Chapter 6

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Karan opened the car door and knelt in front of me. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Kajol, are we going in?" Not know what to do. I was so ashamed of myself. How should I face him now? "Karan, I don't know if it wouldn't be better to leave." "Kajol, do you want to flee again? Come on, I'm with you." Karan took my hand and we entered the house.

Shahrukh was in front of the big windows. When he heard us, he turned around and looked at us surprised. "Shahrukh, when you called me, Kajol had called me too, I brought her in right away, I think you have to talk, this time it will not work like the last time." We both don't look at each other. I was with my eyes towards the ground. Karan still held my hand. He pulled me behind him. We sit. "Shahrukh, please come." Shahrukh denied and turned to the window, I raised my head and looked at him, what had he done, why had these feelings come back again, had everything worked for so many years? Now I couldn't stand it anymore I got up and went to him I gently placed my hand on his back and laid my head against his back. Softly he took my hand he kissed it and put it on his chest with his own. I felt his heart beating. I felt every breath, so we stayed there for a while. When Shahrukh turned to me, I saw that he was crying too. He took me in his arms and held me tight. I clung to him as if my life depended on him. He retired from the embrace and went to Karan. "Thank you, Karan, you saved us once more. But I think we have to solve the rest alone."

Karan came to me and hugged me. He whispered in my ear: "Kajol, I told you that you should never reveal the truth, I told you to remember your name, that you would think about the great cinematographic tradition of your family, Kajol, I am sorry, it was the biggest mistake of my life. I tell you that he is the only man on earth who loves you as much as you alone deserve it. "I looked at Karan, surprised, I could not answer, tears were running down my face and I could not sort my thoughts. What did Karan know what I did not know? Karan left me crying and left the house.

Shahrukh came cautiously towards me and took my hands. I couldn't look at it. Carefully, he lifted my chin a little and forced me to look him in the eyes. He whispered to me with a broken voice: "Kajol, I'm sorry to get you into such a situation." We were playing, and we were not expecting the reactions of our bodies, and with every word of Shahrukh, I felt anger grow in me. Was that really? Could he lie to himself so coldly? He pulled me out of his hands and walked to the windows.

"Shahrukh, do you believe what you are saying? Do you think that lying to us again will work? Do you think we are still the same children as at that time?" I tried to suppress my feelings, but I couldn't do it. "Kajol ... I can only tell you the same as then. You are for me as a sister ...! "In this prayer, Shahrukh broke his voice, I turned to him, I felt he had lied, I looked at him, I found my strength, I had courage and I knew what I had to do now, I went to him. "So you see me like a sister? So all these years I was just the little sister?" Shahrukh looked at me intimidated. I grabbed him and pulled him to me. I looked him into his eyes. "Then why is your heart going out?" I approached him a little more, so close that only one leaf could fit between our lips. "Then why did your heart stop? Why do you see me as a sister?" I warned myself that I could not continue, but I was no longer in control of my body, I softly put my lips on his, I waited a moment and felt that Shahrukh grabbed me, he pressed me to his chest and returned that passionate kiss to me, he kissed me full of lust, now I could not lose control, I withdrew from that kiss and looked at Shahrukh, I tried again to get the power over my thoughts. Shahrukh took a deep breath and looked at me inquisitively. "Do you still believe your lies?" "Kajol do not play with me. What do you want to hear?" "Shahrukh, I want to hear the truth. "I turned and went back to the window, I heard that Shahrukh lit a cigarette and came to me, he was behind me, we stayed there for a few minutes. "Kajol What truth do you want to hear? That every morning when I get up I have you in my thoughts? What do I have in mind at all times? What distorts me every day for you? What could kill someone who only calls your name? What have I been looking for years just to feel your presence? That I embrace you to feel your heart? Is it Kajol what you want to hear? Shahrukh turned me around and saw that I was crying. I had heard his words. But I couldn't understand them. "Kajol, is this really the one you want to hear? Or should I tell you this truth, that we can't do it, that we are parents, that we have partners, that we are two stars, that we have responsibility, is this truth you want to hear?" Every word of Shahrukh broke my heart. Tenderly he dried the tears on my face. "Kajol tell me what truth do you want to hear?" I put my head on his chest and I cried. I cried like I never had. He was right in everything. We couldn't do it. He took my face in his hands and looked at me with watery eyes

"Kajol, the only truth I know is that I love you from the first day ... And I will do it until my last day."

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