Chapter 14

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After that, fate took over our lives. We finished Baazigar. Our lives and roads separated. I suffered every day. I dreamed about him. I felt his touches. I still smelled his smell. But in the end I was alone.

Filming with Ajay was torture. This man was cold, he barely spoke and he took me to my limits. One day my dad visited me on the set. I was really happy He greeted Ajay softly and they talked for a while. I couldn't understand how he could talk to such a man. The days after that meeting I felt that Ajay was making a great effort. He was kinder and joked with me.

I had no contact with Shahrukh for several months. I started dating Ajay. I didn't feel any feeling towards him, but he gave me security and I wasn't alone. The press followed us and made a story about the matter. I managed to suppress my feelings and accept the life that was expected of me.

One day, I found Shahrukh on the Set. He came slowly towards me. My heart stopped. Only his sight made me shudder. He stopped in front of me without saying a word. He just looked at me. We got lost in that look. There was that infinite pain again. That longing not fulfilled. He touched my face gently. Only that touch opened the scar in my heart. Disgusted, I looked at him questioningly. "Hey Kads, you've become even more beautiful." I wanted to play the strong one. I wanted to be the strong Kajol. But with his words I broke. I just felt tears accumulating in my eyes. Startled, Shahrukh looked at me. "Kajol, what's wrong with you?" But I couldn't answer. It wasn't allow me to respond.

When I received the offer for Karan and Ajun, I accepted without knowing who my partner would become. Ajay and I officially form a relationship. I accepted him by my side. I found a way to direct this relationship without breaking it. But when I knew that Shahrukh had assumed the role, I froze. Why did fate punish me in such a way? How should this survive? I had to stay strong. He couldn't let Shahrukh know anything.

The filming began and we got lost in a world full of jokes, gadgets, touches, hugs and intimacy. The whole team always looked at us with suspicion. But we didn't care. This time we enjoyed it. I admonished myself, every day again, to not allow feelings. But it was too late. I forgot who he was. I just wanted it. One morning we had to shoot a kiss. Shahrukh talked about the scene with me. "Kajol, how are we going to do this scene? I don't want to embarrass you, and I don't know if your Mr. Devgan agrees to kiss his fiancée." I would have loved to make that kiss but he would not let me. I would have been betrayed. I would not have my emotions under control. "Shahrukh, put your hands on my face so they don't see you kiss me on the chin." Shahrukh looked sad. I didn't understand that sadness. At that moment, I didn't understand why he was looking at me painfully. We take our positions and we begin. But we ruined the first shots completely. Or we hit our heads or Shahrukh didn't put his hands properly on my face. We laughed constantly and could not handle the scene. It was getting late and the team was sent home. The director noticed that the scene was uncomfortable for us. There were only a few on the set. He came to us and we talked about the scene again. Shahrukh put himself in position and leaned toward me. Gently he whispered in my ear ... "I'm sorry I love you so much." I couldn't react anymore. He took my face in his hands and kissed me. He put his lips on mine. I froze. I just felt that I was beginning to respond to that kiss. I couldn't interrupt it. Shahrukh released his hands from my face and grabbed my hip. He pulled me closer and kissed me passionately. He reached with one hand my hair and pulled my head closer to hers. Our tongues touched and ignited an explosion of pleasure within us. It was burning inside me. Never had a man kissed me like that. I would kiss him until my lips were worn out. But when I managed to control my thoughts, I abruptly withdrew from that kiss. What have we done? Completely out of breath, I realized at that moment that we were not alone. I looked with fear. I looked at Shahrukh with horror. "Kajol, I'm sorry ..." Without saying a word and embarrassed, I run away. Shahrukh followed me and grabbed my arm. I threw it and yelled "why did you do that? Why didn't you stick to the plan? Shahrukh, why are you doing this to me? ..." Kajol please, I don't know ... Please, believe me, I didn't want that. Please, I just couldn't control myself. " "Shahrukh, didn't you ask to control yourself? Why are you doing this to me? "I felt tears running down my cheeks. Shahrukh gently touched my face and wiped it. He lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes. "Kajol I'm sorry I was not allowed to do it but I love you I'm suffering with this damn love I know you love Ajay but I love you. And I can't live with this." Surprised, I looked at him. What should I say now? He was married and I was just before the engagement, I was not allowed in. At that moment, I felt my heart break. "Shahrukh, you must not love me." Crying, I tenderly put my hands on his face. "Shahrukh, we are not made for each other." I paused, because what I was going to say would be the lie of my life. "Shahrukh, I love Ajay and I will marry him, please don't make it harder than it is." I split my heart to lie to him like that. Shahrukh put his forehead against mine and said in a low, broken voice: "Kajol, why didn't you enter my life a year before?" I couldn't answer I didn't have strength anymore. We both stayed there. A love so infinite and still unfulfilled. A love without a future. A love that united two people and yet separated them. A love for which there was no description. "Shahrukh you will forget, you will learn that it was only a butterfly that made you feel this." With each lie, my heart died a little more. "Kajol I will never forget this kiss and I'll wait for you until the end of my life, and I'll fight against fate until you understand that we're just made for each other." I felt his tears on my face, I felt that I had just broken his heart and that I would blame it all my life.

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