Chapter 18

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When I noticed his emotion, I retired. It was not that I didn't want it. I coveted, but I felt it too early. Yes, we were two adults. But in spite of everything, we were never together. We didn't have time to enjoy being in love. I didn't want to go to the next level. Shahrukh opened his eyes and looked at me. He was uncomfortable. I looked at the vault in his pants and looked embarrassed to the ground. "Shahrukh, I'm sorry, but I'm not ready yet." Shahrukh immediately got up and took my face in his hands. "Shhhh Kajol, I told you, I'll give you all the time in the world." At the time, I felt like a child, but I still could not allow this proximity, something in me told me it was not right.

That night, we both didn't find the dream. It felt the crunch between us. The flame had not died. Shahrukh took me in his arms and I felt the beat of his heart. Silent, gentle and soft. That tone calmed my soul. I gently stroked his chest. He had trained for this movie and I felt his muscles tense. I looked at him and saw that he had closed his eyes. Carefully, I withdrew from his embrace and went to the bathroom. I had to try to erase that lust in me. This man drove me crazy. Not only physically but also mentally. He managed to touch me in a way that nobody else did. I decided to take a bath. From the bathtub, the whole city was visible. The lights were reflected in the tiles and I had the feeling of being in the universe. I let my negligee slide off my shoulders and go into the tub. The warm water relaxed my muscles. I closed my eyes and sank into my dreams. I can't say exactly how long I was relaxed. When suddenly I felt two warm hands on my shoulders. They touched me softly like feathers. Immediately I felt again that burning flame between my thighs. I couldn't deny myself more. I couldn't stand it. I closed my eyes and threw my head back. Shahrukh leaned over my head and touched my lips softly. It wasn't a kiss, it was just a soft touch. With that soft touch I got the beautiful point. He kissed my eyelids and gently stroked his tongue across my neck until just before my breasts. I moaned softly, through his touches. I leaned enthusiastically so that my breasts broke the surface of the water. Shahrukh stopped when he saw me full of lust. I looked at him full of desire. "Kajol, are you sure, because if not, I can't control myself again, I love you now and here, I want to feel you, taste and smell you, I want to satisfy your lust, I got up and left the bathtub slowly, I enjoyed his look." Shahrukh, Take me now and make me yours forever. "Surprised, Shahrukh stared at me.

From Shahrukh's point of view

Surprised, I looked at Kajol. I've never heard her speak like that before. But it moved me. She knew exactly what she wanted. And I was going to give it to her. She is wonderful. The lights of the city reflected on his honey-coloured skin. Let my eyes slide over her breasts to her mound. I saw the drops slip along her tender breasts. I felt the growing desire in me. I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. Despite the wet skin, she burned. I felt a slight movement in his hip, which was answered immediately by me with a slight sigh. I kissed her wildly and passionately. Our languages were played in a soft but demanding way. I kissed her neck and whispered, "Kajol, you're so sexy, Kajol, I'll give you everything." Kajol moaned softly, noticing that she was leaning for emotion, so she spread her breasts, I touched her breasts gently with my tongue. "Shahrukh, if you please keep going." His words moved me even more. "Carefully and gently, I bit her nipples." Kajol groaned with pleasure, I stopped the game and took her to the room. I wanted more.

From Kajol's point of view

Shahrukh took off his pants and I looked at him excitedly. Now I was sure that this body was created by a god. Each muscle was tense and I could feel and see his erection. He lay with me on the bed and kissed me demanding. His hand touched me in the genital area. He gently let his fingers slide. I opened my thighs more and more. His tongue touched my stomach and moved toward my mound of pleasure. I grabbed Shahrukh in his hair and pressed him firmly against him. When I touched it, I leaned toward it. Shahrukh sank between my thighs. His touches brought me to the edge of madness. I grabbed the bed and tried not to scream out loud. Which was very difficult for me. I tried to get up, but Shahrukh pushed me back with a demanding hand. He wanted to make me suffer. Silently I moaned his name "ssshahrukhhh please ..." But I could not do anything else because he covered my face with his lap. I touched it gently with my league. I heard Shahrukh moan softly with each touch. He moved his hip slightly. He filled my mouth with his lust. I didn't want to wait anymore. I pulled away from him and pushed him demanding in bed. I sat on his erection and felt the redemption. Shahrukh pressed his pelvis against mine. We sink into a new world. Our separate bodies gradually lost their limits and emerged in a third body that contained all their feminine and masculine differences and erased all their anatomical contrasts. I leaned toward Shahrukh and he pushed one last time deeply. We are both inclined to salvation. We merged into a unit.

Completely out of breath, I leaned against his chest. I felt his heart beating. He was still breathing heavily. I had completely surrendered. In a way that I had never done before. I gently caressed his chest and whispered, "I love you." Shahrukh opened his eyes and looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher.

From Shahrukh's point of view

Completely out of breath, I felt Kajol in my chest. I could not speak a single word. I was scared of myself. I had never felt before what this woman had done to me. She was my Queen. My mind was searching for words. But my heart had already made a decision ...

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