Chapter 38

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We spent a few more days in London before flying separately to Mumbai. I had agreed with Ajay to stay at our house and he would move to the house in the city. I had tried to push myself again, but this time I stayed strong and didn't allow it.

On the morning of the event, I arrived at the hotel. I was looking forward to this day. After not seeing us for so many days, my heart and my soul longed for this man. Mickey had already prepared everything for us. I sat down and picked up my phone. All morning, I had been waiting for your message, but my phone remained silent. When they touched the door softly, my heart stopped. My face changed immediately and I smiled. Mickey looked at me questioningly. "Kajol, how is it possible that this man can do this with you?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at Mickey. "Mickey, what do you mean, who or what does something do to me?" We both started laughing and Mickey gave me a gentle pat on my head. When the door opened and I saw it, my heart was pounding. I was surprised every time my body reacted only to his presence. I jumped and immediately ran into his arms. I can't explain it but with Shahrukh, I didn't have to act. I could be myself. Without saying anything, Shahrukh took my face and kissed me. For a moment, we forgot who was in this room. We forgot who we were. We forget the world in which we lived. Carefully Shahrukh finished that kiss and looked at me with his beautiful eyes ... "Hello sweetheart ..." His smile widened and his dimples deepened. Just that look made my heart race. "Hello Shahrukh ..." We smiled at each other. But that look was more than a thousand words said. The days we were separated had done us good. We had talked a lot and in each free moment we had communicated. We both realized that we could only exist together and that the future we would do ours. After a while we heard Mickey call. It was getting late and we both had to change. We sat down and they prepared us. During that time, Shahrukh did not let go of my hand. I gently touched my fingers, gently stroking my palm and covering my hand with kisses. Every time he touched me, I become goose bumps.

When I got to the red carpet, everything was full of photographers. I got out of my car and stepped on that red carpet. Slowly I advanced and stopped for photos again and again. He smiled at each camera and tried to please everyone. When I got to the lectern the questions started. I tried to concentrate, but it was difficult for me because I knew that Shahrukh would arrive every minute. He had left the hotel shortly after me. I tried to answer each question, but I kept looking when I saw his car go by. He stopped ... The door opened and Shahrukh came out. Suddenly, all the cameras turned towards him. The screams of the photographers began and Shahrukh stopped to sign autographs patiently. He enjoyed every image that was taken. This was his world. Just for these moments, he loved his job. My heart was beating faster and I was getting more and more nervous. Now I couldn't escape. The photographers realized that I was still at the lectern asking us for a photo in common. I pretended I was not listening, but Shahrukh came slowly and took my hand. Carefully, he pulled me behind him. When we got to the brand, he hugged me and started a photo storm. This photo would be the bomb in all social media tonight. SRKajol again together. That was exactly what our fans anxiously expected. We both smiled and didn't have to act at all, because now I also enjoyed the screams of the photographers. Shahrukh bowed and whispered, "Kajol, I love you, and now everyone sees it." His lips touched my ear tenderly, but that was enough to make my eyes shine. After a few minutes, Shahrukh took my hand and we went in together This was not what we wanted to avoid, but now we didn't care. all right. We enjoyed the inquisitive looks of the other guests. I tried to withdraw my hand several times, but Shahrukh pressed it harder and harder and looked at me inquisitively.

The night became more and more relaxed. The official part was over and people got up from their seats and walked talking. I had not seen Shahrukh since the show began. I was talking when I felt a hand on my shoulder tenderly. I didn't have to turn around, because I knew who was touching me so tenderly. When I felt the soft breeze in my ear, my heart almost stopped. "Kajol, I miss you ..." He didn't say more. I turned around immediately, but he was already gone. He left only a hint of his fragrance. I sighed and turned around with a kind smile. Of course, my front noticed the change but didn't say anything. After these words, I looked for Shahrukh with my eyes, but I couldn't find it. I said goodbye and walked a little in the hallway always looking for Shahrukh. When I stopped at the bar to ask for some water, I felt someone take my hand gently and pull me towards him. Shahrukh leaned so close to me that our foreheads touched. My heart was beating and threatening to break. "Kajol, do you know how much I love you?" I closed my eyes to feel his words more ... But when I opened them again to answer him, Shahrukh had disappeared again. That night, he repeated this game several times. Every time I did it threatened my body with fainting. I got more nervous because I didn't know when I showed up again. He had to end his game. I looked for it and saw it walking towards the bathrooms. That was my opportunity. I looked around to see if anyone was watching my action. When I was sure, I followed it carefully. When I almost reached him, I grabbed him by the hand and pushed him hard into a room. Shahrukh looked at me surprised. "Kajol, what are you doing?" I smiled mischievously. "You remember?" I approached his face cautiously. "Do you remember how I felt that night?" Timid, he nodded. Shahrukh was leaning against the wall. Silently I said "Shahrukh you know I love you? You know my love is like the wind. You will not see it but at every moment you will feel it. "His hands grabbed my hips and I approached him. We only looked deeply into each other's eyes and sank into a lusty kiss. Our lips were lost looking for satisfaction. I had missed him too much.

From Shahrukh's point of view

Feeling Kajol's lips made me crazy. How much had I fought for this moment? And now I had her in my arms. I was at the end of all my dreams and I enjoyed every second with this woman. I loved her more than my own life. While Kajol recoiled, we both smiled. There was no need to say anything. We knew that at every moment we were going to be separated from this event but even so we knew that in heart and soul we would be together.

When Kajol left the hotel early the next morning, he only left me for a few hours. I would pick it up in the afternoon and go to the airport. Our flight to Goa was scheduled for the night. The shooting was about to restart and I could finally enjoy the time with her. While driving home, I made some calls and planned my surprise for Kajol. It was going to be something special at night on arrival in Goa. I looked at the clock every hour and counted the hours. My staff packed and I was about to leave the house. With my bag full, I opened the door to leave when I got scared. I couldn't believe it. Why? Because right now? "Gauri, what do you want here?" Gauri looked at me with wide eyes. "Shahrukh are you leaving?" I swallowed hard and still wondered what she wanted here. "Yes, I'm going to Goa today." The filming begins ... Gauri lowered her gaze but I noticed her damp eyes. Slowly, she raised her gaze and looked directly at me. "Shahrukh, I can't give up our marriage like that. I love you and will do whatever it takes to continue this marriage ... I got up with a start and looked at her. "Gauri we have ..." But she did not let me finish. With a firm and cold voice, she interrupted me "Shahrukh, I will do everything necessary ... Do you understand? Everything ..."

You can close your eyes if you do not want to see something. But you can't close your heart if you don't want to feel something!

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