Chapter 22

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"Kajol, what's wrong with you?" Shahrukh was worried because he had noticed the sadness in my eyes. Shahrukh rested his head in my lap. As if I suspected what was happening in me. The team members looked at us, but looked down. Everyone had seen us and yet they didn't perceive us. They left us alone. Nobody wanted to disturb this intimate moment, between two loving people. I gently stroked her hair and closed my eyes. I didn't want anyone to notice my tears. When Shahrukh raised his head, I also saw those tears in his eyes. Once again, he had read my mind. "Shahr ..." Shahrukh put his finger on my lips. "Shhhh Kajol, if Allah wants, he will show us a way." He tenderly took my face, in his hands, and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't hold back my tears. Shahrukh noticed that Rohit was coming to us. I had to try to close those dark thoughts in my heart.

The day of filming was very difficult. I had to act like a happy Meera. But it didn't work. I forgot my text or I was wrong in the scene. They were very patient with me. Shahrukh helped me through the scenes but it didn't fit. We finished that scene and Shahrukh changed the plans. So I was able to return to the hotel. I went to take a shower. When the warm water touched my face, I started crying. Mickey's words had shown me the hard truth. He cheated on me We cheated. We had made a lie our truth. And this was beginning to break us. Each day that passed, I had more and more feelings for this man. How should I stop this? I would die for this love.

I got out of the shower and saw Shahrukh standing in the doorway. He cried. He had heard me scream in pain. Shahrukh came cautiously towards me and hugged me so hard that I lacked the air to breathe. We didn't say a word. Any spoken word would have been superfluous now. I heard a soft sob from Shahrukh. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and I couldn't say anything. I gently wiped the tears from his face. "Shahrukh ..." I couldn't continue because his phone started ringing. He looked at him and looked at me with wide eyes. I knew immediately that it was Gauri. He entered the living room and left me crying. Shahrukh had decided against me in that situation.

From Shahrukh's point of view.

When I saw that Gauri was calling, I looked at Kajol in surprise. How should I react now? I saw Kajol cry. It broke my heart to see her like this. But I had to take this conversation. I entered the living room and saw Kajol kneel and cry. I answered the call with a broken voice. "Hi honey, how are you?" I tried to suppress my feelings, Gauri spoke a little and asked how the filming was going, she also asked about Kajol, Gauri has always been a good wife to me, she did everything for me, she adored me. I was her centre of life, in all situations she was always faithful, I loved this woman, but it was a different kind of love, I respected her, she had allowed me a lot in life and was finally the mother of my children. But I could never love her as I loved Kajol, Kajol had conquered my heart from the first day, and with her art, she showed me what it really meant to love, I loved her with every fiber of my body. "Shahrukh?" Gauri took me out of My thoughts. "Yes, I'm still there." "Shahrukh Abram wants to see you." I couldn't do it, Gauri would have immediately noticed that something was wrong, I said that I did not have time anymore, we said goodbye and hung up.

When I returned to the bathroom, Kajol was curled up on the cold floor. Completely naked, frozen and crying, like never before. It completely destroyed me to see her like this. I tried to be strong. I took a towel and covered his cold skin. But I felt Kajol recoil. I looked at her questioningly. His eyes were full of pain. "Shahrukh leave me in peace, go and talk to your wife." His words hit my heart.

From Kajol's point of view

I wiped the tears from my face and picked up the towel. My pain turned into fury. I was dying, but Shahrukh was talking quietly with his wife. How should I accept this? Shahrukh was still looking at me questioningly. In a low voice, he asked me: "Kajol, what should I have done?" I should have interrogated myself. "What should you have done Shahrukh? Do you ask me that seriously? I'm dying from the feelings I have for you and you're asking me what you should have done?" I yelled. I felt the hot tears fall down my cheeks. Shahrukh lowered his gaze. I became more noisy. "You say you love me but you have Gauri in your heart, you say you're longing for me, but you jump when she calls." Angry I hit him in the chest. "Gau ... Kajol ...?" I looked at him in shock. "Yeah, really, you're calling me Gauri?" I couldn't do it anymore. I felt that my heart was breaking into a thousand pieces. I turned to leave the bathroom. I stopped at the door without turning around. In a low, querulous voice, I heard myself say. "What an irony of fate, where our bodies and souls merged for the first time, fate divides our hearts forever." Without turning around, I went into the room and packed some things.

From Shahrukh's point of view

Kajol came out of the bathroom. Crying I looked at her. She was absolutely right. I had promised her a paradise and now she was giving him hell. He had broken his heart. With only one mistake, he had lost everything.

Thinking about not following your dreams is the biggest mistake of your life.

I leave you my new Chapter I hope you like it.

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