Chapter thirty four

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Maya woke up to the sun blaring through her window. Maya didn't need a daylight ring anymore since she was a hybrid.

It felt good to feel the sun again. She took a warm shower to wash the dirt and grime off of her body. She changed into a flannel with blue jeans and combat boots.

She looked in the mirror. Her blue eyes shifted to yellow and two sets of fangs extended from her mouth. She changed back into her normal face.

It was crazy that a few days prior she was a vampire but now she was a hybrid.

She walked out of the room. She saw Cole, Vanessa, and James sleeping in the hallway.

"You guys." She shook them awake. They all yawned. They pulled Maya into a hug.

"Are you okay? We were scared as hell." Cole said. "I'm fine. It was painful but I feel fine now." She answered. They all walked downstairs.

"I'm sorry that I stopped us from rescuing Lucas again. I'm a horrible person." Maya spoke in a guilty voice.

"Hey this is not your fault. None of us knew it would happen. We're not giving up on Lucas." James declared.

"It may be hard to track them now but it's not impossible." Vanessa said. "Alex left something for you Maya." Cole brought in a letter with old books in a basket.

Dear Maya,
I'm sorry that I once again fucked up and gave you Charlie's blood and that we couldn't get Lucas back. I'm going to leave town. I need to start a new life. I found a couple books that might help you find them. Also some things about hybrids too. I'm sorry for everything.


"What did he say if you don't mind me asking." Cole asked curiously. "He gave me some books that might help us find them and some books about what I am." Maya said taking out the books from the bag.

"Still hate his guts but I do respect him for trying to help." Vanessa declared.

James made omelettes with sliced up fruit for breakfast. After they finished eating they started to do research in Charlie's journals.

They researched all day. They had yet to find anything about their whereabouts.

They all went to bed when it hit 1am. Maya couldn't rest at all. She decided to read more about what she was and the history behind hybridism.

She found out that hybrids can turn into a beast at freewill. Their bite was also lethal to vampires. Their blood was also the cure. Hybrids are faster than both species. Hybrids can only get killed by taking out their heart or ripping off their heads.

Her eyes felt drowsy and she fell asleep on the couch.

Lucas woke up in the backseat. He realized he was naked. He quickly put on his clothes.

"Got to say that body is still impressive." Charlie teased. Lucas rolled his eyes. "Where the fuck are we?" Lucas asked.

"We're in New Orleans don't you remember back in the 20's where we first met and fell in love?" Charlie smiled wistfully.

"I'd rather not reminisce about the past." Lucas said. "You don't remember when I held you close like this," Charlie pulled Lucas up close to him.

Lucas yanked out of his grip. "Or the way I kissed you." Charlie pinned his arms down to the wall.

"Get off of me." Lucas shoved him away. "I will never love you. I will never be with you Charlie!" Lucas growled out. His green eyes turned yellow and claws extended from his nails. Charlie's eyes also turned yellow and his claws elongated.

They brawled out on the floor. Charlie held Lucas up against the wall. His hands were crushing Lucas's throat.

"Don't forget I'm stronger than you darling. You don't ever say those words to me ever again. Do you hear me?" Charlie hissed.

Lucas nodded his head. Charlie released him. Lucas coughed out. "Now come on we're going out." Charlie spoke.

Lucas sighed following after him. "Where are we going?" Lucas asked sitting in the passenger seat.

"We're going to Babineaux's bar. That's sure to bring back some memories." Charlie said.

They got to the bar in twenty minutes. The bar was full of people chatting or having another beer.

Lucas felt his eyes turn yellow in hunger. "Kill them. You know you want to." Charlie whispered.

"No I'd rather just have a bloodbag." Lucas refused. "I said kill them." Charlie looked in his eyes. Lucas didn't act he just did.

Lucas fed on the bartender. Everyone screamed when Lucas ripped the guys head off. People tried to escape but Lucas was faster. Heads rolled to the ground and blood was painted on the walls and the floor.

Charlie watched in amusement drinking a glass of scotch. Once Lucas was finished he stormed up to Charlie.

"How the fuck did you make me do that? I refused." Lucas said. "My blood turned you therefore you're sired to me did I forget to mention that part?" Charlie grinned taking another sip.

Lucas tried to make a quick escape but Charlie stopped him. "You will stay with me and you will not try to escape." Charlie demanded.

"I hate you you know that." Lucas spat out. "You know that you really love me. You just won't admit it." Charlie caressed his cheek. Lucas slapped it away.

"Now clean this up. I'll be waiting in the car." Charlie stood up taking the scotch with him leaving the bar.

Lucas lit a match and set the bar on fire.

A/N : Sired means that you have no free will. It is kind of the same as compulsion but you're not actually compelled. Charlie is 250 years old if y'all wanted to know.

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