Chapter 16

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The days passed and Ajay slowly calmed down. I was looking for my closeness again and was looking for the conversation. But my guilty conscience didn't allow it. I treated him cold and reserved. Through the first trials and appointments with Manish, he was hardly at home. I couldn't stand his closeness. Every touch of him froze me. I tried hard, but my heart didn't allow it.

The afternoon before we leave we sit in the living room and talk about planning for the next few weeks. We figured that the children could visit us for a week. Shahrukh had talked the same with Gauri. Shahrukh had arranged everything so far so that we could really enjoy the days of filming. He had contracts signed by all the members of the crew that nothing was public. Even the hotel had received a list of no go's. The staff couldn't talk or look at us when we were together. Everyone knew Shahrukh and they knew the power that this man had. "Kajol?" Jay pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I looked at Jay. "Kajol, I wanted to apologize again I know you're a strong woman. And I don't want to dictate to you I'm sorry Jay took my hands and caressed them. He covered me with kisses. But I didn't feel anything. Every kiss that touched my skin It left me cold, Jay came over and kissed me passionately, I let him pass over me, I couldn't afford to refuse him, he took me to the room and put me to bed, I felt my eyes fill with tears. I bit my lip and sank into a world where this situation didn't exist. When it was over, it pulled away from me and left me like a used wife. I jumped right away and went to the bathroom. I felt used. I showered and I cried softly. What life had to punish me like that?

The next morning, Jay took me to the airport. When we saw Shahrukh, Jay deliberately hugged me and kissed me goodbye. I felt terrible. When Ajay left, Shahrukh came to me. He looked at me sadly and saw my tears. He understood what had happened and he hugged me. He gently stroked my back and whispered in my ear: "Shhhh Kajol, nobody reproaches you, forget everything and just think about what's coming now, just you and I. I'll give you my heart and my soul. every day and every night. "I looked at him and he took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead.

When the crew appeared completely we got on the plane. Shahrukh and I were sitting in first class in a row. I settled into my apartment. The apartments were closed, so I had a bit of privacy. Shahrukh was at the bar with Rohit and Varun. They were with the scripts discussing some scenes that needed to be changed. I ordered something to eat and I got lost in my book. After a while, my apartment opened and Shahrukh looked at me. The night had just fallen and you could see the sun sinking into the horizon. "Shahrukh wait, I'll leave you a place." I pulled away and he sat next to me. He put his arm around me and put my head on his shoulder. We couldn't speak out loud since all the apartments were above open. But we didn't want to talk. Shahrukh started playing with my hands and kissing my face. He pulled me into his lap. I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the forehead with tenderness. Soft as a feather, I touched his face and caressed his lips. Shahrukh had his eyes closed. Tenderly, I kissed his eyelids. Shahrukh tenderly stroked my back and my thighs. He opened his eyes and I saw the brightness in his eyes. I had never seen that satisfaction in his eyes. They were radiant with happiness like two stars. I leaned down and whispered, "Are you okay?" He smiled at me. "Kajol, how I can't be fine? I have the most wonderful and intelligent creature sitting in my lap, but do you know what's even better?" I shook my head slightly "I'm totally crazy about a crazy woman." "Shut up Shahrukh. "From all corners, we suddenly heard a" shhhhh. "We both laughed softly, I patted him on the shoulder and looked at him with love, yes, I was in love, I could finally enjoy our love." Kajol, but seriously you're driving me crazy. How will I be able to focus on the film and keep my hands away from you? "I raised an eyebrow and said barely audibly," Shahrukh who demands that you leave your hands with me? "Shahrukh looked at me in shock. and it squeezed me hard. This kiss was full of passion Our tongues played and played together I felt my desire increase I bit her lip gently and I kissed her neck. Her hands searched the path under my blouse I had felt her hands my skin so many times, so many times I wished I could enjoy it, I wanted so much more, but I had to stop it, it was not the place or the time, I gradually withdrew from it, Shahrukh looked at me questioningly, "Shahrukh not today or here." He gave me a cheeky smile. "Kajol, don't you want to be part of the Mile High Club?" I had to laugh at myself. "Shahrukh, and who tells you I'm not part of him?" Shahrukh looked at me with wide eyes. I didn't answer her anymore, I gave her a soft kiss and slipped from her lap. I snuggled against his chest and fell asleep happy and content.

In the morning, Rohit woke us up with a cheeky smile. "Hey lovebirds we've landed." Shahrukh looked at me "Mrs. Mukherjee are you ready?" I smiled and nodded towards him, Shahrukh took my hand and we left the plane as a couple.

The great happiness of love is finding peace in another heart

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