Chapter thirty three

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Maya overwhelmingly improved over the next couple of days. Maya was facing off against Cole and then James. They were battling it out for real this time.

Maya threw the first swing. Cole tipped his head back to avoid the swing. He kicked his leg out to trip her. Maya held his leg and pushed him back making him fall. Before Maya could pin him down Cole quickly rolled over to the side and stood up.

Maya faced him again holding her arms up. Cole threw a punch knocking Maya's head to the side. He went to throw another one but Maya twisted his arm around his back.

She tripped his legs making him fall. She pinned him down against the ground his arm twisting around his back painfully.

Cole tapped out. Maya smirked releasing his arm. "That was pretty good Maya." Cole grimaced, twisted his arm back to the right place.

"Thanks." Maya smiled. James went up after Cole. They quickly sparred against each other. James was a bit more or a challenge since he had longer limbs than her but Maya wasn't going to give up so easily.

James put Maya in a headlock. Maya kicked her leg backwards hard making James's hold on her weaken. Maya threw James over her shoulder making James crash against the ground. She held his neck with her hands.

James also surrendered. Maya helped him up from the ground. "Cole's right you improved well. Nice work." James put his knee back into place.

"Only learned from the best." Maya said making them smile. They walked back inside the house. "Did you beat their asses Maya?" Vanessa asked. "You bet." She gave Vanessa a high five.

They decided to go to bed early. The full moon was tomorrow and they needed as much rest as they possibly could.

"Wake up Luke today's the day." Charlie said with excitement. "The day for what?" Lucas asked.

"You'll find out soon enough. Let's get out of here." Charlie pulled on his arm. Lucas groaned not liking his arm getting tugged like a rag doll.

He was tied up in vervain ropes and thrown in the backseat. "It's gonna take a few hours. Rest up if you'd like." Charlie said.

Lucas didn't want to stay up anyways so he fell asleep.

The day quickly passed by. They climbed in the car. James and Maya were in the front while the rest of them were in the back.

Maya had a weird feeling all day but she didn't know what it was. It was probably anxiousness if the plan went south.

The full moon was rising up from the sky. Lucas was locked up with chains wrapped around him. The chains were deeply rooted to the ground with 200 pound weights planted deep inside the ground.

"The moons full. It's time." Charles gave him a crazed smile. "Time for wh-," but Lucas couldn't finish when his head was forcefully tipped back. He felt his body convulse and ripple.

Lucas yelled loudly when he felt hair grow out from his skin. He felt his nails grow into claws. His hands and feet clawed at the ground.

His bones snapped everywhere making Lucas cry out in agony.

When the moon was full, Maya felt her head tip back. She screamed out loudly in pain. James stopped the car.

"What's wrong?" James asked frantically. Maya shook her head writhing in pain.

Alex came to a quick realization. "I must have fed her Charlie's blood instead of normal blood. She's turning into a hybrid!" Alex exclaimed.

"We gotta lock her up before she kills someone. Come on." Cole declared. James picked up Maya from the passenger seat and vamp sped her down to the cellar.

They locked her up with chains they found from the garage. They watched in shock as Maya cried out in pain but they couldn't do anything but watch it happen.

Maya felt her bones crack everywhere on her body. Long claws protruded from her hands and feet. Her body violently spasmed and shook uncontrollably.

Long white fur grew out from her body. Two fangs along with her vampire fangs grew out next to them. Her red eyes turned a bright yellow. She howled out loudly.

Lucas's eyes turned a bright yellow. His body was coated in light gray and white fur. He let out an humongous howl into the night.

"It worked." Charlie gave him a wicked smile. Lucas turned back into human form and passed out on the ground. Charlie unlocked the chains from his body.

He placed a blanket over Lucas's naked body. He picked him up and carried him to the car.

"Off to New Orleans my darling." Charlie kissed him on the head. He drove them away from Blackwood.

They watched as Maya turned back into human form and she passed out naked on the ground. Vanessa quickly came back with a blanket and covered her up. James picked Maya up from the floor. They placed her small frame on the bed.

Vanessa placed clothes besides her so when she woke up she could put clothes on. They waited outside the room for her to wake up.

After a while the siblings fell asleep outside her room.

A/N: Lucas and Maya are hybrids which means that they could change to wolves at free will. They are only controlled by the moon when they first turn but other than that they could change to wolves at anytime. They are stronger and faster than normal vampires and werewolves.

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