Chapter 28

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Ajay gave me a tight turn. I didn't even have the slightest chance to defend myself against that grip. Ajay grabbed my hair again and pulled my head back. His eyes were frozen. Tears were forming in my eyes. Whispering I heard myself say: "Is this the respect to a woman, that you want to show your daughter?" Ajay, he squeezed me tighter. His face remained so close to mine that not only did he smell his breath, but he felt his anger in my bones. But I also felt a power growing inside me. A force that had suppressed all these years. I let go of his grip. Ajay looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Kajol it is my right as your husband ...!" My tears disappeared and they became fury. I screamed "Ajay as long as you treat me like trash, you have no right at all in my life." Too much time, I closed my eyes For too long, I just had to endure. "Ajay again tried to grab the arm but I didn't stop. I didn't want it. I was Kajol. I was a strong woman and an even stronger mother. Ajay looked at me with contempt. "Kajol, don't you think I know how you feel about this Khan? I never had a chance in your life." Always, there was only this manly man." When I heard Ajay's words I felt the anger and sadness in my voice. "Shahrukh is not a fool, he is the only person who loves me as I am, I have tried all these years to be the wife you wanted, I forgot all your affairs and I always saw the good, but in all these years you have not even seen Your wife in me. You haven't even shown me how proud you are. You always left me alone And now that I want to be alone, you're looking for me again No ... I don't want this. With each word, my voice became stronger and more energetic. Ajay didn't take his eyes off me. When he squinted and bit his lip, I felt it but couldn't react fast enough. I only heard the pop. I didn't feel pain. I didn't feel anger or revenge. I only heard this blunt explosion. Surprised by this reaction, I looked at it. "Congratulations Mr. Devgan ... the first time you show me what role I play in your life." At that moment Ajay realized what he had done, but it was too late. This explosion had burned in my heart. I still had my hand on my cheek. I felt I had to hide this place. I turned and walked towards the door. When I opened it, Ajay shouted, "Yes, run to your King Khan, let him give you the caress he gave to Pryanka." I felt that phrase in the deepest part of my heart. I couldn't and I didn't want to imagine it. Without answering, I left the room with a bang.

When I went to the garden, I saw that little bridge. Immediately, I remembered the night Shahrukh gave me the ring. Slowly I went to that bridge and leaned against the railing. I raised my head and looked towards the starry sky. Each star was so beautiful, so radiant, so infinite. My hand touched my cheek. It was burning. I felt the tension leave me and the tears burst in my eyes. I didn't want to cry I wanted to be strong. Didn't a strong woman have the same right to cry? I fell on my knees and cried out. I screamed all the anger out of me. The anger of having decided against life so many years ago. I let my head fall into my hands. When I suddenly felt two hands on my face. Surprised, I looked up. Shahrukh was kneeling in front of me and looking at me with tears in his eyes. He was crying for me. He cried for a woman who was not allowed to love, but despite that he did. Carefully, I dry my thumb with tears and lifted my chin. He didn't say a word, just took me gently in his arms. At that time our souls were merged in a way that only God could understand.

I don't know how long we were so close and speechless on that bridge. But it was enough to give us the strength we had lost that night. Shahrukh got up and pulled me with him. He lifted my chin and gave me a tender kiss on the forehead. "Kajol, you have to be strong, we'll make it ... we'll achieve anything by being together ..." I gently placed my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat calmly. Whispering I heard myself say, "Shahrukh I feel I have doubted your love." Intertwined we stood, alone on that little bridge. He had burned as a symbol in our hearts. A bridge between reality and love. We could not live both. But together we were able to combine both.

The next morning we left our room with the children. Ajay had not said anything in the night. But he let me feel his anger. In every look, in every movement, I could feel it. But I didn't show him anything. When we arrived in the hall we met Shahrukh, the mood changed. There was a huge tension. Shahrukh looked at me and greeted me as always with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, little one, did you sleep well?" I nodded sadly. He understood my look. His eyes darkened as he shook Ajay's hand. "Good morning, Mr. Khan, do you have your head like the one I have today?" Shahrukh grinned and nodded, I had to know. "Shahrukh, Ajay already told me you had fun yesterday." I saw that Shahrukh swallowed hard and I look at Ajay, I didn't lose sight of him, I wanted to look him in the eyes, I wanted to see his reaction. "Yes, Kajol we had really good conversations. I think I misjudged him all these years. "His words hit me in the heart. Ajay had told the truth yesterday? I felt tears in my eyes and I answered coldly "This is good if you could both indicate with your affairs." Shahrukh opened his eyes and remained in a state of shock watching me. But he can't understand. Because both of us, we didn't know what dirty game Ajay was playing with us.

Everything you achieve standing up, thank you on your knees

I hope you like my new chapter.

I decided to update in the future only on Saturdays. Unfortunately, I can't do it any other way since they are three languages. You will see details of the next chapter in my Instagram account throughout the week. So the time isn't too long until the new chapter.

Maybe you have seen that I participate in the Wattys2018. I would be glad if a fanfiction of SRKajol stayed in the ranking very high. That's why I ask you ... leave me likes and comments. Share my story and if you can promote it. See you next week ...

Your Loli

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