Chapter Ten

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"Baby stop. We need to concentrate on this project." Maya declared while Lucas was planting kisses on her neck. "How can I when you look so kissable?" He kissed behind the shell of her ear making Maya melt in his arms. She gave up on doing the project and dropped the books on the floor.

She turned around and straddled his lap. She threw her arms around his shoulders. Lucas placed his large hands on her ass. His green eyes were darkened with lust and his lips were so soft and pink that Maya couldn't resist.

She leaned forward and their lips met in a passionate, heat filled kiss. The project long forgotten from her mind. Lucas brought one hand up to her cheek while the other one settled on her thigh.

He turned his head to deepen the kiss. His teeth lightly tugged on Maya's bottom lip begging for entrance. Maya gave him access and his tongue invaded her mouth. Their tongues moved in a passionate dance.

Lucas kissed along her jawline and trailed kisses down her warm neck. Her warm blood pulsing under his touch. Maya rolled her eyes back in desire and tugged roughly on his hair making Lucas groan deeply.

He heard the door opening downstairs. His heightened smell and hearing let him know that all three of his siblings were here.

"Hey my siblings are home. Would you like to meet them?" Lucas questioned. "Lucas I'm not even dressed for this occasion!" Maya remarked.

"Princess, you look beautiful with whatever you're wearing. They'll accept you even if you came in wearing a trash bag." Lucas said making her laugh.

"What happens if they don't like me?" Maya whispered her fears. She lowered her voice knowing they can probably hear what she's saying.

"They'll love you I promise you. If they don't they have to deal with me." Lucas threatened. He brought his hands to her face and kissed her nose making Maya close her eyes briefly before opening them.

"Any more concerns?" Lucas inquired. "No I'm good now." She replied. "Good let's go." Maya climbed off of him. Lucas stood beside her. He grabbed her small hand. He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles making Maya feel comfort in his touch.

She intertwined their fingers  and they walked downstairs. Vanessa, Cole, and James were waiting for the couple to arrive.

"Hello I'm Vanessa." Vanessa walked up to her first. She gave Maya a hug. "Hi Vanessa." Maya smiled. "I'm Cole." He held his hand out and she shook it.

"I'm James." He also shook her hand. "We're very happy that you are dating our baby brother. Thank you for loving him for what he is." Vanessa said gratefully.

"I don't care whether he's a vampire or not. I don't know where I'd be without him." Maya smiled lovingly up at him. Lucas kissed her forehead.

"You guys are so adorable!" Vanessa exclaimed. "Well I'm going to make dinner." Vanessa stated. "Can I help?" Maya questioned.

"Sure." Vanessa responded. The girls started to talk to each other as they headed inside the kitchen. "We're happy for you brother. She's a good match for you." James gave him a one sided hug.

"I approve too." Cole smiled.

Maya was cutting the vegetables with a chopping knife when she accidentally cut her finger. "Ow." She grimaced in pain.

Everyone had smelt the blood when she cut herself. Oh no Cole. Lucas thought.

Cole's blue eyes turned red and he sped towards Maya. Maya's blue eyes widened in fear. Lucas tackled Cole to the floor before he can get to her.

James came back from the basement with a needle filled with vervain. "I got him check if Maya's finger is okay." James ordered, plunging the vervain dart in Cole knocking him out.

Lucas nodded his head. He sped to the kitchen. "I'm so sorry about my twin brother. He can't control himself around blood." Vanessa apologized, giving Maya a bandaid.

"It's okay. Don't worry." Maya smiled, wrapping the bandaid around her cut. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Vanessa informed, walking upstairs.

"I'm sorry babe. I totally forgot how Cole was around blood. It's my fault." Lucas apologized, rubbing his thumb over her bandaged finger.

"Hey It's okay. He didn't intentionally mean it. Don't blame yourself alright?" Lucas nodded his head. She leaned up and pecked his lips. "Good." She smiled.

Maya was pretty tired and she wanted to go home and sleep in her warm bed.

"See you later Maya. Even though it was brief I still had a great time talking to you." Vanessa hugged her. "You too Nessa." She smiled.

James gave her a hug as well. "On my brother's behalf he's truly sorry for that." Cole was still knocked out form the vervain. It would take a couple of hours to wear off.

"Let him know that it was an accident and I'm not mad at him." Maya told James. Lucas came downstairs with his car keys.

"Alright let's go." Lucas stated. Maya waved goodbye and walked with Lucas down the porch steps.

Lucas pulled up on the curb in front of Maya's house. Lucas noted that her parent's cars wasn't in their driveway.

"Where's your parents?" Lucas asked. "They went to some convention that Shawn needed to go to. They'll be back tomorrow." Maya answered, climbing out.

"Do you mind staying with me for tonight?" She asked, when they entered her bedroom. "I don't mind at all." Lucas answered.

She changed into her pajamas in the bathroom. She threw her dirty clothes in the hamper. Lucas was in his undershirt and boxers.

Maya put her head in the space between his neck and shoulder. Lucas snaked his arms around her waist and intertwined their hands together.

"Goodnight Lucas." Maya whispered. He kissed her forehead making Maya tiredly smile. "Goodnight princess." He heard Maya's breathing slow down as she fell asleep.

Lucas fluttered his eyes closed. For the first time he fell asleep without having a nightmare.

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