Chapter 34

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My time in Sofia was over. The last configurations were only without me. The next morning, I would fly with Yug back to Mumbai. Shahrukh, I had to stay in Sofia for a few more days. I hadn't thought about what to do next. He had our house for us, since Ajay was with Nysa in London, but I still didn't feel comfortable. Tanishaa and my mother had flown to New York to spend a few days on vacation. That left me alone in Mumbai. I didn't know how I would handle the whole situation.

Shahrukh entered the room. His eyes were sad. "Hey, little ..." He looked at the floor. "Kajol, how am I going to spend these days without you?" My heart ached. I didn't want to leave him alone. "Shahrukh are only a few days ..." I put my hand on his face and gently stroked his cheek. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. As if I wanted to absorb this touch. Shahrukh opened his eyes and our eyes met. We stay like this for minutes. In that look, there was so much love and trust, but also a lot of fear. We both didn't know how to proceed. We were caught in the here and today without knowing what would come tomorrow. After a while, Shahrukh kissed me on the forehead and hugged me. He squeezed me so hard that he felt all his fear. "Ssssshhhh Shahrukh nothing and nobody will separate us ... I love you!" Shahrukh looked at me and smiled slightly embarrassed. "Kajol, I know and I trust our love." We spent the night together and went out to dinner. We were lost for the last time in our own world. Far from reality.

The next morning, Shahrukh took us to the airport. I can't explain it but the separation made me feel bad. I could not explain why. But I felt that I had chosen the wrong path. Shahrukh lovingly said goodbye to me and left me alone with Yug and the nanny in the harsh reality. He hadn't made that decision, but me. And I had to face now. The flight was quiet, so we landed rested in Mumbai. As always, many photographers were waiting for us. The images would arrive in a few minutes to the press.

When I opened the front door, my phone rang. I looked at it and it scared me. It was Ajay. What did he want? "Ji ..." I heard him breathe deeply. "Namaste Kajol, did you just get it right?" What did he want? "Ajay, what do you want? As if you were interested in how we got there ..." "Kajol, can't we talk reasonably? I want you to come to London. Nysa misses you and I too." Could that be serious? Had he forgotten everything that had happened in Sofia? "Ajay, I don't know why you suddenly feel something like loss, but I'm not going to go." I was determined not to fly, I had no feelings for that man, and I would explain it to Nysa, I heard Ajay take another deep one. "Ok, Mrs. Mukherjee, then I'll talk to the press and I'll just ask if they know who else could be Yug's father." My heart stopped. How could I even consider such a thing? I got angry and yelled over the phone. "You know very well that I never had anything with Shahrukh, how can you put such a lie in the press, you would destroy Shahrukh with that ..." "Kajol, believe me, I can and I will, if necessary, I'm waiting for you here." With that, Ajay hung up and left me crying in the front door.

From Shahrukh's point of view

I kept Kajol in my arms for the last time two days ago. I had kissed her, felt, smelled and loved her. That woman was my life. She had made me so happy. I did not want to live another day without her. When I went down to breakfast, my assistant approached me. "Good morning, Shahrukh ..." something was strange. His look was different. She looked disappointed and sad. "I have to ... I ... look at it yourself ..."

The saliva stuck in my throat

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The saliva stuck in my throat. How was it possible? Why was Kajol in London? Why had he travelled behind Ajay? Immediately I picked up my phone and called Kajol. But more the sound played I didn't hear. Filled with anger I threw the phone against the wall. Terrified, the people around me looked at me. Why had she done that? I shouted to my assistant that I should immediately prepare everything, I would go to London. I had to go for Kajol ...

From Kajol's point of view

When Ajay opened the hotel door he smiled dirty at me. "I see you know what's best for your King Khan ..." I didn't pay attention and immediately went to Nysa. I still didn't know how to survive these two weeks, but I had to. I wasn't allowed to let Ajay put that rumour in the press. Even then, there was that rumour, since I was pregnant in the middle of shooting at MNIK and Ajay wanted to force me to interrupt everything. If today Ajay himself put this rumour into circulation, he would destroy Shahrukh. And I was not going to let that happen. I had to make this sacrifice. For him ... For us ... I wrote a message to Shahrukh a thousand times but I eliminated it again and again. How could I explain everything? He would never understand. He would never understand that he only did it for us.

From Shahrukh's point of view

I had captured everything. He hadn't given any explanation to anyone. He had left the hotel without saying anything. Since I hadn't gotten a plane, my assistant had organized a private jet. I had to go to Kajol as soon as possible. I didn't find peace during the flight. I felt it. I felt his fear. But I didn't understand why. I tried to solve my thoughts and repeated to myself: "Shahrukh, she loves you, there must be a reason." My heart believed that version, but my mind couldn't deceive it. Kajol had made a decision. And I knew what that meant. She would live this with all the consequences.

When we landed in London, I had arranged everything to leave the airport without being seen. I could not risk being seen. I ran out of the plane and immediately to a car waiting. We left the airport area as quickly as possible. It was already dark. We drove through the streets of London. My thoughts only revolved around that woman. I had to try everything. She belonged to me. I had been waiting for her for so many years. He had wanted her so much. No ... I would do everything possible to take her today.

When we arrived at the hotel we went to a side entrance. I left and immediately ran to the hotel. Several people tried to explain something to me, but I didn't pay attention to it. I had to get to those elevators as quickly as possible. Nothing and nobody would stop me now.

From Kajol's point of view

It was late. Nysa and Yug were already asleep. I was on the balcony enjoying this view of London. A city that never slept and lived from its hectic pace. I picked up my phone and kept checking the notifications of calls that had escaped. Shahrukh had tried to communicate with me several times, but I still couldn't give him an explanation. I knew it would break his heart. I opened an image of him and felt my heart writhing in pain. I missed him so much. My eyes filled with tears and fell on the phone screen. Gently, I cleaned the image again when I heard a loud knock on the door. Who could it be at this time ...

From Shahrukh's point of view

I left the elevator and ran down that long corridor. The closer I got to the room, the more I felt Kajol. At his door, I took another deep breath and banged my fist on the door. I heard myself scream softly barely audible "Kajolllllll please open ..." But not my mouth was screaming, it was the voice of my heart.

When you have to make decisions, you don't need time but courage.

Yes, it's Saturday again ... I hope you enjoyed my new chapter and join again next week, when SRKajol will finally live your love ...

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See you next Saturday

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