Chapter eighteen

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Lucas woke up in a wooden chair. His arms and legs were strapped in. The only things in the room was a metal door and a small window with curtains covering it.

His daylight ring was gone from his right middle finger.

The door opened and Shawn walked in with a worker. "Good day for sunlight isn't it? I just love the sun and the way it warms my skin up." Shawn told him.

Lucas didn't respond. He knew Shawn wanted him to talk and he wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction.

"Ah the silent treatment. Well you soon be screaming for your life. Kevin would you please."

Kevin walked to the curtains. He pulled them apart and Lucas's body instantly caught on fire. Lucas bit his lip to stop from screaming but it was too painful.

Shawn laughed watching Lucas scream in agony. He signaled Kevin to close them. He watched as Lucas's body  healed up quickly. Lucas's face was in relief.

He asked Kevin to open them again and watched Lucas scream and catch on fire all over again. He did that for the next few hours until he was satisfied.

The workers pulled Lucas's limp body out of the room.

Lucas finds himself in a meadow. He's dressed in a shirt and jeans.

There was a picnic blanket laid on the grass. "Lucas why are you standing there? Come on." Maya giggled grabbing Lucas's hand and tugging him along.

They laid beside each other on the blanket.

Their hands were clasped together between them. Maya was pointing out all the constellations while Lucas watched her lovingly.

"I wish you were here with me." Lucas said caressing her face. "You are here with me. Stop being silly." Maya said cuddling against him.

Lucas wrapped his arms around her and holds her close to him. He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes.

Maya silently eats her food again and leaves the house. She didn't get much rest last night. She kept on tossing and turning on her bed.

She almost fell asleep during fourth period twice. Riley didn't bother her at lunch and let her sleep which she was internally grateful.

Maya walked in and sat down at her desk. Her last period of the day was sketching class.

Maya sighed and sat in her desk. She was assigned to draw what was on the board but frankly she didn't care.

"Hey are you okay?" Her seat partner Alex asked. Alex had blue eyes, tan skin and black hair. "I'm fine." Maya told him.

"No you're not Maya. Why are you sad?" Alex persisted. "Please leave me alone." Maya requested.

"Okay I'm sorry." Alex apologized. He was concerned for her. She was usually happy but lately she was sad.

The bell finally rung. Maya grabbed her things and left. She drove home and laid in her bed the same way she did yesterday.

She holds cuddly close to her. She remembered when Lucas's arms use to hold her and give her comfort.

She closed her eyes and escaped to her dream world where everything was okay.

Her parents looked at their daughter in concern. Just like two days ago she never talked or smiled. She sat, ate her dinner and go back to her room.

"I'm concerned for her Shawn. The breakup is really taking a toll on her." Katy said.

"Everyone goes through a heartbreak Katy. Everyone goes through it a different way. Just give her some time and she'll be the same daughter who was happy before she met him." Shawn consoled his wife.

"You're right. I just can't help but feel worried." Katy said. "I know, but things will get better soon." Shawn said.

He wrapped his arm around her and fell asleep.

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