Chapter 7

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After this confession, we both cry. How could a single person love so much? What had I done to the universe to be punished in such a way? I loved this man. I loved him too much. But it wasn't allowed. Carefully, I let go of his arms and looked at him. I have never seen such sadness in Shahrukh before. He was devastated. He had opened his heart to save us. He had revealed his soul to me. Now we were here. We wanted nothing more than to kiss, touch and feel. But we couldn't do it. Barely audible, I said, "Shahrukh, how are we going to continue? How can we live with this?" He looked at me helplessly. "Kajol, I don't know, I don't have a plan for this, I just know that I can't suppress my feelings for you anymore, it's getting harder, only your sight triggers something in me that I can't control." He understood it too well. I knew what to do, Shahrukh took my hand and began to play with each of my fingers, touched the tip of my finger and gently ran his hand along it, I enjoyed that touch, as I always did. "Shahrukh? I think I should leave now. "He looked at me sadly. "Kajol, can I ask you something?" I didn't think much, "Shahrukh, you can always ask me whatever you want." He put his hands on my hip and pulled me close. "Stay with me tonight, I promise we will not do anything, but I will draw strength tonight to live the future without you." I looked at him in surprise. "Shahrukh that just makes it harder for us. How can we look us tomorrow?" "Kajol, I beg you." I didn't know what to do. How should I explain everything? How could we spend a night as friends? Are we still friends? "Kajol?" Shahrukh pulled me out of my mind. Without thinking, I answered "Ok, give me two hours and I'll be back." Oh God, why did I say that? How could I handle this now? I felt my heart speed up. I felt so bad. I saw that Shahrukh smiled. "Ok I'll wait to you here."

On the way home, I felt like a traitor. I would tell my husband a lie to spend the night with Shahrukh. Was he really such a bad person? At that time, I also felt that I had the right. Hadn't Jay done it several times? Had not he lied to me for almost a year? Wasn't almost close to ending the marriage? Don't I have the same right as him? Would he have the strength to descend to that level?

When I entered our house, it was quiet. I was surprised because Jay wanted to pick up the children. I found a note from Jay in the hall.

"Kajol the children spend the night with your mother, I'll be back tomorrow night, I had to go to Deli in the short term."

I took a deep breath. Jay made a decision for me. I went to take a shower and I fixed myself a little. But when I took my earrings out of the box, I saw it. My golden ring. My talisman Jay had given it to me for the first day of the filming of DDLJ. He should protect me and guide us. There was the ring. As a symbol of Jay's love for me. In my coffin in our room. I took it and put it on my finger. Not even an hour before, Shahrukh had touched that finger tenderly and let me feel happy with that touch. Now I saw my ring on that finger. Couldn'0t. Was not allowed. How was I going to give Shahrukh one night? How was I going to look in the mirror? No, it did not allow me to weaken. We had already talked enough. In a way, we even said too much. It would have been better if we had handled it like in KKHH. If we had kept silence, time would have buried those feelings. But now not only was my marriage at stake but also our friendship. I could not do this.

"I'm not going, do not wait for me today and not for the movie, we're cheated, we have friendly feelings and we confuse it with love, I'm sorry but I love my husband."

I sent the message to Shahrukh and collapsed inside. How could he have allowed it? I felt the tears running down my face. I cried out in pain. My heart tensed. I sank on the floor. I lost everything. I lost myself, but the worst thing was losing Shahrukh.

In the morning I woke up lying on the floor. My eyes burned and my heart hurt. I remembered the words of Shahrukh. "Kajol, the only truth I know is that I love you from the first day ... And I will do it until my last day." Unfortunately there was another truth and it was that he was Mr. Khan and I was Mrs. Devgan. I got up and saw that my phone was vibrating. He had written. Several messages throughout the night. When I raised my hand to open them, I saw my ring again. I could not let it happen. I had to stay strong. I marked everyone and I deleted them. Tears ran down my face and my heart ached when he heard me say, "Shahrukh forgives my infinite love for you, but I can't."

When I got out of the shower, I looked in the mirror. My eyes were swollen and my soul was hurt. And yet, he had to be strong. Because I was Mrs. Kajol Devgan. Wife and mother.

I hope you enjoy the new Chapter

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