Chapter 12

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Shahrukh had given me a week for the decision. But could I really take that step? At this time I enjoyed being conquered by Shahrukh. Each day that passed opened my heart more and more. If I agreed, we would be together almost the whole year. The shoot would be 130 days. In addition the full promotion dates. I would go for a long time. But I had to be honest with my heart. I wanted this project. I wanted to be the young Meera. I wanted to play that role. But, above all, I wanted to be with Shahrukh. I wanted to see her face first thing in the morning and feel her soft lips. I didn't want to dream about him but to live that dream. But how would Jay react? Our marriage was not under a good star. We had already left the subject Shahrukh, but in the meantime I couldn't stand his presence. Just the thought of him made me cry. I loved that man too much. I felt the hand of a girl drying my tear. I looked up and saw Nysa. "Mom, why are you crying?" I looked at her, surprised. What should I tell my daughter now? She was no longer in the age she believed everything. She was curious and also lived many situations at home. "Nysa is all right, I was just thinking." I saw that Nysa had the script in her hand. I looked at her questioningly. "Mom, the script is crazy." It's a Rohit movie, Mom, you have to make this movie, I think you should take on the role of Meera and Kaali's uncle Shahrukh, I just nodded toward her. please do it. "You cry in all your movies. You are always the one who suffers. Here is different. Muuum this is a movie by Rohit. You have to do it. "Smiling, I looked at Nysa." Nysa, if I make this movie, I'll be away a long time. I will not be home for you. We can't catch up this time. "Nysa took my hand." Mom, we're not babies anymore, and I think Uncle Shahrukh is right. "I looked at her in shock." What did Shahrukh say to Nysa? "Mom, Uncle Shahrukh just wants to make this movie with you." When did you both talk about it? Why did Shahrukh ever talk to Nysa about me? "Nysa, if you're sure and agree it's going to come out that long, I will." Nysa jumped up and jumped around the room shouting, "Yesss, my mother is going to make a Rohit Shetty movie." I laughed in a voice Just at that moment, Jay came in. He looked at us questioningly, "Dad, Mom chose Dilwale." Ajay looked at me angrily, but for the first time in our marriage, I felt I had made the right decision. to share my decision with Shahrukh, but Jay got in my way. "Still looking at me, he said to Nysa," Nysa, look where Yug is. And what he does. "Nysa came out of the living room and Jay grabbed my arm tightly." Kajol you won't make that movie. "I felt a strength in me that I had never felt before" Jay, whether you like it or not. I'll do it. And I'll do it with Shahrukh. "Jay grabbed my second arm and pulled me close. I felt his anger "Kajol, you are my wife, you are a Devgan, don't forget it." Calmly, I replied, "Jay, first of all, I am Kajol Mukherjee, and always will be Mr. Devgan." I freed myself from him and left, at the door I turned to him and saw his anger "I don't need a man to me side that wants to make my decisions. I'm woman enough to do it myself. I turned and left our house.

On the way, I called Shahrukh. "Hello Kajol" "Shahrukh, where are you we need to talk right now." "Kajol, I'm with Karan, we have a meeting. What happened?" "Nothing Shahrukh, everything's fine, I'm going there." I hung up and drove to Karan the quickest way.

When I entered the house, both came to me. Karan smiled when Shahrukh took me in his arms and kissed me tenderly. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to see you like this." We both turned to him. "Shut up Karan." Karan laughed. "I'll leave you in the office. I'm awake if you need anything. "He winked at us and left the office. Shahrukh immediately took me in his arms and looked at me curiously, "Kajol you want to talk so important to me?" "Shahrukh I will do it!" He smiled. My eyes shone like two stars on a cloudless night. Shahrukh picked me up and threw me. He was smiling all over his face. "Kajol really? And not just the movie, but the whole promotion tour?" "Yes Shahrukh I will do everything." Ambiguous I smiled at him. Abruptly he stopped and looked at me timidly. "Kajol, does that mean I have to book one or two rooms in the hotel?" I laughed, "Shahrukh, we can sleep on the couch, the main thing is that we're together, I only have one wish." Shahrukh looked at me questioningly. "Talk to Rohit, I don't want anything to be released to third parts, remember that Rohit gets along with Jay, I want to enjoy time with you without having to hide it constantly." Shahrukh kissed me on the forehead "Kajol, don't be afraid, I've cleared everything up, and the hotel room is reserved too." Surprised, I looked at him. "How did you know I would agree?" He grinned at me maliciously. "Kajol Probably you would have cancelled it but never for your Nysa. "Surprised, but happy I hit him on the shoulder. He knew me too well.

"But Kajol, I also have a request for you." He took off his wedding ring and put it on the desk, then he looked at me and took my hand, I had my talisman gold ring on, which had saved me the first time. He carefully took that ring and placed it next to hers, and looked deep into my eyes, "Let's enjoy the time and present our love to the whole world. When it's over, we'll meet here again and decide whether to use these rings again or ... "He paused and took a deep breath" ... or we'll use new rings until the end of our lives. "I stood in front of him crying. His words had revealed what my heart felt, I put my head on his chest and I was absolutely sure of one thing, I loved him ...

What is destined to happen ... will always find a unique, magical and wonderful way to manifest ...

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