Chapter 33

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Surprised, I looked at him. Of course, I remembered that night. I closed my eyes and only the thought caused my hair to stand on end ...


Shahrukh pushed me against that rock and touched my neck to the music. His lips exhaled a soft moan. I closed my eyes and completely forgot where we were or who we were. Only the music guided us. My hands searched his body and found his thighs. His touch wasn't played. I felt his desire. I felt his infinite longing. His touches caused a firework of emotions in me that I had never experienced before. When Farah shouted "Cut" we were startled and saw enthusiastic faces. Shahrukh and I blushed completely. Farah came to us smiling "Hey ... I don't know how you do it over and over again with the scene that looks so damn real." Shahrukh looked at me and replied with malice, "Farah maybe because it really is like that?" Shahrukh winked. But she also understood that this wasn't a joke. She went to plan the next configuration. Shahrukh took me by the hand and looked me directly in the eyes. "Hey, Kajol, are you okay?" Uff, how could he ask that? How should I respond now? He had kindled a fire in me that I couldn't extinguish. I had to act. I wasn't allowed to show him anything. I answered coldly, "Shahrukh, it was just a scene, so please do not worry, it's all right ..." Shahrukh's eyes changed abruptly and cooled down. "Oh O.K., then if it's just a scene, we can continue." I don't want to continue to lost my time here. " With these words he turned and left me standing. I had hurt him, I was aware of that, but I accepted that instead of exposing my true feelings. And much less tell him what fire had caused in me.

We shoot all day Shahrukh stayed cool with me and only during the filming was it said that he felt magic. His touches became firmer and more demanding. As if he wanted to show me with every touch, his pain. But in me they caused the opposite. My longing and my lust became unbearable. When the last scene ended, I returned with Karan to the hotel. I had not seen Shahrukh. I just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. I was at the end of my powers. I ordered some food and sat on the terrace. While chewing my sandwich I looked around, I saw on a terrace in front of mine a dark figure, who had a hand in his pocket and was smoking. He hid in the shadow of the night. But I felt his gaze. I still felt his anger at my prayer. I looked at the clock and saw that it was past midnight. I thought about entering and leaving the situation that way. But something in me didn't allow it. I raised my head and looked at him. Despite the darkness, I felt that our eyes had met. I felt an inexplicable heat. I got up and walked slowly towards him. Passing the Pool where the full moon of that night was reflected. I didn't take my eyes off him. Shahrukh was relaxed and continued to smoke his cigar. With my eyes on me, I felt his eyes on my skin again. With every step I took towards him, I wondered what to say. With every step toward him, my fear threatened to take my breath away. I lowered my eyes and took the last steps towards him without looking at him. Just thinking about him caused me a fire. I gathered my courage and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Shahrukh ... what are you doing here so late?" Shahrukh just looked at me for a moment and then lowered his gaze. Cold and without looking at me, I heard him say "Kajol, what do you think I'm doing? I'm going to smoke my last cigarette for today before going to bed ..." It wasn't his words that hurt, but the sound. His type absents. I had to do something. Almost whispering, I said, "Shahrukh, I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to calm the situation, I wanted to eliminate the pressure I felt." Shahrukh turned slightly to look at me, his eyes softened for a moment and filled with love. For a moment, I could see his soul ... For a moment, I could see and feel all of his love ... But it was only that little moment before his eyes were painted two small ... It was as if he had to pinch that door to his soul, stop revealing and protect himself. "He grabbed my arm and led me to his bungalow.

Firmly in his hands, I looked at him alone, scared. When we entered his bungalow, Shahrukh immediately closed the patio door and stood in front of me. His words were cold and demanding. "Kajol, why are you here? Why did you come looking for me?" I looked at him in surprise, "Shahrukh, I wanted to apologize ..." I felt the fear in my voice, I threatened to break in. Shahrukh felt this too. "Kajol again, why are you looking for me in the middle of the night? "I looked at him, his voice was strong but completely without feelings, he tried to dial the fort, and with each of his words, he felt the power to oppose me: "I'm here to formally apologize. But if Mr. Khan doesn't deem it necessary to accept this, I will leave immediately." Without appreciating a glance, I turned around and walked to the door, and when I wanted to open it, I felt his hand on my arm, and Shahrukh held me tight and turned me around. I looked into his eyes and saw that immense disappointment and anger. With only one movement, he pushed me against the door. My heart stopped in shock. What did Shahrukh intend to do? seen like this. "Let me go ... I want to leave now." I didn't shout, but I said it demanding. Shahrukh put his leg between my thighs, forcing me to open my legs slightly. His body pricked against mine. His face so close that our noses touched. "Kajol for the last time ... why are you here?" My heart threatened to collapse. Why he did this? Why he couldn't accept it? With his eyes closed, he still felt his eyes. I smelled his perfume, mixed with that faint touch of smoke. I felt his heart beating as fast as mine was about to collapse. His breath on my lips. Hardly audible, I whispered, "for you ..." Shahrukh sighed softly and put his forehead against mine. Our breathing adjusted a bit until Shahrukh gently put his lips on my forehead. This soft kiss accelerated my heart. I wanted more. I couldn't control my feelings anymore. I wanted this man. I loved him to the core. I kissed him gently on the cheek and waited for him to react. I opened my eyes and our eyes met ... There it was again. The door opens to his soul. For his true self. His eyes were full of longing. His hands reached my hip and he squeezed me hard. I felt each muscle tense. I wanted it now ... Shahrukh came over and I gently stroked his face. I just wanted to confess my infinite love. Tell him, yes, you've always been right. Shahrukh I love you too ... but there it was. My ring ... Gift of Ajay. Suddenly, I saw Ajay in front of my eyes. I saw how we both made the decision to have a baby. I saw my life ... I saw my decisions ... Startled, I separated from Shahrukh and I immediately left the bungalow. I just wanted to leave ... Escape so as not to make a mistake ...

Back in the day

I opened my eyes and saw that Shahrukh had fallen asleep. I gently stroked her hair. Yes, I had made decisions in my life that lived them. But life had changed. And to be happy, sometimes you have to change something. I chose Shahrukh and I do not regret that step for a minute. Because in my lap was the only love in my life, my soul mate. And as always, I would live this decision with all the consequences. I gave Shahrukh a tender kiss and whispered, "I love you, honey ..."

Everything in your life is a reflection of your decisions. If you want a different result, you must make other decisions.

At last it is Saturday. I hope you enjoy reading this Chap as much as I did by writing. I hope you like it and come back next week with me when SRKajol can live their infinite love ....

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See you next Saturday

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