Chapter 19

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Shahrukh gently stroked my back. Slowly our hearts calmed down and we found a way to breathe normally. Carefully, Shahrukh lifted the sheet and covered our tired bodies with it. I raised my head slightly and looked at Shahrukh. I didn't say anything, because I think that now every word would have been superfluous. I smiled at him and he raised his head and gave me a sincere kiss on the forehead. After a while I broke the silence of that night "Shahrukh?" "Haan" "Shall we shower and then eat something?" He got up a little and looked at me coquettishly. "Kajol, do we bathe together?" I always have trouble getting to my back. "I had to laugh, I gave him a light pat on the arm and stood up, I turned around a bit and saw that Shahrukh's gaze was on my body. "Shahrukh?" But I didn't get an answer. "A little louder, I repeated" Shahrukh? "He blinked briefly and said" haan "" where were you with your thoughts? "He got up slowly and I stared at him. He noticed my looks and came slowly towards me. He took me gently in his arms The touch of our naked bodies felt sexy. There were two people here who had met for the first time Shahrukh slid his hands over my body I enjoyed that touch and Shahrukh stepped back and let his gaze slide over my body again, I looked at him questioningly, but he didn't answer, I blushed from his gaze and asked, "Shahrukh, what is it? "Slowly he raised his eyes and looked at me dreamily." Kajol you have a body wow. "Your honey-coloured silky skin is indescribably beautiful. Everything is perfect. I have always said that you are incredibly sexy but to see yourself like that, to possess you and feel you leave me speechless. Shahrukh approached again and kissed me. Without separating our lips, Shahrukh whispered, "Now you belong to me with heart and soul." We went to the bathroom and Shahrukh put on the shower. Immediately the steam filled the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror to tie my hair. I saw Shahrukh standing behind me and smiling. It was a malicious smile. Gently he put his hands on my breasts and rubbed them. He looked for me in that mirror. He wanted me to feel and see his touches. Immediately I felt his growing erection. It was exciting to see him gently rub my breasts. Seeing him made me feel the fire between my thighs. He kissed my neck and my shoulder. He came back and challenged me and put me in the sink. I kissed him passionately. He touched every inch of my skin. Our mouths did not get tired. They ate. Shahrukh took me and made me part again. With each stroke I moaned louder and louder ... Sweating but freed from that lust, we went to the shower.

After the shower, we ordered some snacks. We settled on the couch and talked about the next few days. As Shahrukh narrated, my thoughts drifted away. I gave myself to Shahrukh. In a way that I had never felt in Ajay. He had given this man something that no man had experienced before him. This moment was not just sex. This moment became our destiny. Our universes had united. How many times had I imagined it? How many times was it in my mind when Shahrukh played me in our videos? Now it was a reality. It was my reality, but it felt good. Shahrukh touched my face gently, tearing me from my thoughts. I looked at him surprised. "Kajol, did you dream with me?" He smiled at me with his dimples. "Yes Shahrukh, I have the feeling of dreaming. But I am also afraid that this dream will explode. "Shahrukh moved towards me and tenderly took my arm." Kajol, you are my dream, my life and my future. "Gently he pressed my head against his chest and gave me a soft kiss on her. I felt so safe with him. I really wanted to believe in his words.

The next morning we found our co stars. I knew Varun since our last film MNIK. He was an assistant on the set. He was a good boy with whom I deviated a lot. I had seen Kriti a few times, but I didn't like it very much. When we entered the restaurant, Varun spoke to us loudly. He embraced Shahrukh and then me. I was happy to have him with me in the movie. As we walked to the table, I greeted Kriti coolly. He also realized that he didn't love me very much. I decided not to follow and I joked with Varun. I ordered some fruit and a coffee. Shahrukh spoke animatedly with Rohit and didn't pay attention to me. That was Shahrukh. His work was his life. Varun came to me and leaned towards me "Kajol some go today to see the city, we have free today, would you like to come, you would make me happy, we want to eat something and at night go to the club, it will be fun." I didn't think much Shahrukh was busy and so I could see the city a bit. "Varun, I'm going with you." When I said that, Shahrukh immediately looked at me, his eyes darkened, if a look could kill, he would probably already be buried. I said to Varun "Sorry, I forgot that I still have something to do. On another occasion. "Varun looked at Shahrukh, who was still killing me with his eyes and then me." Okay, Kajol, but if you change your mind, we leave at 10. "Varun left and Shahrukh turned to Rohit I did not want to show my discomfort, but I was angry, did Shahrukh believe he could make me regulations? I got up and wanted to go. "Shahrukh grabbed my wrist and brought it to his mouth." Where do you want to go? "His voice sounded stubbornly. I want to go out, take a little walk. But don't worry, I'll go alone. "Abruptly I withdrew my hand and left. With each step that took me away I felt the look of Shahrukh on my back ...

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