Chapter 23

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I heard her sob from the bedroom. What should I do? I hurt her a lot. Carefully, I left the bathroom and went to her. She had taken her suitcase and was stuffing things. I said nothing. I knew Kajol. Every word I had said, she would have felt attacked. I went to her and took her hand gently. Angry, she looked at me, but I returned that sad look. I knew her too well. He tried to let go of her hand, but I held on to it harder. I looked at her demandingly. She understood that look and relaxed her hand. I took her to the living room and put her on the couch. I knelt in front of her and looked at her. "Kajol ... please, forgive me, I know it was a mistake." Kajol looked at me, his eyes were swollen and red as fire. "Shahrukh, how could you call me Gauri?" I was ashamed but I couldn't reverse it. "Kajol, for please, forgive me But you have to believe me, I love you. Yes, Gauri is in my heart. I passed beside her, more than 20. And yes, Kajol, I love her. But it's a different love. It isn't comparable to the feelings that you cause in me. Kajol looked at me suspiciously. "Kajol, can't you tell me that Ajay doesn't care, you have a past in common, you have children, you have ..." I couldn't go on because Kajol put his finger on my lips. "Shahrukh, there is no one in this world who knows the truth like you, you know I got married to free you, you know that this marriage was just a commitment for me, yes, Shahrukh, I have a past with him, but I have also had very painful moments. with him, and if you ask if I have feelings for him, no, it's definitely not love. " Kajol's words hit me hard. She had sacrificed herself for me all these years. And I was too cowardly to accept it. "I know that the question burns in you, how can we forget what we experienced when we returned to our lives. Kajol, I can't give you an answer. I can't even tell you what tomorrow will be like. Because I just don't know. All I know is that I want to enjoy every second with you. And if I'm going to suffer for this, it's worth it because I've lived with you these moments. "Kajol gently stroked my face. She leaned down and tenderly kissed my forehead. "Shahrukh, I'm afraid of losing you, I can live without our love, but never without you. I looked at her in shock. "Kajol remembers our oath, never, someone will separate us, never, I'll leave you, even if you don't see me, I'm always with you, and that will never change."


I was on my way to the airport when my phone rang. "Hi." "Hi, Shahrukh, here's Ajay." My heart stopped. I knew immediately that something had happened. "Ajay, what's wrong with Kajol?" My heart beating hard. I was shaking everywhere. "Shahrukh, she needs you, Shomu died." The voice remained in my throat. I tried to answer but I couldn't find words. "Shahrukh, can you come right now?" I was still trying to talk. But more than a yes, I didn't say . I immediately yelled at my driver to turn around. My assistant tried to explain to me that I shouldn't miss the flight. I looked at her angry. "Cancel everything, immediately, I will not fly to Delhi, Kajol needs me, and there's nothing more important, is that clear?" Stunned, she nodded at me, immediately started talking on the phone, and immediately showed my driver how to drive. I felt the knot in my throat, how could Kajol be with this hard loss? How could I help her? The journey lasted an eternity. When we entered the courtyard, Ajay was already waiting for me. We salute with a firm handshake. "Shahrukh, Kajol is in the bedroom. I can't calm her I have to go. Tomorrow we have the premiere and I can't delay it anymore. Please take care of it. I'll call you later." Ajay got in his car and drove off, still, I stayed rooted in the place, how could I leave her alone in this condition? I went into the house and an employee took me to his room. the door and I saw her crying in the bed huddled.

From Kajol's point of view

I heard the door open with care. I looked away and saw Shahrukh. Immediately, I jumped and ran towards him. He hugged me tightly. I started crying like a little girl, who had been left alone in this world. I kept crying. Shahrukh didn't say a word. I gently stroked my hair and it only gave me its closeness. For a long time we stayed that way. I crying and Shahrukh caressing me. Shahrukh separated and looked at me. Gently he dried my tears with his hands. He took my hands and kissed them. Without words, he understood my pain. Without words, he understood my loss. And without words, he understood how much I suffered. Shahrukh took my face and kissed me warmly on the cheek. He put his arm around my shoulders and we went to bed. We sit down and we look at each other. Shahrukh took my hand and crossed our fingers. "Kajol, if I could, I would take the pain but I can't, but I know how strong you are, you will achieve it small, you will always carry this loss inside you, but you will find a way to live with it." Shahrukh's words were harsh, but they were honest. That was what he loved in him. Your honesty No matter how hard that loss was, I would have to learn to live it. I looked at him with teary eyes. "Shahrukh why, why so early?" Shahrukh swallowed. It was obvious that he hadn't found an adequate way to live with the loss of his parents. With tears in his eyes, he looked at me. "Kajol the question, I will never be able to answer you, but I have faith in our God that everything is fine, keep your father in your memory, he was an awesome man who gave his daughters the best education, love and honesty. " Shahrukh's words hit my aching heart in a beneficial way. They gave me confidence. "Shahrukh, how am I going to overcome the ceremony tomorrow? I can't do it alone, please be with me." I saw that Shahrukh struggled with himself. "Kajol, I wouldn't like anything, but I can't do it, I would break up and then I wouldn't be the owner of my feelings, there are thousands of people tomorrow, Chambers, press and Ajay, we can't do that, but I already called Karan. in the morning, he will be with you, and I will be in your heart every second." Shahrukh rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a bracelet. "Kajol carries this tomorrow. I will use mine too. That way we will be connected in our own way. I picked up the bracelet and put it on the upper arm. I looked at him. He was right as always. If he were with us tomorrow, we would attract all the attention. And we couldn't and should not do it. "Shahrukh I love you." I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Shhhh Kajol, I know and I love you, and I swear grave that nothing and nobody will ever separate us, I will always be here for you if you need me."

From Shahrukh's point of view

Kajol lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. I knelt in front of the bed and gently stroked her hand. She had found some peace and had fallen asleep. I spent the whole night with her. I didn't close my eyes. I watched her all night. In a strange way, God had united us. He had taken us, our loved ones, but with that he had brought us closer.

Back in the day

Never, someone will separate us. I will never leave you. Even if you don't see me, I'm always with you. And that will never change. And certainly not after having taken this step. You are mine and you always will be. I know your fear and I know your concerns. And believe me, I have the same. I develop feelings for you that scare me but also make me happy. Kajol let us live these months as if they were the last in our lives. We will enjoy a love that we haven't been able to live until today. We will give ourselves with body and soul. And if we have to return the memories we will lock them in our hearts. They will give us the strength to keep going.

From Kajol's point of view

The words of Shahrukh gave me lost hope. I put him on the couch and kissed him. He was right, nothing and no one would ever separate us. We were here to give ourselves the dreamed love. And what would come tomorrow, we would see tomorrow and we would face each other. In the infinity of our love, we were only us.

I hope you like this Chapter

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