Chapter 41

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When the warm rays of the morning sun touched my skin, I opened my eyes sleepily. I could still smell his smell on my skin. My body was still burning. What had he done to me? I looked carefully aside but it wasn't there anymore. At midnight Shahrukh had gone to Shoot. I stretched and stood up with a jerk. I was dying of hunger. I looked in the direction of the living room and saw the table plentiful. Only dressed in underwear, I sat at the table and had a coffee. When I looked at my phone, I saw an email from Shahrukh ... I opened it and started reading it with a big smile ...

 I opened it and started reading it with a big smile

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Yes, I have fallen in love with you.

Yes, I met you and I met me. You are the essence that my soul needed, that touch of joy and humour that my madness required, you are my magnet compacted in a body and that attracts me to you. There is no one to shake my heart like you have done it. I have fallen in love with the person you are, with everything that is not visible to the naked eye and at the same time I look at you and you are my everything. I love your inner being, I love you, the captivating and gentle woman, with values and principles, the iron soul that you have and that you show in every situation. You are strong and I love you, you are madness before my eyes and my desires. I love your exterior and what you provoke in me, and yes, I love only you. I've tried you, I feel you and I want you. I love, your eyes, as a door to your soul, I love your pink lips that turn brown when I kiss you ... and I love your beautiful smile.

Baby, your words for my heart and my voice for your soul. And yes, your words reach me deep in my heart and you know it. Each dose of you is a gift and each I love you is proof that our love is mutual, it is unique and authentic ... Love, I love you and I will love you forever.

With a throbbing heart, I put my phone aside. His words had touched my heart and my soul. I took a long drink of coffee and went to our terrace. I dropped into the chair and closed my eyes. Shahrukh's words didn't come out of my head. Each phrase had been sealed in my heart. Satisfied and happy, I stepped back to enjoy the warm sun ...

From Shahrukh's point of view

Kajol had already read my message. I smiled, because I imagined her happy enjoying her coffee. I shook myself and concentrated again on the work. We were doing a fight scene in a warehouse. I discussed some scenes with Rohit and his team. But I could only think of Kajol. This woman kept stealing my heart again and again. Not a day passed without my falling in love with her again. A vibration from my phone took me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and saw that it was Gauri. I had to take the call, I couldn't keep ignoring her. I had to face the situation. "Ji!" I heard a background noise but I couldn't achieve what it was. "Hello Shahrukh, I don't want to bother you for long, I just wanted to tell you that we are at the airport and we landed in 3 hours in Goa. Can you pick us up? Abram is looking forward to seeing you." My heart stopped. Of course I looked forward to the little one, but how should I treat Gauri? How would Kajol react? I swallowed hard, trying to find the right words ... "Gauri, why are you coming?" That question Gauri apparently already expected it and hatched the correct answer, because it came quickly ... "Shahrukh have forgotten "MY" production company financed the film? I will look at everything and discuss things with Rohit." Gauri sounded strong She had regained her strength, but that scared me, what would happen now? I had to talk to Kajol before Gauri arrived. "Gauri, I'll send a car to pick you up. I can't leave here. I'll talk to the hotel and organize everything." My voice was very cold, but that was exactly what I felt at that moment. "No, Shahrukh, I've already organized everything. Do not worry. See you later." With these words, Gauri finished the conversation, I looked at my phone and thought about how to tell Kajol everything, Rohit pulled me out of my thoughts and we continued filming.

From Kajol's point of view

Since I had the afternoon off, I decided to learn the script in the pool. I still had to learn some scenes and work on my facial expressions. Also for me it was new to act in a cold way as needed to be Meera. I enjoyed the afternoon at the pool. When I looked at the clock, I decided to visit Shahrukh on the set. I missed him so much. Relaxed, I dressed to drive to the set. I took my bag and left our bungalow. On the way to the main building, I stopped in shock ... Could it really be what my eyes had just seen? My heart was pounding and my legs trembled. What should I say now?

From Gauri's point of view

I turned around and saw her. Kajol wasn't 10 meters from me. His eyes burned in me. She wouldn't stop looking at me. I took Abram by the hand and walked slowly towards her. With each step my pulse increased. He had to be strong now. I tried to prepare my words in my mind. She shouldn't realize how hurt she was. I didn't want to give you that satisfaction. Don't leave my gaze on her ... When I stood in front of her I looked her in the eye "Hi Kajol ..." Kajol swallowed loudly and replied barely audible "Hi Gauri ... are you here?" I tried to remove the tremor in my voice. "Yes, I want to see how everything goes and, of course, visit my husband, unfortunately, he couldn't go for us." I felt my words hit Kajol. But I also knew that Kajol had so much pride and honour in not responding to my words. She just nodded and walked past me. But I saw that tears had formed in his eyes. Without thinking more, I went to our bungalow.

From Kajol's point of view

I felt the tears seek my way through my cheeks. They burned in my eyes. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but it did not work. Heartbroken, I picked up my phone and called Shahrukh. It rang ... and it rang ... and it rang ... Until the mailbox answered ... "Hi Shahrukh ..." I paused. I didn't want him to hear my broken voice ... "I just wanted to thank you ... It would have been nice if you had given me the information, but in this way, your wife has been able to harm me to the soul." I thank you from the bottom of my heart." With each word, my pain turned to rage. I hung up and threw my phone in my bag. I didn't understand why Shahrukh had allowed it. I turned around and came back with a broken heart.

From Shahrukh's point of view

After the last scene, I fell tired in the chair. I looked at my phone and saw my mailbox blinking. I heard it and my heart stopped. I felt her pain and her tears with every word of Kajol. What I had done? I let her come across with the knife open. I had to look for it immediately. She needed me now. I had to tell her that Gauri's presence wouldn't change anything. I jumped and took my things. Without saying a word, I left the shoot.

From the point of view of Mr. X

I looked at my phone and saw that Rohit had done his duty. I opened the photo and saw Kajol in Shahrukh's lap kissing with passion. I smiled sure of the victory. I took a big swig of my whiskey. I almost achieved it. I looked at my phone again and wrote Rohit the following message ...

... I received the photo. Don't think that your debt is liquidated. I'll contact you again if I need something ...

It only shows interest when it comes from the heart. Hypocrisy hurts more than the hard truth.

I hope I can sweeten you a little on Saturday. I wish you a good weekend and I hope you come back next week when Shahrukh and Kajol fight for their future.

Please don't forget to give me a like ...

See you next Saturday

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