Chapter 3

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There was nothing special on that terrace because there were only a few chairs and a large sofa. Shahrukh spoke to the waiter. I looked at him "Shahrukh, why are we here?" "Kajol tell me a place in all Mumbai where we could eat without being disturbed and speak in peace!" Shahrukh looked at me questioningly. "I always come to smoke here when we are here, I always enjoy the few minutes of rest and I love the view." Shahrukh took me by the hand and pulled me to him, he looked deep into my eyes. "Kajol ... I missed you a lot. "He exhaled deeply, as if a burden had been removed, he gently put his forehead against mine, I felt he was letting go." Shahrukh, I felt the same. It was too long. "Shahrukh took my face in his hands and tenderly kissed my forehead." Kajol, do we want to sit down? "I nodded and we went to a couch.

"Kajol tell me how are you doing? How are the children?" He took a cigar and looked at me. He let me feel that this really interested him. "Shahrukh the children are fine, I'm glad they're more independent now." "How are you?" Shahrukh raised an eyebrow and looked at me closely. "Kajol do not answer with a contrary question." Smile, he knew me too well. "I'm always fine." While saying this, he looked at my hands. He touched my chin gently and lifted my face. Now I could see my eyes again. "And now again, Kajol, how are you?" Barely audible, I said "Quiet Shahrukh, everything is fine." He looked at me sadly. Carefully, he put on his cigarette and blew the smoke cautiously aside. "Kajol, do you have problems?" I shook my head softly. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and suppress my tears. But Shahrukh noticed my wet eyes. He hugged me tightly. This is that I need. Smell your perfume and feel it. I had missed him too much. I did not have to pretend. I was not a mother or wife. I was just Kajol at that time.

For a long time we were sitting like that. Of course, Shahrukh had noticed my tears. But he had not said anything. He just tenderly held me in his arms. The beating of his heart calmed my soul. His warmth gave me security. I withdrew a little from the hug and looked at him. "Thanks Shahrukh?" Smiling, he asked "Why my little one?" I put my hand gently on his cheek "because you love me as I really am." "Kajol, I will always be there for you, I will hug you or I will fight your wars for you, I will laugh with you or, if necessary, I will cry." I put my finger on Shahrukh's lips, I should not continue "Shhhhh Shahrukh, please do not say it. "Shahrukh rested his forehead on mine, our nostrils touched, I closed my eyes and felt his warm breath, which still had a touch of smoke, on my face." Carefully, Shahrukh lowered my head and gave me a long and Sincere kiss on the forehead.

At dawn, Shahrukh took me home. We do not talk during the trip. We had talked enough that night. He held my hand all the way. When we stopped in front of our house, she gently pulled my hand to her side and put her lips on it. He did not kiss her. He only touched her. Carefully, I pulled her to me and looked at him. I smiled and caressed his face softly. He winked at me and I left.

I stood in front of our house and breathed in my lungs the warm morning air of Mumbai. The last hours could not be defined in words. I was happy that Shahrukh was part of my life. And nothing and nobody would separate us anymore. I was ready to make decisions in my life again and then implement them. If I was honest with myself, I had already made Dilwale's decision a long time ago. Yes, I wanted to make this movie. And yes, I wanted to do it because Shahrukh Khan had asked for it. Because he was my best friend.

The next few days Jay barely spoke to me. He avoided me completely. I took care of the children and started reading the script that Rohit had brought me. I really liked the story. It was something completely new. I found the role of Meera really interesting. I called Rohit and told him. I asked him not to tell Shahrukh yet the decision. He gave me the data and we agreed to have the first meeting for more details. I hung up and felt that burning in me again. It was my life. I was an actress. And it was damn good.

I was on the way to a conference about clean hands. In recent years he had taken on various aid projects. On the way, I wrote a message to Shahrukh.

"Shahrukh, I'm on my way to a date, I'll take until six, we have to talk, please organize something."

I put my phone in my pocket and went to my appointment. I liked this job. I could achieve something with my reputation. The cooperation with these people and also with these children gave me something that I only had when acting with Shahrukh. Honesty and gratitude. During the appointment, I kept looking at my phone. But Shahrukh had not responded yet. I could hardly concentrate on the conference. When the appointment ended at six, I went to my car and sat down. I went back to look for my phone but I still did not have any messages. I just wanted to tell my driver that we could go to us when the door opened and Shahrukh sat with a smile in the car. "Namaste Kads ..."

I hope you like this chapter

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