Chapter 36

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When the door closed, I walked away from Ajay with disgust. Angry, I stared at him ... "Ajay, why do you have to kick him again? Isn't it enough that I'm here?" Ajay smiled confidently of the victory. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him tightly. "Kajol I'll tell you one more time, you belong to me and you're a Devgan." His words hit me and made my life pass in front of my eyes in seconds, did I really want to endure this anymore or did I find the courage to put I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let go. "Startled, Ajay looked at me, and with a serious and threatening voice, Ajay whispered to me," Kajol, do not you dare go out that door. I will destroy both of you. "His threat left me cold. I had decided. I went to the door and turned to look at him. "Ajay do what you want to do, but remember that you still would not be anyone without me today." Strengthened I left the room and slammed the door of my life.

I looked down the hall and saw Shahrukh standing before the elevator. I had to reach it. But I couldn't scream at this moment. That would cause confusion. I ran as fast as I could. I saw Shahrukh enter the elevator. I ran for my life. The elevator doors were already closing, as I could quickly stretch my hand in the middle. The doors opened and I saw Shahrukh. I was so absorbed in his pain that he had not even noticed me. He was crying. I went to him carefully and stood in front of him. I took his hand tenderly. Automatically, he lifted his face and looked at me with an expression of pain. I was completely out of breath. I couldn't say anything at that moment. But I didn't want to say anything. I just wanted to kiss him. I just wanted to tell you how much I loved him and I've always loved him. But he didn't give me a chance. Without warning, he pushed me against the wall. His eyes were just two small slits that glowed with anger. "Kajol, what are you doing here? Will you explain to me again what I am in your life? Will you show me again what you are? Hasn't it been enough for you to throw everything in front of my feet?" My heart was racing. I wanted to tell him the truth, I just wanted to tell him how much I loved him, but just when Shahrukh was talking, an explanation would be in vain now, I looked at him tenderly because he understood his feelings, I put my finger in his mouth and stopped him. I kissed full of passion.

After a long passionate kiss, Shahrukh withdrew and walked towards the elevator doors. At first I thought he would leave me standing ... But he turned to me and smiled mischievously. Without taking my eyes off, he pressed the stop button. With a jolt, the elevator stopped. With each step that came to me, I felt the growing desire in me. He grabbed my wrists and squeezed them over my head against the wall. His face so close to mine that he felt his breath on my lips. Like a feather my face touched his lips. I felt him gently press his body against mine and automatically make our hips turn smoothly in unison. Our bodies reacted immediately. His hands touched my breasts and his tongue burned a line on my skin. Carefully he bit my nipples, which caused me a moan. The desire increased in me. With each movement, I also felt his desire to grow. The fear of being trapped, the fear of telling my decision and the fear of the future caused pure adrenaline to flow through my veins. I lowered my arms and opened his shirt. I wanted to feel his skin in mine. My tongue played with her nipples and my hands opened their pants. Carefully, I released his growing desire. I heard him gently moan my name. When his pants slipped on his knees, he looked at me briefly. We both smile and kiss passionately. Our tongues merged together and I could barely breathe. Shahrukh embraced me and we entered a world of passion. With each impulse of him, I felt that I wanted more and more. I gently breathed his name and bit him gently on the shoulder. Shahrukh moaned and his movements became faster and deeper. He stopped before salvation and looked me deeply in the eyes. "Baby, you belong to me ..." With these words, all his lust was discharged and we both reached the climax together.

Totally breathless, we look at each other without saying a word. But our looks were enough to tell the other. Without words, our souls communicated with each other and now found the desired peace. We dressed slowly and when we finished the doors opened. The hotel employee looked at us with wide eyes. We both smiled and left the elevator together. Shahrukh dragged me behind him and we entered the small cafe in front of the hotel.

It was late and there were hardly any people left. Shahrukh smiled at me and that same smile healed the open wound in my heart. Tenderly I took his face in my hands and kissed him carefully. His soft lips returned my kiss and we both lost ourselves in our reality. But this time it was different. I carefully freed myself from that tender kiss and searched his gaze. Hardly audible I whispered ... "Shahrukh I love you for 25 years, 10 months and 13 days and I will love you until the end of my life ...

The shortest path between two people who love each other is a touch and a tender smile.

I hope you have enjoyed my special chapter and will be with me again next week, when SRKajol can finally live their love ...

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See you next Saturday

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