Chapter 8

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After a long day of torment, I arrived home in the afternoon. Jay had called me at noon. Bad conscience bit me. I didn't forget the images of the previous day. They had sealed in my heart. Karan had tried to call me several times. He certainly already knew it. When I opened the door, I heard familiar voices. Rohit, was with Jay sitting at the table. And with the back to me was Shahrukh. The three were talking. When they heard me, they turned to me. I was speechless at the entrance. My legs were shaking, my heart was racing. Why did he have to show up now? Why couldn't he just leave me alone? What should I do now? I had to stay strong. It wasn't allowed to show a single emotion. I went to Jay and I gave him a soft kiss. After all, I hadn't seen him yet and he was my husband. Rohit hugged me briefly. As I leaned towards Shahrukh, he grabbed my arm tightly. He didn't pull it, but squeezed it tightly. I felt his anger, and the fire burning in him. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him with cold eyes. "Why are you here? I told Shahrukh I wouldn't do the project." Rohit got up and put his arm around my shoulder. "Kajol, you were so excited about the script, why don't you want it now?" I pulled away from his embrace and sat down with Jay. Uncertain, I searched for his hand. I felt Shahrukh's burning eyes. I felt his questions. Jay felt my insecurity but he didn't do anything, he dropped me, as he always did, and again I made it clear that I didn't want to make this movie.

It had been a few weeks. Between Jay and me, the situation had stabilized. We returned to our daily life. I had not seen Shahrukh or spoken to him. I was just trying to suppress my thoughts about him every day. I didn't allow those feelings. I often stayed in the shower screaming of that pain that I felt in the depths of my heart. It was breaking me every day a little more. But I didn't allow this love. I accepted this pain as my punishment. I had admitted that night and revealed the depths of my feelings. This couldn't happen again.

On Saturday night, my mother and Tannisha picked me up. We were invited to one of the many Galas. Jay didn't want to go with me as usual. When I entered to the red carpet, I saw it. I was standing there. All the press focused on him. He looked at me and our eyes met. I felt the pain in my chest stretch and it was difficult for me to breathe. My mother suddenly saw my fear and took my hand. Intimidated as a child, we stand in front of the press. Again and again I looked in his direction. But he did not pay attention to me for the rest of the afternoon. At the party after the Gala, I spoke with Kareena. I had not seen Shahrukh again. It was late. I said goodbye to her to look for my sister when I was dragged to a back room. I wanted to scream, but Shahrukh had already put his hand on my mouth. Surprised, I looked at him. He pushed me against the wall with his whole body. I felt his tension. I tried to separate, but I had no chance. Angry, he looked at me, "Kajol, I told you, don't play with me, I opened my heart that night and you kicked it with your feet, you write to me, you love your husband, so I ask you, why does your heart beat up to your neck? " Shahrukh gently withdrew his hand from my mouth. But I couldn't say anything. My eyes went full of tears. "You say we lie to ourselves, so I ask you, why do you want that I touch you? Do you say we're just friends?" He came so close to my face that I could only feel his breath on my skin. "This?" Shahrukh kissed me full of passion, I wanted to fight against but I couldn't do it, I felt my mouth begin to match that kiss, Shahrukh pushed me even harder against the wall. He pulled my hips hard against his pelvis. Gently I felt his hands touching my thighs, Abruptly he broke away from that kiss, his eyes darkening again. "Kajol, I will tell you why? You are may be able to lie to yourself, but never ... you will never make your heart beat by Ajay Devgan. "He turned and left me, completely out of breath, on this wall.

A week after this incident I received the invitation of a special event. In February, they were going to celebrate 1000 DDLJ days. There were several events planned. I dropped into the chair with the invitation. How should I survive that time? How could Shahrukh and I forget everything? How should we play a friendship that we didn't have? Thousands of questions crossed my mind. I wasn't sure what to do. When Jay came through the door, I was glad. "Hello Kajol, are the children here too?" "Hi Jay, no, they're still with Tanni, can we talk? Do you have time or do you have to leave right away?" He looked at me questioningly. "Kajol, what's going on, what do you want to talk to me?" "Several events will take place in February, 1000 DDLJ weeks ..." "Kajol, don't say you're going to do that, Mr. Khan can do it over and over again?" Ajay became strong and angry. "Kajol, when will the day come when you will finally realize what this Khan is doing to you?" With every word of Ajay, anger grew in me. I pressed my hand against my chair. "Kajol, don't you realize that he has benefited from your talent all these years? Don't you see that he only wants to strengthen his ego?" Now it was enough for me. I had always supported Ajay all these years, but now the point came. I didn't want that anymore. I got up and hit my hand on the table. I shouted, "It's enough, I've always been behind you in recent years, even when you decided to release your new movie on the same day as Adiya, I asked you from the heart to postpone the film for a week. But you have remained stubborn, I have stayed behind you as your wife and I have betrayed the whole Chopra family, including Shahrukh, I have been a good and faithful wife to you all these years, I fought for you and you thanked me with Every bitch. Ajay looked at me in surprise. He had not expected such a reaction "I'll do these events. Because I'm proud to be there. I filmed this movie with pride. And it's my right to be there. And I will do the events with Shahrukh. Because he always supported me. It didn't matter in what. I took a deep breath and wanted to leave the room. When Jay grabbed my arm and said with an aggressive tone. "Kajol, I'm your husband ..." I looked at him in an icy way "Yes, you are, but I'm not your property and I never will be!" I released my grip and left the house.

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