Chapter twenty four

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Lucas heard the cellar door open. "No. Please no." He whispered. He felt two rough hands grab his arms. He was so weak he couldn't fight them off if he tried. They strapped him to a table.

He saw Shawn's face. He gave him a malicious smile. "Hello 2511. I hope you had a good sleep because that's the only comfort you will have." He took out a scalpel and tore a piece out of his eye causing him to scream.

Lucas woke up breathing heavily. He couldn't breathe. He saw more dark and hazy figures and voices ringing in his head like a record.

"Stop. Stop." He held his ears. He kneeled down on the ground. He feels hands all over him and he pushes them away. He looks around and no one is there. He looks again and the voices get louder.

"Make it stop." He yelled. Maya woke up and saw Lucas kneeling on the ground. James, Vanessa, and Cole rush in. Lucas is frantically looking around, talking to himself. His warm green eyes were now craze-filled.

"Baby." Maya tried to touch him but he flinches causing Maya to frown. "I have to get out of here." He tries to leave but Cole and Vanessa hold on to him.

He throws them off of him and they crash to the walls. James tries to vervain him but lucas breaks his wrist and stabs James instead.

Maya watches in horror as her boyfriend fights off his siblings. He cracks Vanessa and Cole's necks. He didn't look like himself. It was as if he was a different person.

"Luke, please calm down." She held out her hands to calm him. He could hear how terrified she was. Her heart was beating profusely through his chest.

He looked around him at what he done. He was truly a monster. He couldn't hurt her. He couldn't stay here. He vamp sped out of the house.

"Lucas!" She yelled out after him but it was too late. Maya sat on her bed and cried. A few hours later James, Vanessa and Cole woke up.

"Maya what happened after he snapped our necks." James asked, rubbing his neck. "He ran out of the house. I have no idea where he went. I hate my dad for doing this to him." Maya stated. Vanessa sat next to her and hugged her.

"Don't worry we'll find him." Cole tried to assure her.
It's been four weeks since they last saw Lucas. Maya and the Friar siblings skipped school to constantly try to track him. Maya decided to stay in Lucas's room since she didn't want to stay in her house with her boyfriend's captor. She also wanted to sleep in his bed since it had his pine scent that she loved.

Dead bodies were scattered along the country with their heads ripped off. Every time they got close Lucas was three steps ahead.

Every lead was a dead end. They even got the Blackwood police department to get involved. Maya was desperately trying not to lose hope. "You guys I found another lead." Vanessa announced.

Maya opened the file. Maya got used to seeing the dead bodies by now but it was still not something you would like to see. "This body was in Austin Texas." Maya read aloud. "The body was found 24 hours ago."

"He can still be over there right now?" Cole asked. "Yeah but we need to go right now." Vanessa exclaimed. All four of them quickly got their overnight bags and other necessities and they piled in James's car.

It would take twenty hours to get from Virginia to Texas since they're driving. After twelve hours, they stopped at a hotel for the night. Maya set her bag down. She took a ten minute shower. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. She piled her blonde hair in a messy bun. She changed into Lucas's shirt and black boy shorts. Just the though of seeing her boyfriend again made her excited. His warm green eyes that she got lost into. His rare smirk that he showed with her. His lips that pressed against hers. His strong arms that wrapped around her that made her feel safe. She hoped that they would finally bring him home.

At 7am they headed back on the road. They finally made it to Texas. They went to the police department to see the latest murder. Another murder was a bar in Georgetown.

They found another bar that was a few miles away from the bar in the picture. They would think he would hit the bar a few miles over.

When they entered the bar there was dead bodies everywhere. Lucas sucked the human dry and let the body drop carelessly to the floor. Maya stared in shock. Lucas had blood around his mouth and his clothes. He looked unrecognizable.

James whispered to Maya to go back to the car. Maya nodded and quickly left. Lucas growled and got into a fighting stance. James signaled with his eyes and Cole and Vanessa both nodded. All three of them attacked him at once.

Lucas shoved Cole off of him but the other two wrapped their arms around him. James shoved a vervain dart in his neck. Lucas tried to fight but the vervain won and he fell limp in their arms.

"Cole wash him up and take him out of here. Vanessa and I will clean the mess." James ordered. Cole nodded and took Lucas to the bathroom. After they burned down the bar they entered the car.

Cole and James tied Lucas up and gave him double the vervain so he would be out for a long time. Maya laid Lucas's head on her lap. Maya caressed his hair softly with her hands. Despite everything she seen Maya couldn't stop loving him. She would be there for him through thick and thin.

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