Chapter 21

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Meera: Kaali, I wanted you to come because some guys bother me.

I tried to look seriously at Shahrukh, but Shahrukh looked at me so in love that I couldn't keep myself serious and started to laugh out loud. Rohit shouted "CUT." We all had to laugh. "Shahrukh, if you look at me like that, how do you think I'm going to talk to you seriously?" Shahrukh smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Kajol, that's how I always look at you." Rohit came to us. "I've always heard about your games. But please, let's finish the little scene now. "Shahrukh and I smiled but we nodded to him.

"Dilwale Take 2 Action"

Meera: Kaali, I wanted you to come because some guys bother me.

Kaali: Good, good

Meera: Kaali? Kaali?

I hit the small table hard ...

Meera: Do you hear what I say?

Kaali: Of course I'm listening to you.

Shahrukh became serious.

Meera: Some guys are bothering me, they're causing problems. I'm the only Indian cartoonist here. That's why they make racist comments.

Kaali: really?

Meera: yes

Kaali: tell me where to find them ...

"CUT, Super, see, it works." Shahrukh and I hugged. We always do it that way. After a successful scene, we took a firm hug. "Shahrukh, do you realize that this was our first scene that we filmed as a couple?" Shahrukh gave me a cheeky look. "Kajol, are we a couple?" I hit him on the arm. "Kajol this is the first time you say that, but I like how you say it." I looked at him embarrassed, yes, I said it for the first time.

At that time, I also realized that we were not the normal couple, but that I was having an adventure. A relationship led to a common path. But we both knew it was clear that after filming our paths would be separated again. There was no future for us as a couple. We would enjoy the time. But deep down in our hearts, we both knew the hard truth.

Shahrukh and Rohit discussed the next scene and prepared me again. Filming continued all day. Late in the afternoon we returned to the hotel. Shahrukh was still at the bar with Rohit. I was tired and went to our room. I took a bath and sat comfortably on the couch. Meanwhile, I still sent several messages to Nysa and Tanisha. The night was getting late and Shahrukh had not yet returned. Sometimes I wondered where this man got his strength from. I went to bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Shahrukh dawned at my side. I was peacefully asleep. Don't listen to the night. Carefully I got up and ordered a breakfast. After everything was served, I went to Shahrukh and sat on the edge of the bed. Carefully, I stroked the strands of hair on his face and kissed his eyelids. I heard a soft moan. Carefully, he opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily. "Mhhh Kajol, how could I start the day better? Open my eyes and see that beautiful face." Shahrukh managed to blush with his words, I gently caressed his cheek. "Shahrukh, you have to get up. I ordered breakfast. We have to prepare. "Laughing, he kissed me on the forehead. "Kajol will all notice something, never in my life, I arrived on time or in a good mood to the set, and now I am on time, satisfied and happy ..." I had to laugh out loud. "Shut up Shahrukh It's important that you eat something in the morning and don't spend all day with cigarettes and coffee You have to maintain your strength." Shahrukh raised an eyebrow and looked at me coquettishly. "Kajol, why do I have to keep my forces? "" Shahrukh, of course, just for the shooting. "I laughed and gave him one eye, Shahrukh took me in his arms and kissed me tenderly, without separating our lips, I whispered," Shahrukh, I have to go. Mickey awaits me. And I don't want to be late. Shahrukh stopped the kiss. "Kajol, but only if we continue here later." I smiled at him and said "if you don't come back in the middle of the night." Shahrukh looked at me sadly. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left the room.

When I got to Mickey, he was preparing everything. "Hi darling, you look very well rested." Mickey laughed. He was loud and crazy like me. I hugged him and he started to put on my hair. "Kajol, can I ask you something?" I put my phone aside and nodded. "Kajol, have you thought about how this will continue with you and Shah?" His words hit me. Unfortunately, I turned to him. "Mickey, I don't know, I'm falling in love more every day, I've always loved him, but now I develop feelings that I can't even explain to you, it provokes reactions that I don't even know." Mickey hugged me sadly. "Kajol, I'm worried. You are testing the sweet life and I fear that when you come back to reality you can't forget this. I doubt you can be happy with this longing. "I noticed that my eyes filled with tears. "Kajol, I'm really happy to see you so happy, but you know I've always been honest with you, this will break you forever, I know you'll never leave Ajay." Surprised, I looked at Mickey. "How can you know?" "Kajol, nobody know better than me. "Mickey took me in his arms and we stayed that way for a while. When Mickey separated from me, I saw tears in his eyes." Kajol please at least enjoy it and take out of this love the strength for what is to come when everything is over I will not be able to heal your heart but I will always be with you ... "I gave Mickey a solid kiss, and I sat down again, but his words still echoed in my head, was it what we were doing here, our fall? And why I didn't have the strength to finish everything with Jay I knew that after loving Shahrukh I would never be able to open my heart like that again The questions burned my heart Mickey finished me and I went to the set.

Shahrukh was already there. I was talking to Rohit about today's scenes. They both didn't notice me. I sat in a store and had a coffee. Mickey's words would not let me calm down. Should I talk to Shahrukh? Should I address this issue at all? Or would it not be better to close my heart? Shahrukh came over and gave me a tender kiss on the cheek. He noticed my sadness and knelt in front of me. Carefully, he took my hands and looked directly at me ...

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