Chapter 26

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With tears in my eyes, I looked at Shahrukh. What had I done in my life to earn this love? I looked at the ring. He was beautiful. Each diamond, each year was a world of memories, friendship and true love. Gently stroke Shahrukh over his face. We were both on this little bridge. On a clear night. Only the moon had witnessed our deep attachment. He put his forehead against mine and whispered, Kajol, as long as we trust in our love, we will survive this week. Yes, we're going to suffer, but it's only a week. "I wanted to trust, I wanted to be strong, but I didn't know he would hit me so hard.

When we got to our room, I started packing up Shahrukh. I had booked a suite for this week. Right across from our room. With each piece of clothing I put in my suitcase, my heart broke a little more. How could I survive these days? Knowing that his lips touched her skin, his hands caressed her tenderly. How can a person deal with this pain? And how could I allow Ajay to do the same with me? I collapsed. Shahrukh immediately took me in his arms. "Kajol, come to you!" I heard it but I didn't want to open my eyes. I wanted to forget reality. I didn't want to see real life. I wanted to continue living this lie, as our truth. "Kajol please, if you hear me open your eyes." I opened my eyes carefully and saw Shahrukh's concern. "Shahrukh is all o.k. Don't worry." I tried to get up, but prudent Shahrukh didn't leave me.

Shahrukh laid me on the bed and sat next to me. Tenderly he stroked a strand of hair across my face. He looked at me sad and worried. In his eyes, there was so much pain. There was so much pain in me. "Kajol, what happened?" I looked into his beautiful eyes and lost tears of hope. "Shahrukh, you have changed my life in recent weeks, you have given me a unique happiness, a tremendous tranquillity as well as pure love, you gave me wings and allowed me to fly to the clouds to touch the sky, I became so used to you." Shahrukh tried to hold back his tears, but I did not make it. I stroked his face with a trembling hand. "Shahrukh, these wings will be snatched away from me tomorrow. Tomorrow I will have to forget my dream. I will be strong but I will break every second. I have to be strong for my children, but I will not stand it. "Shahrukh didn't say a word. He lay next to me and we both cried. We cried because real life was very hard for two wounded souls.

The next morning we didn't say a word. We couldn't do it. We couldn't fall again because of that pain. When Shahrukh was about to leave, he took my hands. We looked at each other's eyes. Our souls spoke in a way that did not need words. With every step that Shahrukh left me, I lost hope. When only our fingertips stuck, I released him and hugged him tightly. He grabbed me with all his strength and hugged me to him. Our hearts screamed. But there was no way to go back. Shahrukh kissed my lips for the last time and left the room. I sank into the ground and cried out in pain.

When in the afternoon they knocked on my door, I knew that reality had trapped me again. I opened and Ajay and the children stood in front of me. Nysa and Yug fell around my neck and hugged me. I was so happy to see my babies. I had missed them so much. When Ajay hugged me tenderly, I felt a twinge in my heart. He hugged me and stroked my back. Stiff without feeling I endured that hug. I could scream But he would not let me. Once again in my life I had surrendered to destiny.

From Shahrukh's point of view

When they knocked on the door, I took a deep breath. My thoughts were crazy. He had to be strong. I opened and Suhana and Abram jumped into my arms. They shouted with joy. I left them and hugged Gauri. But I was scared. Something had changed. Where were my feelings? I kissed her and I didn't feel anything. My heart didn't even flinch. I closed my eyes and saw Kajol. Only this thought caused my heart to accelerate. He still smelled his scent and felt his lips. At that time, I asked for the power of the universe to survive that week.

From Kajol's point of view

At night we all had an appointment at the restaurant. When we arrived, Shahrukh, Gauri and the children were already seated. We sit with them. Shahrukh sat in front of me. I felt their looks. I felt his pain. I was always looking for a way to gently touch my hand. Of course always provided. He looked at me again and again. With each touch, my heart stopped and I looked at him gravely. But Shahrukh had liked it. It provoked me playfully. We forget this situation and we get lost in our world. Gauri and Ajay looked at us but they didn't understand our jokes. Even now, we enjoyed ourselves in a way that no one could notice or understand. It was our way of living love in our own world. It was a nice evening among friends. Yes, friends, we were at that time. When the children started whimpering, Gauri and I got up to leave. But Shahrukh and Ajay had already drunk something. They were arguing loudly and they did not even see us. I elbowed Ajay on the shoulder, but he simply motioned me not to do it. "Kajol, go, I have something to talk about with your King Khan." My heart froze in a block of ice, what should I talk to Shahrukh? I nodded and left the restaurant. and I looked at them again briefly, I do not know why, but seeing both of my lives at a table made me afraid ...

Here I leave my new Chapter.

I hope you like it as I loved to write it.

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