Chapter 20

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I left the hotel and went to the park. I had to think clearly. Shahrukh had infuriated me. I was 40 years old and had to justify myself to a man again? I didn't want this. I had been repressed for Ajay for years. I went to the cafeteria and ordered tea. I sat by the water and enjoyed the warm spring sun on my skin. I closed my eyes and remembered the touches of Shahrukh. He had managed to please me in a way that scared me. I had forgotten all my doubts. I opened my eyes and took my script. I didn't notice that Varun was coming. He sat down in front of me and smiled at me. "Has Mr. Khan ruined your day in such a way that you prefer to be here?" I looked at him questioningly, "Varun, what do you want to tell me?" Varun moved a little towards me and whispered to me: "Kajol, don't you think I didn't already know?" I kept calm because I knew Varun, I just wanted to be intimidated. Varun, if you've always known, why don't you stop flirting with me? "I looked at Varun seductively, it was obvious to him now that the situation was unpleasant for him, Varun immediately changed the subject and I laughed at him. time over the next few days. "Kajol I have to go. The others are already waiting. "Varun kissed me on the cheek and left, I leaned on my chair and put on my glasses." When I looked up and saw far away, I saw Shahrukh standing on the small bridge of the river. He looked at me through his sunglasses, and even through his glasses, I felt his eyes, I took my script and turned around, and after a while he came to me. a soft kiss on the cheek. "Hey Kajol, are you practicing? Tomorrow the shots will definitely be fun. "Shahrukh tried to cover the situation. But I showed him the coldness. He took my hand and kissed it. "Kajol?" But I ignored him and kept reading my script. Shahrukh took my chin and lifted it up a bit, so I had to look at it. "Kajol, please don't be like that with me." I took off my glasses and looked at him "Shahrukh, how am I with you?" He stroked my cheek gently. "Kajol you're cold, you have that look." I took a deep breath and tried to respond calmly. "Shahrukh, do I look like this? How was your appearance before? You almost killed me and Varun, with your eyes. What should that be? Am I locked in the hotel when Mr. Khan works? Shahrukh I like Varun. He is nice, funny and as chaotic as me. But that's it. I do not feel like making me feel bad every time we play on the set because you can't stop your jealousy. "Shahrukh looked at me sadly." Kajol, I can't control this. I love you I don't want anyone to come near you. I just can't stand it. Your smile, your appearance, your touch should apply only to me. "I was angry but I felt a little sorry for him, I knew his jealousy and I knew I could never control his feelings." Carefully, I went to his face and whispered softly in his ear: "Shahrukh, yesterday you made me yours, that's not It was enough for you. Do I have to prove it again? "I leaned back and looked at his flushed face. He smiled at me." Kajol, if you ask, we were not finished yet or? " "Shut up Shahrukh." Shahrukh hugged me and we both laughed. He was very shy, speaking only yesterday made him blush.

After a quiet morning, we met with the team at lunchtime. Rohit had scheduled the meeting to talk about the scenes of the cars. Shahrukh and I had made some changes. Shahrukh explained the changes and I was having fun throwing it. He touched his leg gently under the table to a certain place or played with his hand. But all very discreet, so that nobody noticed something. But Shahrukh made him nervous. I felt his uncertainty. The meeting continued until the afternoon and I got bored. I picked up my phone and saw that Varun again asked me if we would like to go to the club at night. I didn't ask Shahrukh and I accepted.

In the afternoon we prepare. Shahrukh wasn't enthusiastic, but neither did he want to start a new discussion. He put on jeans and a blue shirt. I dressed and put on some jeans and a white blouse. Before leaving the room, Shahrukh embraced me and gently kissed me on the neck. I enjoyed this touch and I kissed it. "Shahrukh?" "Haan" "Shahrukh we have to go, I want to go to the club." Shahrukh seemed disappointed. "OK let's go." We left our room and went down to the club. It was well packed. Some of the crew members had prepared tables. Shahrukh took me by the hand and cornered me. Rohit sat next to me and talked to us. After a while, Kriti and Varun arrived. I can't say why, but I just didn't like it. I didn't like his style. And what I liked the least was the way he talked to Shahrukh, or rather, the way he looked at him. I felt a growing zeal. I have never felt something like this.

Shahrukh went to the bar with Varun and Rohit. They wanted to drink something when I saw Kriti take him by the hand and take him to the dance floor. My stomach was hunched and my heart ached. After the team noticed that Shahrukh danced, everyone approached him and applauded. Shahrukh was now in his element and acted with all his show. But not with me but with Kriti. With each movement, each look, my heart tensed more and more. I couldn't see it anymore. I lowered my eyes and only heard the cries of the crew. Everyone celebrated their King Khan. But nobody saw that his Reyna was sitting in the quiet corner and suffering. When Shahrukh finished his show, he came to me and sat next to me. He kissed me on the cheek and noticed my eyes full of tears. "Kajol, what's wrong with you?" But I didn't want to answer him. I didn't want to show my weakness. I tried to suppress the tears. And she smiles forcedly. "Shahrukh, everything is fine." But Shahrukh noticed, of course. He took me in his arms and whispered. "I know how you feel, I know how much it hurts, but how did you tell me this morning ..." I looked at him hurting, yes, he was right, we loved each other so much that we lived in fear that everything could be broken, Shahrukh took me. We left the club and went to our room and we showed our love again.

The next morning I fought against Shahrukh. As always, he didn't want to lift himself. Manish and Mickey were already waiting for me. But Shahrukh simply wouldn't let me go. His kisses drove me crazy. After much persuasion, he let me join them. Since we didn't have cars here in Sofia, they prepared us at the hotel. When I entered the room, Manish and Mickey looked at me thoughtfully. "Manish, when did you last see Kajol so radiant?" I blushed and patted his shoulder. They were right, but I was embarrassed. After a while, Shahrukh finally joined. He sat in the mask and we started, as always with our jokes. Everyone laughed. It was like every year before. Here we were only friends Kajol and Shahrukh. And that was really beautiful.

When we left the hotel, many fans were waiting for us. As always, Shahrukh took the time to take pictures and sign autographs. I expected it annoying. When he looked at me and noticed that I was uncomfortable with the situation, he interrupted and we got into our cars. We drove to the city and joined the rest of the crew. Mickey combed my hair again and Shahrukh and Rohit passed the last adjustments. Then Rohit shouted "everyone to his position." Shahrukh and I sat at a small table and breathed deeply.

"Dilwale Take one and action"

** I hope you like the new Chapter **

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