Chapter 37

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After a short night, I woke up next to Shahrukh. When I opened my eyes, I had to look around. I wasn't sure if I was still dreaming. This dream was so real that I still felt what I had dreamed ...

... I was only 16 years old and had decided to shoot Bekhudi. The school wasn't for me. I wanted to follow in the footsteps of my ancestors. I knew I had the talent and I really wanted it. I had made that decision and nobody agreed, but I was going to keep my word and make this movie.

The first day of shooting, my mother accompanied me. It was very exciting. I already knew many people from the filming of my mother. But this time, I was in the centre. Everyone around me tried to please me and help me with everything. Everything worked immediately and over time I was relaxing. After a few days of filming, I said goodbye and wanted to leave. I turned around and collided with someone. So firm that our heads collided. I breathed deeply to give a scream ... But when I raised my eyes, I looked into the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. The words stuck in my throat. I couldn't talk. He smiled at me and I saw those little dimples. I saw his face and saw that he was talking to me, but I didn't hear his words. I was completely trapped in its radiance. When he gently slapped me on the shoulder, I jerked briefly and looked at him questioningly. "Hello, are you ok?" I nodded, because I still had no tone. "I am Shahrukh and who are you? I have never seen you here ..." I noticed that he smiled lovingly and finally had to stop me. I shook my head and said almost whispering, "I am Kajol Mukherjee, daughter of Tanuja and Shomu Mukherjee." Oh, my God, Kajol, why don't tell him your whole life. In this moment I wanted to be buried in the earth. I was so ashamed of myself. I was so intimidated. I didn't even wait for your answer. I was about to leave when I felt him holding my wrist. I turned carefully and looked directly at those beautiful brown eyes. They smiled at me "Kajol, I'm happy to meet you and I hope to see you more often ..." He released me and left. I stared at him without taking his eyes off her.

After this shock, we saw each other every day. Either he was looking for me or I was looking for him. We spent all our free time together. More and more I fell in love with him. But he knew he could not, because in 8 weeks he would marry his great love, Gauri. Shahrukh had already made some movies and was on the rise of success. I tried to say I could not feel it, but I could not help it. After my session, Shahrukh came to me ... "Kajol, can I take you home?" I didn't think and I nodded. In retrospect, I was worried that this would have been the right decision. We sat in his car and drove a little until I realized we were not going to my house. "Shahrukh, where do you want to go? I have to go home ..." Shahrukh smiled slightly embarrassed and winked at me. "Kajol, keep calm, I just want to show you something." Her response made me uncomfortable, I got nervous, where he did want to go? After a while, I saw that we had reached a beach, stopped and opened my door. I looked at him questioningly "Kajol come, I want to show you my dream ..." He tenderly took my hand and we walked a little. When I realized that I was still holding my hand, I wanted to pull her back, but he held her. I was blushing. We were walking here on the beach as a couple. In front of a large estate, we stopped. He turned to me and pointed. "Can you see that?" I nodded, but I did not understand it. "Someday I will have my home here. It will be my own world in this great unjust world. Here there will only be my laws. There will only be friendship, love and family." His words touched my heart and I finally fell in love with this man. He put his forehead on mine and we both breathed deeply. For the first time, I felt how much I was attached to this man. Something invisible united us. We forget everything that surrounds us and we are left with the eyes closed for a while. Only the warm rain of Mumbai separated us for a brief moment. Shahrukh took my hand again and we ran towards the vehicle. But the rain grew stronger and we sought refuge in a small cabin. We were both soaked. I tried to dry my hair when I noticed that Shahrukh's eyes burned in my body. Sad I was watching him. What did that look mean? "Shahrukh?" He noticed that he looked at him and blushed. "I'm sorry, Kajol, but I didn't realize how beautiful you are, I don't know how to say it, but I'm jealous of the rain, because it's gotten closer to your skin than I ever will." I tried not to blush but the words of Shahrukh unchained something in me. Suddenly, it was not little Kajol anymore. No, it was a woman who had fallen madly in love with a man. I approached him carefully and placed my hand gently on his cheek. Shahrukh looked at me with wide eyes ... I smiled at him and rested my head on his chest. Silently I heard myself say ... "Shahrukh, why are we here?" I felt him swallow hard. "Kajol, I wanted to show you my dream and tell you something ... But I can't find the words ..." Shahrukh paused. I noticed that his heart was racing, he took a deep breath and started again ... " From the first day I met you, I can't think of anything else. You are always in my mind. If you are not here, I hear your voice in my mind. Your jokes make me smile with my heart. Your eyes have burned in my soul. Your Words touch my heart and your voice serene my soul. I want to realize my dream with you, because you are my dream."

After his words, I just looked at him. I couldn't say anything. Should I tell him that I feel the same way? I raised my head and looked at him. Silent and almost inaudible, I replied, "Shahrukh, I also feel this for you, you are also my dream, but ..." Shahrukh put his finger on my lips. Very tenderly, he took my face in his hands and put his soft lips on mine. At that time, I felt I had done everything right. I knew that he was my dream. And I knew I would fight for this dream.

When I realized where I was, I realized that everything was just a dream. But only I had the power to shape my future as I wanted it to. And hell, I wanted to live that dream now. I got up cautiously and dressed. I left Shahrukh's house and stopped a taxi.

When I got out of the taxi at the hotel, I felt strong. For the first time in all these years I was myself. Now I would set the course of my future and finally correct my decision at that moment. I took the elevator and smiled as the images of a few hours passed through my mind. When the doors opened, I went to our room and hit the door hard ...

Ajay opened the door and immediately looked at me angrily. His eyes pierced me. But for the first time, I felt strong enough to face it. I pushed it aside and entered the room. In the middle of the room, I stopped and looked at him. My eyes darkened "Ajay, we have to clarify something ..." Ajay was about to speak again, but I didn't allow it. "No, you will listen to me now and wait until Mr. Devgan has finished." All the last years, I let myself be intimidated by you and you could make all the decisions for me. This ends now I have decided to separate myself from you I will not spend another day looking for something that I will never find in you. You will have to accept this decision, and if you think of having to go with this information to the press to put false rumours in the world, do it, but remember, I will not be the loser of this game if not you will be ... Only for me you are in Bollywood where you are." With each word Ajay's eyes darkened even more. I was throwing fire. He had realized that he had lost me. Step by step he came up to me and grabbed me by the arm ... "Kajol think three times if you really want to do this ... I will give you ... "I didn't let him continue, I walked away from him and yelled at him." Ajay, what did you not understand in my words? I don't need to think about this. I'll leave you and take the children. When you can speak normal with you, I will look for a solution with you about the deal. But with this conversation, everything has been arranged for me. But one thing I would like to make clear ... "I got so close to him that I felt his breath on my face, and with my strong voice I said" Do not you ever dare threaten me again. "I turned around and left him planted.

At night, Shahrukh and I were on the small balcony of his house enjoying the bright Night in London. Shahrukh was behind me, holding me in his arms. Our hearts beat at the same rhythm and our souls peacefully rested. "Kajol, I'm very proud of you, you fought for your dream and you did not run after him." I turned around and sealed his lips with a tender kiss Yes, I was strong. Finally, I was strong enough to accept that I had also made mistakes and that I didn't have to live them ...

Dreams are to be realized, not to run after them.

I hope you have enjoyed my chapter and you will be with me again next week when SRKajol can finally live their love ...

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See you next Saturday

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