Chapter forty six

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Maya partied every night draining victims of their blood. She skipped school altogether. She kept on getting calls from all her friends. She smashed her phone with her hands shattering it to pieces. She was in her apartment drinking a bottle of wine. Her mouth and clothes were covered in blood. She was watching the news laughing as the reporter talked about her victims.

Cole, James, and Vanessa were in shock when they first heard the news reports. They all knew something was wrong when Maya left without saying goodbye. They thought she was out taking time to herself to grieve but then people were going missing and people drained of blood. They knew it had to be Maya.

"I can't believe we're so stupid. We should have known she turned it off." Riley cried out. "We were all stupid. We should have made sure she was okay. We were all worrying about ourselves and we should have helped each other grieve." Vanessa declared.

"All we can do is locate her and stop her from killing anybody else." James said. Riley nodded her head bringing out the materials for the spell. They found her in an apartment building on Bleeker Street. James grabbed a dosage of vervain and wolfsbane to knock her out with. Riley decided to tag along taking the wheel. No one was stopping her from helping out her best friend.

They busted in the apartment door. Maya growled at the sight of the people that used to mean the most in her life. She didn't want a reminder of her old life and she definitely didn't want to turn her emotions back on. Maya threw herself out the window before they could do anything.

Maya vamp sped into the night. The siblings were hot on her trails. Riley was on cole's back as they continued to chase after her. Riley chanted a spell making Maya's head feel like she was on fire. Maya screamed in agony kneeling down to the floor. Maya clawed her hands and feet to the floor trying to fight it off. James sunk the vervain dart in her neck making Maya fall limp inside his arms.

Maya woke up on a bed that wasn't her own. She looked around her. She was locked in the Friar basement cellar. She was wearing a black shirt with pajama pants instead of the bloody dress she wore last night. She probably looked like a mess with her hair rumpled and unattractive bags under her eyes. Her lips were also dry.

She felt the affects of the vervain and wolfsbane in her system were starting to reappear. She rose up from the bed almost falling over. When she regained her balance she slammed her fists weakly against the cellar door. She yelled as she tried to get out of the room.

"Let me the fuck out of here!" She punched the metal door for the umpteenth time not caring that her fists were bloody and bruised. She kicked the door before sitting down on the bed. She would try to wolf out of here but the wolfsbane and vervain made her extremely weak. "When I get out of here you guys are so dead you hear me!" She shouted out loud.

She heard the sound of the small latch on the cellar door creak open. She turned away from the door sitting down on the floor. She saw Riley on the other side of the door with a small jar of blood.

"I brought you something to drink. You've been knocked out for hours. I figured you were thirsty. I promise it doesn't have vervain in it." Riley told her. Maya walked up to the door taking the jar of blood. Red veins crawled out of her eyes from hunger and she drunk the small jar. It was enough to keep her sated for a few hours but not enough to escape.

She sat back down spinning the jar on the ground. "Peaches please come back to us. I know that you didn't mean to kill all those people. I know deep down you are still in there. I know that it was hard that Lucas is dead but this is not the answer." Riley pleaded.

When Maya heard his name she stopped spinning the bottle and looked up into Riley's eyes. "You have no idea what is like to watch someone die in front of you. I used to think that we would be together forever but what a fucking lie that was. How long before you and Farkle break up huh? Before he dies and you're left all alone?" Maya gave her a devious smirk.

Riley knew that Maya didn't mean them but those words still stung. "Shut up Maya this is not you!" She felt tears brimming in her eyes. Maya laughed derisively standing in front of the cell door.

"You don't know a fucking thing about me. You never have. The only reason I put up with you all these years was because you can't handle the truth when it's right in front of you. You're just a whiny, needy, insecure bitch." Maya spat out viciously. Riley felt tears blur her vision and she ran up the stairs. She couldn't take any more of Maya's harsh words.

Maya knew that she crawled under her skin which made Maya's lips curl at the corners. Maybe she can have some fun after all.

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