyebrows. "You guys what the hell is going on? Is Maya okay." Lucas spoke in concern.

James took a deep breath before telling Lucas the truth. "Maya turned off her humanity a few weeks ago. She couldn't fathom that you were dead." James explained.

"I brought you back because you're the only one that can turn her emotions back on and we wanted you back too." Riley said. Lucas told them that he understood and he would do everything in his power to get her back.

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