Chapter 10

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I hung up and kept looking at my phone. This call had surprised me. I didn't expect that. I left and went directly to Tanuja.

She was waiting for me in the driveway. I went out and hugged her. I saw that she had cried. Worried ask "What's wrong? Where's Kajol?" "Kajol has fallen asleep on the couch, she has reached the end of her strength, let's go to the garden, we need to talk." I put my arm around her shoulders and she rested her head against my body. I felt your maternal concerns. And I guessed what Kajol had so badly. I sat down and saw Kajol sleeping on the couch in the living room. What had happened in the last hours? "Tanuja, what happened?" "Kajol came here crying and then mentally broke down, Shahrukh, she told me everything." Face embarrassed, I looked to the side. I could not look her in the eyes. Carefully, she touched my face and turned her towards her. "Shahrukh, I don't want to judge you or my daughter, but I want to ask you something." I looked at her questioningly. Although I knew in my heart what she wanted to know. "Shahrukh, do you love my daughter?" I got up and stood with my back to her. I was ashamed to be here and confess now that he was weak and cowardly. I silently replied, "Kajol is the meaning of my life, there is no day, not even a moment when I don't think about it, I know it's shrill, it talks a lot and it's crazy, but I've never met a person in my life who has a heart purer than hers, her laughter illuminates my day and makes me dream, she showed me the world through her eyes, and this world was honest and pure. "I turned and knelt in front of Tanuja. and I looked into her eyes, "Yes Tanuja I love Kajol from the bottom of my heart ... but ..." Tanuja put her finger on my lips "Shhh Shahrukh in true love, there is no but. I can't tell Kajol to leave everything and decide for you. I can only help her. You have to try to find a way. Because as it is now, Kajol can't live. " "Tanuja I know and I can't think of anything else since the incident. But until Kajol doesn't accept his feelings, I can't do anything." "Shahrukh, please tell me, how I can accept those feelings? "Surprised, I looked around and saw Kajol crying behind me. Tanuja approached us with a smile and put his hands tenderly on our faces. "I retreat. I have told Ajay that you will stay here tonight. Kajol, I'd like to ask you something. It doesn't matter how you decide, but think that first of all you are Kajol. And if you are happy, your children will be happy too." She kissed us on the forehead and entered the house.

From Kajol's point of view

My mother retired. Shahrukh carefully took my hands and led me to the bank. I felt his gaze. I felt his worries. Whispering, I asked, "Shahrukh, what are you doing here?" "Kajol, your mother called me." After that answer, we both look far away. We didn't say anything else but I just felt that Shahrukh was caressing my hand. After a while, Shahrukh asked "Kajol, what did you hear?" "I heard everything." "Kajol, I have no solution and I have no idea for our problem at this moment, but I also know that I don't want to live without you anymore, I can't promise you that it will be easy or that we will not suffer, I can't give you all that. I would like to be strong for you but I can't, the only thing I can give you is my infinite love ... I looked at him I saw so much sadness in his eyes I had to say it now I had to pronounce it so as not to drown myself and not lie to me same one more time. "Shahrukh I love you." With big eyes and a kind smile, he looked at me. "I've always loved you. I love how you guide me in difficult situations, how you remind me to keep quiet, how you understand me, how you fight for me. But the first and most important reason why I love you is because you love me as I am. The simple, shrill and crazy girl. "I said, I looked at Shahrukh, he was smiling with joy." Kajol, do you know that sometimes you really bother me? "I tapped him on the shoulder" shut up Shahrukh. That's not true. "We both laughed in embarrassment, Shahrukh got up and lifted me up, and he put his arms around my waist and pulled me gently towards him, barely audible, he said," Kajol, I'm sorry I put you in a situation like the gala. That was not my intention. "I had to laugh mischievously." Why Shahrukh? I enjoyed it. "With a raised eyebrow, she looked at me earnestly, softly I took it to the wall and gently pushed it against her, I approached her face very close, I felt her heart racing, I felt alive, I did not know what would happen tomorrow. But I knew I wanted to kiss him now and I would not regret it, I softly put my lips on his and felt the warmth so long awaited in my heart.

In the morning, my mother woke us up. Shahrukh abruptly broke from the embrace and jumped up. Surprised, he tried to explain to my mother that nothing had happened. My mother smiled at him. "Kajol, how are you?" I got up and hugged her tightly. "Mom, thanks for calling him yesterday." My mother looked at me and smiled happily, "Kajol just that brightness in your eyes makes you the human being that you are." I turned to Shahrukh and rested my head on his chest. He hugged me tight "Tanuja, but I have to tell you one thing, Kajol is completely crazy, but finally she is mine." I laughed happily because I was absolutely right.

My mother had prepared the breakfast. We sat at the table while my mother's servant whispered something in his ear. My mother got up immediately. "Shahrukh disappears into the kitchen, Ajay is here to find Kajol." My heart stopped beating. Sad I looked at Shahrukh. He came to me and hugged me tight. "Kajol you can do it, I'll always be with you. I closed my eyes and waited for Ajay to enter.

From Shahrukh's point of view

I stayed in the kitchen and heard Ajay enter the house. I felt the anger in me. How could I be here as a man that I am and let Kajol suffer in that way? At that moment, the plan matured in me to free Kajol. Release her from the grip of her responsibility, but especially free her from the clutches of that man.

When two souls have to meet, destiny brings worlds closer, erases distances, unites roads and challenges the impossible.

I hope you like the same thing that I liked to write it.

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