Chapter 4

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"What are you doing here? Where are you coming from?" I looked inquisitively at Shahrukh. He smiled and took my hand "Kajol if you call me, I will always leave everything to come for you." Shahrukh ordered my driver to take us to the Mannat During the trip Shahrukh told that Gauri had gone a few days with his mother and that he was Only at home, so we could talk quietly, he asked me again and again why I wanted to talk to him, but I did not want to reveal it yet.

When the iron gates of the Mannat were opened, that beautiful village appeared. Shahrukh lived in a paradise in the middle of Mumbai. We got out of the car and entered. I put my things on a chair and went out to the beautiful garden. Today was one of those hot days. With a handkerchief, I wiped the drops of sweat from my forehead. Shahrukh was gone for a moment. I took cold water and stared at the garden. When Shahrukh put my hands behind my hips and pulled me towards him, I felt that he had showered quickly. I had that smell that I loved. "Kajol, do you also want a quick shower?" Scared, I turned "Shut up Shahrukh." We both laugh. Shahrukh lit a cigarette and sat down. I sat next to him on the couch. "Then Kajol now tell me, what do you want to tell me?" Now she had to be the best actress in the world. This would be my master exam. I put on a sad look and got exactly that mood. I felt my tears and I said in a low, broken voice "Shahrukh, I will not make that movie ...!" Shahrukh just looked at me for a few minutes. He said nothing. He just looked at me. Gently he took my hand and dried my tears. "Kajol, why? Is it because of Ajay that you do not want to?" I shook my head softly. "Kajol, what is it then? Are you afraid of children? We can take a babysitter. "Again, I shook my head softly, I looked down, Shahrukh knelt in front of me, and he lifted my face tenderly." Kajol, please tell me what's wrong with you. Why can't you make the movie? It depends on me? Don't you want to shoot with me? I raised my eyes and looked directly at his ... "Shahrukh I can't ..." I put my hand carefully on his shoulder "Shahrukh I can't make that movie because ..." I again paused, "I can't make that movie because I don't like you. " I started laughing out loud. Laughing at him, I slapped him on the shoulder. I laughed from the bottom of my heart. Shahrukh looked at me. "Kajol I hate your jokes." I was still laughing. I couldn't stop "Did I pass my acting test?" Shahrukh got up and walked away. I tried to calm down. But I couldn't think of his face. I approached him carefully. When I got behind him, he grabbed my arm. "What, Kajol, do you find it funny if I throw you in the water now?" "Shahrukh, you don't dare ... Drop me immediately." I screamed at him, but he just laughed and went to the pool. "Shahrukh loose me. You will regret it!" "Why wouldn't Kajol make the movie with me?" He laughed out loud. I hit it against the chest but I could not stop it. He jumped with me in his arms to the cold water.
When we both appeared, I started insulting Shahrukh. And hit him in the chest. But Shahrukh was laughing. "Kajol, don't you think my jokes are better than yours?" "Shahrukh I'm wet, completely wet." Shahrukh looked at me maliciously "Kajol take off your blouse and put it in the sun with the heat that is dry quickly." Shahrukh enjoyed this situation completely. I felt the power he had over me at that moment. And that was exactly what I didn't want to give him. He had often seen me in a bra. We were friends. I stood in front of him, "do you think I have a problem with that?" Shocked Shahrukh looked at me, "Kajol leaves, you don't have the courage to take your clothes off before a Shahrukh Khan." I laughed. "King Khan, I probably do not know the real Kajol." I swam to the edge of the pool and jumped out, never taking my eyes off him, I slowly opened each button of my blouse, I had to laugh inside. Suddenly completely intimidated looking at me I took off my blouse and opened my pants Shahrukh didn't close his mouth anymore Slowly, I took off my pants and put them in the sun I went back to the pool with a headlong jump. He raised my eyebrow and I looked at him. "Shahrukh closes your mouth. You've seen me so many times in my underwear. "He stuttered" Kaj ... Kajol did not expect it. " He grabbed me by the waist and threw me back into the water. So we played for a while until I hugged Shahrukh from behind. He turned and said nothing. He grabbed my hip and pulled me towards him. We were so close that I felt something that was not allowed. Surprised I looked at him. He noticed my looks and looked shyly aside. I raised his face and looked him in the eyes. These beautiful brown eyes. What was happening? I felt a fire in me that there should not be. It was not allowed to be like that. But I had no power over myself. Gently stroke his face. Drops of his wet hair passed across his face. I moved a little closer to his face. Shahrukh took a deep breath. I grabbed Shahrukh's shirt and pulled on him a little more. Now we were so close to each other that we felt each other's breath. What is this? We're just good friends. But why do I feel this pleasure? This desire? This burning flame? I wanted to stop this but I didn't have the power. What am I doing here? This wasn't allowed to happen but I couldn't stop it. Gently caress Shahrukh's chest with my hand. The air between us burned. I felt the tremor in his lap. Gently, I heard a moan from Shahrukh. I approached. I just wanted to touch those lips. I wanted ... "Stop Kajol, please don't do it, don't do it, we can't do it." Shahrukh pulled me completely out of that situation, I immediately retreated, Oh God, what did I do, embarrassed, I turned around and swam to the edge of I jumped up and put on my wet clothes, I turned around and saw Shahrukh still standing there, he was looking at me sadly, what had I done, our eyes met, and with tears in my eyes I whispered a "sorry"

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