Chapter 1

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I accepted the awards ceremony for Shahrukh. I knew that Ajay would not like it. I was not good with him yet. Ajay was still of the opinion that Shahrukh had torpedoed his film two years earlier with the help of his contacts. At that time I supported my husband and I turned against Shahrukh.

It was a very difficult time for me. I retired from the public and only took care of my family. I loved being a mom and enjoyed every moment with my children. But I missed freedom and acting. I was just a mother and a wife. This disgusted me more and more.

When the style award invitation arrived and I was to deliver the prize to Shahrukh, I immediately accepted. That was exactly what I needed. Had to go out. I had to be the women Kajol again.

The night before the awards, my phone rang. I didn't know the number. But something told me take the call. "Ji ..." "Namaste Kajol" When I heard his voice, my heart stopped. I was so happy to hear it after so long. "Kajol?" Shahrukh pulled me out of my mind. "Kajol?" "Yes, yes ... hello Shahrukh, I'm sorry, the connection was bad." "Kajol, you're a bad liar, where have you been with your thoughts when you heard me?" "Shut up Shahrukh, why are you calling?" "Kajol, I just wanted to talk to you tomorrow, you know I like it when we use the same accessories." I had to laugh. He had not changed at all. "Shahrukh, are you okay with red?" "Oho, Mrs. Devgan, red as love?" I smiled but did not answer. "Kajol, I'm looking forward to tomorrow." "Me too Shahrukh ... See you later." I was about to hang up when I heard a very soft "I missed you." I hung up the call and said barely audible "Me too Shahrukh ...

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